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The Leader's Blog

Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» The Leader's Report: Week of February 12, 2007, February 16, 2007
Last November, the voters sent a resounding message that they desire a new direction for America.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer on the Iraq Resolution, February 14, 2007
...the Bipartisan Resolution before us asks that Members one straightforward question be answered -- do you approve of the President's proposal to deploy more than 20,000 additional troops in Iraq or do you not? ....
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» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement in Support of the Iraq Resolution, February 14, 2007
Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer spoke on the House Floor today in favor of the Iraq resolution that expresses support for our troops and opposition to the President’s proposal to escalate troops in Iraq.
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» Leader Hoyer on MSNBC's, February 13, 2007
Hoyer talks with Chris Matthews on Iraq...
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» Democrats Respond to DOD Inspector General Iraq Report, February 12, 2007
Democrats on Iraq
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» House Democratic Leaders Regarding Iraq Resolution to Be Debated This Week, February 12, 2007
House Democratic Leaders released the following statements today regarding a concurrent resolution that will be debated on the Floor this week. The resolution expresses support for American troops and disapproval of the President's plan to increase the number of troops in Iraq.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer on NBC's "Meet the Press", February 12, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer along with Minority Leader Boehner discuss Iraq and Congress...
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» Majority Leader Hoyer and Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Meet, Discuss Ongoing Katrina Recovery, February 07, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) and Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco met this morning to discuss ongoing recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina.
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» Democrats Respond to President's Budget Proposal, February 06, 2007
Response to President's FY08 Budget.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the President's Budget for FY08, February 05, 2007
I believe it is absolutely imperative that Democrats and Republicans work together to get America's fiscal house in order...
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» Spratt Statement on President’s Fiscal Year 2008 Budget, February 05, 2007
While the President has endorsed the goal of balancing the budget, under realistic assumptions his budget remains in deficit every year...
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» Top Dems Blast 'Massive' Debt Hike, Inadequate Funding , February 05, 2007
Senate and House Democratic leaders today criticized President Bush's FY08 budget plan for the amount of debt it would create while shortchanging crucial programs.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, February 02, 2007
Today, the Administration released its long overdue National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq...
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» President's Budget to be Released Monday, February 02, 2007
The Bush Administration's federal budget request for Fiscal Year 2008, which will be submitted to Congress on Monday, represents the President's first opportunity to act on his State of the Union promise to balance the budget while investing in our nation.
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» The Leader's Report: Week of January 29, 2007, February 02, 2007
Summary of the week's releases.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Celebration of Black History Month, February 01, 2007
As Americans from all across our country come together to commemorate Black History Month today, we should all remain aware of the fact that our nation’s diversity serves as the foundation of our greatest strengths and the inspiration behind our greatest accomplishments...
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» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Senate's Passage of the Minimum Wage Increase, February 01, 2007
More than two weeks ago, the People's House passed legislation raising the minimum wage for the first time in ten years...
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» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement in Support of Joint Funding Resolution, January 31, 2007
In short, this Resolution will ensure that the federal government remains open and continues to provide services to the American people for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2007...
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» Hoyer Meets with Captured Israeli Soldier's Wife, January 30, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) today met with Karnit Goldwasser, the wife of captive Israeli soldier Udi Goldwasser, and Alon Ushpiz, Israeli Minister for Congressional Affairs...
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» Democrats Prepare for President's Budget Proposal, January 29, 2007
Information on President Bush's proposed FY08 budget.
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» Hoyer Statement on the Passing of Father Robert Drinan, January 29, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today on the passing of Father Robert Drinan...
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» Democrats Call for New Way Forward in Iraq, January 26, 2007
...statement on Iraq.
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» Democrats may revise 2002 bill allowing Bush to call war, January 26, 2007
CNN.com article on Hoyer's Iraq speech
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» Hoyer Delivers Address on the Way Forward in Iraq, January 26, 2007
...address today at the Brookings Institution on the way forward in Iraq
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» The Leader's Report: Week of January 22, 2007, January 26, 2007
Summary of releases from the week.
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