



Jack In The District

August 24th, 2007 by Press Staff

August has been a busy month for Jack in the district. Part of his time has been spent traveling around thanking firefighters and volunteers for all their help in fighting the devastating fires that ravaged nearly half a million acres. You can check out video of Jack thanking Pierce County firefighters HERE.

Jack’s Trip To Iraq

August 16th, 2007 by Press Staff

Jack spoke to The Weekly Standard blog yesterday about his trip to Iraq. You can read it HERE.

What A Week….

August 4th, 2007 by Press Staff

The week started with the Democrat Whip James Clyburn admitting that good news in Iraq would be bad news for the Democrats:

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Monday that a strongly positive report on progress on Iraq by Army Gen. David Petraeus likely would split Democrats in the House and impede his party’s efforts to press for a timetable to end the war.

You can check out the full story HERE.

The week ended with Democrat shenanigans on the floor when it came to a vote regarding government assistance going to illegal aliens.  You can read all the details HERE  and HERE.

To sum up, in the Democrats’ world, good news is bad news and a losing vote can quickly be turned into a winning one.