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External link Food Stamps linked to Weight Gain Exit Disclaimer
A study out of Ohio State University has found that women who used food stamps to purchase food had higher body mass index rates than women who did not use food stamps to purchase food.
External link Cost of Obesity Tallied
The annual cost of obesity has been calculated to be about $147 Billion, which compiles medical costs paid out of Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers and the costs of prescription drugs. It is estimated that obese people spend about 42 percent or $1429 more on medical costs than normal weight people.
External link Oral Contraceptives Falter due to Obesity Exit Disclaimer
A study out of Oregon finds that obesity can curtail the effectiveness of contraceptives. Although the oral contraceptives worked for normal-weight and obese women, the drug took longer to achieve drug concentration levels to prevent pregnancy.
External link Rates Seem to Be Slowing
About one in seven preschoolers from low-income families is obese, but a study is suggesting that the increases in prevalence rates may be slowing down. In 2003 the obesity rate for this group was 14.6. In 2008 the rate was 14.8.
External link Obesity Linked to Social Network Exit Disclaimer
A study from University of Southern California researchers have found that obese children are twice as likely to have overweight friends and less likely to be named as a friend of a normal-weight child
External link Blacks Claim Top Spot for Obesity
Obesity rates have risen across the nation, but blacks have the highest rates of obesity, about 50 percent higher than other ethnic groups. Hispanics have the second highest obesity prevalence rate at 21 percent.
External link Childhood Obesity linked to Parent Exit Disclaimer
A study in the International Journal of Obesity finds that childhood obesity is strongly linked to behavioral habits of the parent with the same gender versus being a solely genetically-driven condition
External link Abdominal Fat Hampering Black Females Exit Disclaimer
Black women around the ages 20 to 29 are more likely to have more visceral abdominal fat than Hispanic women, and both groups have more fat around their abdomen then older women of the same ethnic groups.
External link Adult Obesity Rates Rise Again
Obesity rates for U.S. adults rose to about 26 percent in 2008, up from 25 percent. Colorado was the only state with a rate less than 20 percent. About 400,000 adults were surveyed.
External link Exercise Benefits Overweight Children Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the Medical College of Georgia found that overweight children who exercise daily boosted self esteem and reduced depressive symptoms.
External link NIH Partners with Subway
NIH launched their official partnership with Subway to tackle the issue of obesity under the WE CAN program.
External link B-12 May Impact Neural Tube Defects
A study out of Trinity College Dublin found that a woman’s lack of the vitamin B-12, around the time of conception may contribute to the development of neural tube defects in their child.
External link Weight Loss Obtainable for Obese Adults
A study in the Feb. 26 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine and funded by NIH, shows that diets low in calories with heart-friendly foods lead to sustained weight loss in overweight and obese adults.
External link Parents are Key Factor in Obesity Exit Disclaimer
Researchers out of UCLA have found that a strong link to teens and obesity is the amount and types of food they consume because they follow their parents’ eating habits.
External link Black Raspberries Help Fight Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from Ohio State University have pinpointed the component in raspberries that inhibited the growth of cancer cells in rats with esophageal cancer. The article appears in the journal of Cancer Prevention Research.
External link Diabetes linked to Language Delays in Children Exit Disclaimer
According to an article in Pediatrics, children of women with pregnancy-related diabetes are twice as likely to experience language development problems.
External link Obesity modifies Thyroid Function and Structure Exit Disclaimer
A new study has found that obesity in children contributes to the altering of the thyroid, which secretes hormones that power a person’s metabolism. This has caused scientists to speculate if obesity alters the thyroid, leading to a prolonged experience with obesity versus the thyroid leading to obesity.
External link Body Shape not Best Predictor of Problems Exit Disclaimer
Washington University scientists in Saint Louis have found that it’s not the body shape that determines if a person is at increased risk for heart disease, but how much fat is stored in the liver. Too much fat is known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and can lead to cirrhosis of the liver in extreme cases or metabolic problems. The study is published in the online addition of obesity.
External link Body Shape not Best Predictor of Problems Exit Disclaimer
Washington University scientists in Saint Louis have found that it’s not the body shape that determines if a person is at increased risk for heart disease, but how much fat is stored in the liver. Too much fat is known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and can lead to cirrhosis of the liver in extreme cases or metabolic problems. The study is published in the online addition of obesity.
External link Sleep Linked to Weight Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the University of Montreal finds that 26 percent of children who did not get enough sleep—at least 10 hours—were overweight by age 6. Some of the causes for fewer hours of sleep were episodes of bed-wetting, nightmares and teeth-grinding.
External link Obese Women More Impulsive Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that obese women were more impulsive than obese men and men and women with healthy weights.
External link Drug Use Increases among Young Exit Disclaimer
A study out of Saint Louis University finds that children, ages 10 to 14, have more than doubled their use of drugs for obesity-related diseases.
External link Blood Test may Predict Obesity Exit Disclaimer
A study in the International Journal of Obesity finds that a simple blood test may be all that’s needed to determine if a person is likely to become obese. Researchers state that an increase in triglyceride levels after fatty meals may be one indicator of increased risk.
External link Extra Pregnancy Weight Raises Risks Exit Disclaimer
Women who gained 40 pounds or more during their pregnancy are more likely to have a heavy baby, according to an article published in the November issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Heavy babies can lead to complications during the birth and the likelihood of obesity later in the child’s life.
External link Diseases may Delay Diagnosis Exit Disclaimer
In the online issue of Neurology, researchers from the University of Manitoba found that people with diagnosed health problems, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure and obesity, experienced delays in receiving a multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
External link Lack of Exercise quickly Seen Exit Disclaimer
A new study out of the University of Missouri finds that the negative effects of skipping exercise are seen in a short timeframe, particularly when it comes to fatty liver disease.
External link New NIH Curriculum
NIH announced that it will launch its ‘Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools’ curriculum Wednesday, Nov. 12 in D.C. The goal of this K-12 curriculum is to inspire young people to take up careers in health and science and educate them about preventing or delaying diabetes onset in their communities.
External link Retaining Health and Weight Exit Disclaimer
In the FASEB Journal, researchers are attempting to use a drug to keep obese people healthy by avoiding common obesity-related problems.
External link Breastfeeding and Obesity Link Exit Disclaimer
Temple researchers conducted a study to find out how breastfeed is linked to lower obesity rates in children. They found that children who are breastfed were able to tell when they were full, while children who were bottle fed were less likely to know they were full and had a higher BMI rate.
External link Primed for Alzheimer’s Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the Université Laval have found that the mice that were fed diets high in animal fat and low levels of Omega 3 had neurological markers for Alzheimer’s disease.
External link Low-Carb Diets alter Liver Fuction Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the November issue of Hepatology has found that if a person is on a low-carbohydrate diet, the liver will rely on other substances to produce glucose at an increased rate.
External link Bred for Obesity Exit Disclaimer
Researchers have tested which factors determine fetal overgrowth and whether or not a child will have a greater chance of being obese based on a pregnant mother’s food consumption.
External link Fructose Linked to Weight Gain Exit Disclaimer
Consuming foods with high levels of fructose can lead to leptin resistance, according to a study out of the University of Florida’s College of Medicine in Gainesville. Leptin is the hormone the body uses to regulate food consumption with energy usage. Researchers found that the resistance to leptin developed silently; there were not any noticeable indicators of resistance, making people with high-fat, high-calorie diets more susceptible to weight gain.
External link Chronic Obesity going Undiagnosed Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the Journal of Pain looks at why blacks are not diagnosed with chronic obesity as often as others and are less likely to have their BMI assessed, even though obesity has been linked to several other chronic diseases that could lead to the deterioration of health over time.
External link Naturally Curbing Hunger Pangs Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the University of California-Irvine has found that fatty foods high in unsaturated fat naturally contain oleic acid. This fatty acid is converted to OEA in the small intestine before traveling to nerve endings in the brain to tell the body it is full. Researchers found that the more they increased OEA levels, the more hunger and blood cholesterol decreased. Oleic acid can be found in avocados, olive oil and nuts.
External link High-Risk Habits Linked to Lack of Awareness [PDF, 17KB] Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the August 2008 issue of The Journal of Urology, researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health found that the more men participated in unhealthy habits like smoking, the less they were aware of the Prostate Specific Antigen or the importance of having a PSA test.
External link Combating Childhood Obesity Exit Disclaimer
A report issued during the third week of August draws attention to the fact that obesity rates in adults have risen in every state except for Colorado, leaving rates above 20 percent in the 49 states. Oregon State University Researcher Stewart Trost views obesity as a problem that begins during childhood and encourages 60 minutes of daily activity for young people.
External link Obesity increases chances of disability Exit Disclaimer
In the August 2008 edition of the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in England published their findings that show a strong link between obesity later in life and a greater likelihood of decreased mobility and disability than a link between obesity later in life and early death.
External link Appetite Controllers May Wane with Age Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from Monash University in Australia believe they have found that the brain cells that trigger a person to stop eating are attacked by free radicals and over time can lead to overeating and increased weight gain.

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