Start! Walking for a Healthier Lifestyle

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Connect with the MyStart! Community

Searching for support and motivation? Need a fellow walker to confide in? Look no further! The MyStart! Community is here. It's a social network of "Sole Mates" looking to walk their way to better health.

Connect online with a network of people who share your goals. Trade inspiring words and tips for staying motivated. You might even find someone in your neighborhood or company to walk with! Learn more.

Join the MyStart! Community today!

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Participate in Your Local Start! Heart Walk

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Start! Heart Walk
Our signature fund-raising event, your local Start! Heart Walk is your opportunity to join  co-workers, friends and family members to fight heart disease and stroke — this country’s No. 1 and 3 killers.
Learn more about it.

Walk for health. Walk for life.
Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity and has multiple health benefits. Check them out here.

Start! Shopping

Visit Start! Shopping. Make your purchases count! Everything you buy in the Start! Shop helps increase awareness of cardiovascular disease. Start! Shopping, wear some green and show your support for the Start! movement.

Start! at Work
This is what Start! is all about — employees stepping away from their desks to get some quick and easy physical activity at work. Remember, walking can help a person reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. And healthier employees help you reduce healthcare costs. So why wouldn’t you want employees up and moving?

Promote this healthier lifestyle with our menu of tools to help get your workers up and moving. It’s easy and free. It also celebrates the many health benefits of simply walking! 

MyStart! Online Tracker is one of these tools. It’s a great way for you to track your employees' fitness progress.

The Start! Walking Program encourages employers to set up walking routes that can motivate employees to walk around the office. National Start! Walking Day,  April 8, 2009, is our special day that calls on all employees to become more active.

And keep your employees informed year-round with healthy tips from our quarterly Start! at Work newsletter. Use our information in your own company newsletters.


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Kick up your walking program with the Start! Summer Walking Guide. It's full of tips, stretches you can do, a recipe and more. Plus, it's free!


Help save lives. Join a Start! Heart Walk near you. With nearly 400 events across the nation, they're a fun way to promote healthy living and help fund the life-saving mission of the American Heart Association.
Learn more about the Start! Heart Walk.

See the great prizes you can earn for your fund-raising efforts! 

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