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Journals and Photos from Atacama

NES team picture


19, 20 June: The Transect

21 June: Yungay Day 1

22 June: Yungay Day 2

23 June: Yungay Day 3

24 June: Salar

26 June: Designing a New Station

27 June: Spanish Broadcast

28 June: English Broadcast

29 June: Last day at Yungay

Trip home


Matt Allner

Armando Azúa Bustos

Renée M. Condori Apaza

John Conley

Geoff Hammond

Phyllis Krueger

Linda Powers

Jim Thompson

Jacek Wierzchos

NASA Explorer School (NES) Teachers'

Final Report Documents

Matt Allner

Cherlyn Anderson

Catherine Campbell

Geoff Hammond

Phyllis Isbell

Koby VanBeest


This opportunity is brought to you in partnership with
Mars Society,
NASA Explorer Schools,
NASA Educator Astronaut Program ( NEAT)
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS),
National Society of Black Engineers - Space Special Interest Group (NSBE - Space),
Space Generation.



 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated:February 2006
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe