NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"What type of organisms might live on Mars? I've studied Archaea, but do scientist think there might be any other types of organisms?"
  1. Content with the tag: “genomes

  2. Assembling the Tree of Life

    Unique scientific endeavors, ranging from whole genome sequencing to studies on lateral gene transfer, are transforming the science of biology in the 21st century. All of this data requires new ways of organizing information in an evolutionary context. The goal of the NSF’s Assembling the Tree of Life activity is to help facilitate the effort of organizing data on all 1.7 million described species of organisms thus far. The NSF recently announced its intention to support “creative and innovative research that will resolve evolutionary relationships for large groups of organisms throughout the history of life.” The...

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    Source: [NSF]

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