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Spaceward Bound Alumni
What are they doing now?

student experiencing analog studies in Australia

From Mark Gargano

Spaceward Bound Mojave 2008
Spaceward Bound Australia 2009 preparation

Student Spaceward Bound Under the Southern Cross: From our ancient past to our space future


Mark Gargano in a mars like area of Australia

Mark Gargano

Spaceward Bound Mojave 2008

Looking ahead to Spaceward Bound Australia 2009 and developing some exciting Student Spaceward Bound under the Southern Cross activities.

Eileen Poling & Hector in 0 g simulator

From Eileen Poling

Spaceward Bound Mojave 2007

Reunion of Spaceward Bound participants at the NSTA conference

photo of Jamie Molaro in lab

Jamie Molaro

Spaceward Bound Mojave 2008

Working at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois

Doug & family with petroglyphs

Doug Porter

Spaceward Bound Mojave 2007

Returned from the Mojave. The family and he spent a week in the area hiking and exploring.


Matt doing research in a cave

Matt Alner: Alum of

Spaceward Bound Atacama 2006,
MDRS 2007
Mojave 2007, and
Caving research with Jutt Wynn, 2008

Here are some pictures of the Caving in 2008 and an update on Matt's follow through on Matt's continued relationship with NASA.
field research in upper alaska at toolike Lake

Cathy Campbell

Atacama 2006

Cathy is going to be in upper Alaska at Toolik Lake Field Research Station for the entire month of July 2008.
Here's a link to PolarTrec and to her expedition page



photo of Matt Allner in the field with students

Matt Allner

Spaceward Bound Atacama 2006,
MDRS 2007
Mojave 2007

Putting a field experience together for students




 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated:May 2007
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe