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The Institute is a catalyst for advancing a comprehensive national literacy agenda.

Discussion Announcement

Dear Technology List Colleagues,
This January the Tech list went through a process of identifying discussion topics we would like to explore this year. Many of you had requested a discussion on the use of cell phones, hand-held and portable devices (like Palm Pilots) in education settings.

As such, I am very happy to announce that the Technology list will be engaging in a special discussion on the use of hand-held and portable devices in the classroom. Marilyn Williams, an instructor who participated in a practitioner research project on the use of hand-helds to support student learning will join the tech list to share her three years of experience in integrating this technology in to her classroom.

Marilyn, will join the Tech list from April 17th through April 19th. More information will come in the days leading up to the discussion but for now, please save the dates.

Following is a brief introduction that Marilyn asked me to share with you all:

Bio: Hi there! My name is Marilyn Williams and I am a middle school teacher in Eugene, Oregon. I've been involved with a number of research projects through the University of Oregon and have enjoyed finding new ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. Although I'm definitely not a 'technie' I've been using handheld computers for the last few years and have found them to be a fantastic way to boost student involvement and learning.
Discussion: As educators, we are always striving to better meet the needs of all our students. In my inclusion language arts/social studies classes, I have found that using handhelds helped to do just that. I was so excited to see how this technology motivated my students as well as allowed them be more successful in their reading and writing. I'm looking forward to discussing this technology application with you.


Mariann Fedele
Associate Director,
NYC Regional Adult Education Network
Literacy Assistance Center

Moderator, NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

Last updated: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2009 09:19:43 EST