Announcement - PHC has a new look!

PHC launched its new website on August 24, 2009 after many months of blood, sweat and tears. We think the look and feel will lighten the load of every PHC user as it is bright, friendly, organized well, and easy to navigate.  We’ve added some new sections too. You will find a public message board, a new...

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Featured Tidbit: What a Good Pharmacist Can Do for You

Few of us enjoy a close relationship with a pharmacist in our community and many may think pharmacists do nothing more than count pills. In actuality, pharmacists play a very important roll in advising both patients and medical professionals about the drugs they dispense....

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Previous Featured Items

Have questions about Social Security, Disability, or Insurance? Contact the Action Desk.

Message Boards

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Invite someone to meet you in the chat room anytime or attend a scheduled live chat. You'll find the chat schedule here.


Patient and Caregiver diaries are free-flowing, unedited personal narratives by people living with Pulmonary Hypertension.

Find a PH Specialist

Locate a Pulmonary Hypertension specialist or center in your area.


Tidbits are surprising little things you should know to help you make informed choices when dealing with Pulmonary Hypertension.

Tips & Tricks

Patients share helpful tips for living and coping day-to-day.

Pet Corner

Patients share their stories and photos of furry, scaly, or feathered animals who enrich their lives and give them comfort. Share yours, too.

Creative Corner

Painting, sewing, gardening, cooking, etc. PH can't take away our creativity. See patient's impressive projects and share your own.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you have writing, research, or fund-raising experience or simply have a willing spirit, we hope you will join our all-volunteer staff.


PHCentral is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that relies on donations from individuals to fund its web based resource.