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November 08, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards

Hoyer Calls Democratic Election Victories a Harbinger of Things to Come in 2006

Republicans Across the Nation Will Spend the Next Year Looking Over Their Shoulders, Says Whip

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement tonight after Democrats scored key off-year election victories in closely watched gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia:

   “Tonight’s big election victories only confirm what virtually every major poll over the last six months has shown: The Republican Party is in deep trouble with American voters.

   “You do not need to be a political guru to read the tea leaves from today’s election results.  The voters’ message is crystal clear:  They believe that our nation is on the wrong track under Republicans and they want Democrats to provide positive change.

   “The strong Democratic showing is a harbinger of things to come for Republicans in 2006.  And, I am sure that Republican candidates all across the country will be seriously weighing this daunting political environment for members of their Party.  Democrats are clearly energized and have captured critical momentum. So, I believe that many Republicans are going to spend the next year looking over their shoulders.  And Democrats will see more and more strong candidates joining our ticket.

   “With voters raising serious questions about the Republican Party’s priorities, competence and ethical behavior, it is clear to me that the stars are aligning for a big Democratic victory next November.”


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