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Adult Literacy

Teaching Practices

Mindful educators can find opportunities to build literacy skills throughout the preschool day.  Classroom instruction can reflect current knowledge about early literacy teaching and learning. For example, teachers can:

  • Play games like alphabet bingo to teach the names of the letter-shapes and sing songs and recite rhymes that include the sounds associated with letters.
  • Use rhymes, songs, and poems to help make children aware of sounds in language and provide opportunities to practice manipulating sounds.
  • Help children remember spoken information by giving simple, multi-step directions for activities.
  •  Read books that expose children to varied and rich vocabulary to encourage oral language development.
  • Conduct activities with books or other forms of print to help children understand how print works.

Find out more teaching practices that develop literacy predictor skills in Early Beginnings , a booklet for preschool administrators.

Last updated: Sunday, 26-Jul-2009 18:51:22 EDT

Birth to Early Childhood

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