Fall 1999 Activities and Meeting
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Volume 14: Issue 3,1999


In Print


 CDC has released two state-specific reports on tobacco use. One report, State Tobacco Control  Highlights, 1999, summarizes  information on tobacco use in all 50 States and the  District of Columbia. The other report, Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, provides states with recommended strategies for effective programs to  prevent and reduce tobacco use, eliminate the public’s exposure to second-hand smoke, and eliminate disparities related to tobacco use and its effects among different population groups. To obtain free copies, call (770) 488-5705 (press 2 for publications), or visit www.cdc.gov/tobacco/statehi/statehi.htm and www.cdc.gov/tobacco/bestprac.htm.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has released the Summary Findings from the 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. This annual survey has been the primary source of estimates of the prevalence and incidence of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use in the population since 1971. To receive a free copy, call 1-800-729-6686, or visit www.samhsa.gov/press/99/990818fs.htm.

Mental Health and Mental Disorders

The Administration on Aging has joined the National Institute of Mental Health in the nationwide release of Older Adults:  Depression and Suicide Facts. This fact sheet offers health care providers tips on recognizing signs of depression, reducing suicide risk in older adults, and promoting treatment. To learn more, visit www.nimh.nih.gov/events/prolderadults.htm, or e-mail nimhinfo@nih.gov.

Educational and Community-Based Programs

The National Eye Institute has a free Glaucoma Awareness Month Resource Guide that contains a variety of resources and materials that you can use to plan and conduct campaign activities during Glaucoma Aware-ness Month in January 2000. To obtain a copy, call 1-800-869-2020, or e-mail 2020@nei.nih.gov.



The Rural Health Policy Board of the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) has issued three policy papers. Mental Health in Rural America includes 10 recommendations to better serve the mental health needs of rural populations. Access to Health Care for the Uninsured in Rural and Frontier America looks at the impact of the lack of insurance on rural and frontier residents. A National Agenda for Rural Minority Health is the first in a series of papers in partnership with President Clinton’s Initiative on Race and can be used by state and local health and health-related agencies for setting priorities for critical rural health issues. To obtain copies, call (816) 756-3140, e-mail pubs@nrharural.org, or visit www.nrharural.org/dc/a7.html.

Educational and Community-Based Programs

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Communities Web pages are now available. These new pages answer common questions and help locate information about preventing exposure to hazardous substances at waste sites, unplanned releases, and other sources of pollution. Visit www.atsdr.cdc.gov/COM/commhome.htm.

Unintentional Injuries

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has released the Back to School Safety Checklist to help parents, teachers, and caregivers prevent injuries and death to children. By detailing where to look for hidden hazards, the checklist offers tips on making schools, child care facilities, and playgrounds safer. To download, visit www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/btscheck.html. 

Occupational Safety and Health

Good Riddance—Your Official NIH Guide to Total Disposal provides specific information and instructions on how to dispose of all un-wanted items—from computer equipment to furniture, laboratory equipment to glassware, hazardous materials to reagents. Visit http://goodriddance.nih.gov.

Environmental Health

ATSDR Public Health Implications of Exposure to PCBs summarizes the health implications associated with exposure to poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), primarily through fish consumption. To down-load, visit www.atsdr.cdc.gov/DT/pcb007.html.

In Funding

Occupational Safety and Health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced the availability of fiscal year 2000 funds for training grants in occupational safety and health. Applicants need to address the Healthy People 2000 priority area of Occupational Safety and Health. CDC expects to have $500,000 to fund three awards. Deadline for submission of applications is November 30, 1999. For more information, call 1-888-GRANTS (1-888-472-6874), or visit www.cdc.gov/od/pgo/funding/00012.htm.


14 th National Conference on
Chronic Disease Prevention
and Control: Prevention

Success 2000.
Dallas TX (301)588-6000,
e-mail elazenby@kevric.com.

November 30–December 2, 1999. 

1999 Minority Health Issues
Conference: Zero Disparities
by 2010.
Columbia, SC (803) 898-3808.
December 5–7, 1999.

 4 th HIV/AIDS & Diversity
Conference: Practice Responses.

New York, NY (212)960-0800, or visit


December 6, 1999.

The Second National Conference
on Genetics and Disease
Prevention: Integrating
Genetics into Public Health
Policy, Research and Practice.

Baltimore, MD (301) 530-1619,
e-mail genetics@cdc.gov, or visit

December 6–8, 1999.

National Rural Health
Association’s 5
th Annual Rural
Minority Health Conference.

Denver, CO (816) 756-3140,
e-mail rm@NRHArural.org or visit

December9–11, 1999.

Partnerships for Health in the
New Millennium.
DC, fax (301) 984-4256, or visit

January 24–28, 2000. 

The Physical and Developmental
Environment of the High-Risk
Clearwater Beach,
FL (813) 974-4867, or e-mail

January 29–February 1, 2000.

7 th Biennial Symposium on
Minorities, the Medically
Underserved, and Cancer.

Washington, DC (713) 798-5383,

e-mail symposium@bcm.tmc.edu,

or visit icc.bcm.tmc.edu/symposium.

February 9–13, 2000.

Ryan White National
YouthConference on HIV and AIDS.

St. Louis, MO (202) 898-0414, or
visit www.napwa.org.
February 19–21, 2000.

The Psychology of Health,
Immunity and Disease
International Conference.

Sponsored by the National
Institute for Clinical Application
of Behavioral Medicine. Hilton
Head, SC (800) 743-2226, or visit

March 16–12, 2000.

24 th Annual Meeting of the
National Sickle Cell Disease
Philadelphia, PA (215)590-3423.
April 8–11, 2000.

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