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July 06, 2009
Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130


Health Reform in the House

Fact of the Day

Twenty percent of women compare the costs of doctors and medical procedures versus 15% of men.

Health Resources

Under the Microscope

CASE STUDIES: Organizing for Higher Performance: Organized Delivery Systems
Fifteen case studies illustrate how diverse types of organized health care delivery systems promote higher performance through information continuity, patient engagement, care coordination, team-oriented care delivery, continuous innovation and learning, and convenient access to care. Those attributes are supported by values-driven leadership, interdisciplinary teamwork, integration and aligned incentives (both at the organizational and provider level), accountability, and transparency. Commonly reported results include improved clinical quality of care and control of chronic diseases, increased patient satisfaction, shorter waiting times, and reduced hospitalizations, emergency visits, and prescription drug expenses. [Commonwealth Fund, 7/2/2009]

The following individual case studies released last week by the Commonwealth Fund also highlight coordinated care successes:

Health Care Headlines

  • Obama Calls Dems to Talk Health Care
    President Barack Obama told top congressional Democrats Thursday that he was putting his political capital behind health care reform and reminded them that it was crucial for both chambers to pass legislation this month, according to three sources familiar with the conversation. [Politico, 7/2/2009]
  • State of Play: Obama’s August Deadline Looms
    Congress returns this week with mounting pressure on Democrats to meet President Obama’s mid-August deadline for passing health-care legislation. [Washington Post, 7/6/2009]
    Click here for a brief comparison of health plans in Congress.
  • Schumer Promises Public Option in Healthcare Bill
    The healthcare reform bill that emerges from Congress this year will include a government-run public health insurance option, regardless of the bipartisan negotiations seeking a compromise in the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday. [The Hill, 7/5/2009]
  • Hagan Supports Plan for Public Health Insurance
    The federal government would create a public health insurance provider under a health care reform plan agreed to Thursday by a group of key Senate Democrats, including Sen. Kay Hagan.
    [Greensboro News & Record, 7/3/2009]
  • Revisions to Health Bill are Unveiled by Democrats
    To warm words from President Obama, the Democratic leaders of the Senate health committee unveiled a revised plan Thursday to provide health coverage to nearly all Americans. [New York Times, 7/2/2009]
    Read more on the Senate HELP bill in CQ Today and CongressDaily.
  • Gov’t Plan Would Offer Cut-Rate Medical Premiums
    What if a new health plan set up shop in your town offering coverage at a much lower price than other insurers? [Associated Press, 7/6/2009]
  • CMS Proposes Rate, Policy Changes for Hospital Outpatient Services and Ambulatory Surgical Centers
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed on Wednesday rate and policy changes for services in hospital outpatient departments and ambulatory surgical centers (ASC).
    [CQ Healthbeat, 7/2/2009]
  • Drug Deal May Be Bad Trip for Dems
    A Senate-side deal last month with drug manufacturers is coming back to bite House Democrats looking for savings to pay for their own health care reform bill this summer. [Politico, 7/6/2009]
  • EDITORIAL: Our View on Health Care: ‘Public Option’ Offers Best Way to Curb Medical Costs
    The fact that 17 cents on every dollar in the American economy goes to health care — far more than in other countries — is the result of many factors. An aging, overweight society. Mindless paperwork. Excessive tests and procedures. Endless litigation. But a larger explanation is the delusion that the health care system is market-based. [USA Today, 7/6/2009]
  • OPINION: HELP Is on the Way
    By Paul Krugman
    The Congressional Budget Office has looked at the future of American health insurance, and it works. A few weeks ago there was a furor when the budget office “scored” two incomplete Senate health reform proposals — that is, estimated their costs and likely impacts over the next 10 years.
    [New York Times, 7/5/2009]
  • OPINION: Health Care’s Infectious Loss
    By Paul O’Neill, U.S. Treasury secretary, 2001-2002
    Health care reform seems to be on the way, whether we want it or not. So I have been asking questions about the various proposals. [New York Times, 7/5/2009]
  • LETTER TO EDITOR: Health Care: The Insurance Industry’s View
    By Karen Ignani, America’s Health Insurance Plans, president & chief executive
    The current individual health insurance market is one in which people decide to purchase coverage only when they think they will need it. [New York Times, 7/5/2009] Read the “Citizen’s View” to the same article.


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