FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          CR
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995                        (202) 616-2765
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


     WASHINGTON, D.C. --  Commemorating World AIDS Day tomorrow,
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Deval L. Patrick today
reflected on the role the nation's civil rights laws play in the
lives of people living with HIV and AIDS and pledged to continue
fighting discrimination against them. 
     "Our nation's civil rights laws challenge intolerance and
outlaw injustice," said Patrick. "We will continue to make the
vigorous enforcement of these laws one of our highest priorities in
the Civil Rights Division."
     Patrick indicated that the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and the Fair Housing Act prohibit discrimination against
people with disabilities--including HIV and AIDS.  "They open doors
to people who are often shut out and, in the process, open minds as
well," Patrick added.
     Noting that all Americans share the responsibility of making
the fundamental principles of our civil rights laws a reality,
Patrick highlighted the Justice Department's national public
education campaign to inform Americans about their rights and
responsibilities under the law.  In addition to public service
announcements that have aired nationwide, the Justice Department
today began distributing a packet of questions and answers on the
ADA and persons with HIV and AIDS.
     The Justice Department already has taken action in several
cases to protect the rights of people with HIV and AIDS.  In the
past two years the Department has:
    reached an agreement with Philadelphia to ensure its emergency
     medical technicians no longer refuse to assist individuals
     with HIV;

    won two suits against dentists--in Houston and New Orleans--who 
     refused to treat patients with AIDS--intervened in a third
     suit in Bangor, Maine, and settled a complaint in East
     Hartford, Connecticut;

    succeeded in getting two firefighters, who had been discharged
     due to AIDS, reinstated in a county-funded fire department in

    reached an agreement with a California funeral parlor ensuring
     that the owner will provide his services to persons who die
     from AIDS-related complications;

    sued an Illinois-based moving company for refusing to move the
     belongings of two former Philadelphia residents because a
     neighbor who was present had AIDS;

    challenged the restrictions placed on group homes for people
     with AIDS by the city of Charlotte, North Carolina; and,

    won a case against a Pittsburgh landlord who harassed the
     tenants of group home for people with AIDS.

     "Far too often, men and women across this nation are denied
basic services and opportunities because of myths, fears, and
stereotypes," said Patrick.  "We must make the promise of equality,
opportunity, and fair play a reality for all Americans, including
those living with HIV and AIDS."  
     Last year the Justice Department established a toll-free ADA
Information line.  The number is 1-800-514-0301 or 1-800-514-0383
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