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 American  Law  Sources  On-line 

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Welcome to . . . the home of American Law Sources On-line (ALSO!), providing a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible on-line sources of law for the United States and Canada. (See also a link below for Mexico.) This site contains additional links to sources of commentary and practice aids that are available without charge (or available at a reasonable charge from governmental and nonprofit providers).

 See a warning about “spoofed” e-mail from LawSource, Inc. 

First-time visitors should read about using ALSO! the first time. Some visitors should read about finding an attorney and getting legal advice. Some might want to know where to lodge a complaint about a lawyer or judge.

Introductions to the legal systems of the United States, Canada, and Mexico are provided at a site maintained by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Quebec, Canada):

 Introduction to the Legal SystemUnited States • Canada • Mexico
 Introduction au système juridiqueÉtats-Unis • Canada • Mexique
 Introducción al sistema jurídicoEstados Unidos • Canadá • México

In addition, the U.S. Department of State provides a lengthy “Outline of the U.S. Legal System” (actually in narrative form). See also “How U.S. Courts Work” in 4 Issues of Democracy No. 2 (Sept. 1999), published by the U.S. Information Agency. Foreign-language versions are available: “Le Fonctionnement des Tribunaux aux États-Unis” (French); “El Funcionamiento de los Tribunales Estadounidenses” (Spanish).

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 New Hampshire 
 New Jersey
 New Mexico
 New York
 North Carolina
 North Dakota
 Rhode Island
 South Carolina
 South Dakota
 West Virginia
 American SamoaDistrict of ColumbiaGuamNorthern Mariana Islands
Puerto RicoVirgin Islands 
Amicus Curiae Briefs
Interstate, Multistate, and Boundary CompactsUniform Laws and Model Acts
Law SchoolsLaw Reviews and PeriodicalsLegal Monographs
NOTE—For Native American tribal-law sources, see the Tribal Court Clearinghouse, the National Indian Law Library, and the National Tribal Justice Resource Center.


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 British Columbia
 New Brunswick
    and Labrador
 Northwest Terri-
 Nova Scotia
 Prince Edward Is.
 Yukon Territory
Law SchoolsLaw Reviews and Periodicals
NOTE—See also brief treatments of the Canadian legal system and researching Canadian law.


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MEX. FLAG MEXICO — Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas 
NOTE—Very few Mexican law sources (hardly any in English) are available on the internet. Links are provided at the site above; therefore, links to such sources are no longer maintained on this site. See also (1) a general guide (without links) to Mexican legal materials in English and (2) a description of the Mexican legal system.


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Copyright © 1995–2008 by LawSource, Inc. All rights reserved. Copying and use are restricted. See the copyright notice, statement of purpose, and DISCLAIMER on the Welcome to ALSO! page. Citation formats generally follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (17th ed., Harvard L. Rev. Ass'n 2000). For a practical discussion based on that guide, see Martin, Introduction to Basic Legal Citation. See also a Wikipedia article.
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