Guide to Federal Records

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Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions

(Record Group 43)


Table of Contents

  • 43.2.1 Records relating to the Panama Congress
  • 43.2.2 Records relating to the "Red Cross Conferences"
  • 43.2.3 Records relating to the International Sanitary Conference
  • 43.2.4 Records of the U.S. Commissioner to the International Prime Meridian Conference
  • 43.2.5 Records relating to the Berlin Conference on West African Affairs
  • 43.2.6 Records relating to the First and Second Samoan Conferences
  • 43.2.7 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the First-Tenth International Conferences of American States
  • 43.2.8 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the First and Second International Peace Conferences
  • 43.2.9 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the International Opium Commission and Conferences
  • 43.2.10 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the Thirteenth International Congress Against Alcohol and to the Fourteenth and Fifteenth International Anti-Alcoholic Congresses
  • 43.2.11 Records of the Preliminary International Conference on Electrical Communications
  • 43.2.12 Records relating to the Conference on the Limitation of Armament
  • 43.2.13 Records relating to the U.S. Special Mission to the Lausanne Conference
  • 43.2.14 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference on Central American Affairs
  • 43.2.15 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Radiotelegraph Conference
  • 43.2.16 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference for the Limitation of Naval Armament
  • 43.2.17 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Telegraph Conference
  • 43.2.18 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Second International Conference on Emigration and Immigration
  • 43.2.19 Records of the Secretariat of the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration
  • 43.2.20 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea
  • 43.2.21 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Pan American Trade- Mark Conference
  • 43.2.22 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the London Naval Conference
  • 43.2.23 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference for the Codification of International Law
  • 43.2.24 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the first phase of the General Disarmament Conference
  • 43.2.25 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Radio and Telegraph Conferences
  • 43.2.26 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Monetary and Economic Conference
  • 43.2.27 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Fifth Pan American Commercial Conference
  • 43.2.28 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the London Naval Conference
  • 43.2.29 Records relating to negotiations for a new general treaty between the Republic of Panama and the United States
  • 43.2.30 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace
  • 43.2.31 Records of the Third World Power Conference and the Second Congress on Large Dams
  • 43.2.32 Records relating to international whaling
  • 43.2.33 Records relating to the Capitulations Conference
  • 43.2.34 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Inter-American Radio Conference
  • 43.2.35 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Telecommunications Conferences
  • 43.2.36 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Fifteenth International Congress of Architects
  • 43.2.37 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the first-third meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics and to the successor fourth meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American States
  • 43.2.38 Records of the Secretariat of the Eighth American Scientific Congress
  • 43.2.39 Records relating to the Inter-American Technical Economic Conference
  • 43.2.40 Records relating to the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace
  • 43.2.41 Records relating to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security
  • 43.2.42 Records of the International Conference on Trade and Employment (International Trade Organization)
  • 43.2.43 Records relating to the United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information
  • 43.2.44 Records of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference
  • 43.2.45 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Japanese Peace Conference
  • 43.2.46 Records of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, relating to the Organization of American States (OAS)
  • 43.2.47 Records of the U.S. Representatives to the meetings on preliminary arrangements for a Korean political conference
  • 43.2.48 Records relating to the Bermuda Conference
  • 43.2.49 Records relating to the Nine Power Conference
  • 43.2.50 Records of U.S. delegations to other international conferences
  • 43.3 RECORDS OF WORLD WAR II CONFERENCES (JANUARY 1942-JANUARY 1945) 1942-50 2 lin. ft.
  • 43.3.1 Records of the post-Arcadia meetings of the Combined Chiefs of Staff
  • 43.3.2 Records of the First Quebec Conference (Quadrant)
  • 43.3.3 Records of the Third Washington Conference (Trident)
  • 43.3.4 Records of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (Tripartite Conference)
  • 43.3.5 Records of the Teheran Conference
  • 43.3.6 Records of the Second Cairo Conference
  • 43.3.7 Records relating to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (Bretton Woods Conference)
  • 43.3.8 Records of the Second Quebec Conference (Octagon)
  • 43.3.9 Records of the Malta Conference
  • 43.4.1 Records relating to the Yalta Conference
  • 43.4.2 Records relating to the Alexandria Conference
  • 43.4.3 Records relating to the Potsdam Conference
  • 43.4.4 Records relating to the Paris Conference on Reparations
  • 43.5.1 Records of the plenary sessions
  • 43.5.2 Records of the U.S. Delegation
  • 43.5.3 Records of the General Commission
  • 43.5.4 Records of the Commission on Procedures
  • 43.5.5 Records of Economic Commissions
  • 43.5.6 Records of Political and Territorial Commissions
  • 43.5.7 Records of the Legal and Drafting Commission
  • 43.5.8 Records of the Military Commission
  • 43.6.1 Records of the first session of the CFM
  • 43.6.2 Records of the second session of the CFM
  • 43.6.3 Records of the third session of the CFM
  • 43.6.4 Records of the fourth session of the CFM
  • 43.6.5 Records of the fifth session of the CFM
  • 43.6.6 Records of the sixth session of the CFM
  • 43.6.7 Miscellaneous records
  • 43.7.1 Records relating to the "Big Four" Foreign Ministers meeting
  • 43.7.2 Records relating to the Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting
  • 43.7.3 Records relating to informal meetings of the CFM
  • 43.7.4 Records relating to Deputy Foreign Ministers (DFM) meetings
  • 43.7.5 Records of a special CFM meeting
  • 43.7.6 Records of a foreign ministers' meeting on Germany and the Ruhr
  • 43.7.7 Records of the foreign ministers' meetings on the future of Germany
  • 43.7.8 Records of a meeting of the foreign ministers of France, the United States, and the United Kingdom
  • 43.7.9 Records relating to the "September Talks"
  • 43.7.10 Records of CFM informal meetings on Austria
  • 43.7.11 Records of meetings of the foreign ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France
  • 43.7.12 Records of DFM meetings
  • 43.7.13 Records relating to a meeting of the foreign ministers of France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 43.7.14 Records relating to meetings of the foreign ministers of France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 43.7.15 Records relating to a meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France with the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 43.7.16 Records relating to ministerial talks
  • 43.7.17 Records relating to conversations between Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
  • 43.8.1 Records of meetings of the deputies for Germany and Austria
  • 43.8.2 Records of meetings of the deputies for the former Italian colonies
  • 43.8.3 Records of meetings of the deputies for Germany
  • 43.8.4 Records of meetings of the deputies for Austria
  • 43.9.1 Records of the Tripartite Military Governors Conference
  • 43.9.2 Records of the meetings of the military governors of the three western zones
  • 43.9.3 Records relating to the Quadripartite Meeting of the Berlin Commandants
  • 43.10.1 Records of the Austrian Treaty Commission
  • 43.10.2 Records of Tripartite Talks on Germany and Bizonal Financial Talks
  • 43.10.3 Records of the London Conference on Germany
  • 43.10.4 Records of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Protection of Foreign Interests in Germany
  • 43.10.5 Records of the tripartite discussions in London
  • 43.10.6 Records of the International Authority of the Ruhr (IAR)
  • 43.10.7 Records of the Jessup-Malik conversations
  • 43.10.8 Records of discussions concerning a Swiss-Allied accord
  • 43.10.9 Records of the United States-United Kingdom-Canadian financial talks
  • 43.10.10 Records of the first meeting of the North Atlantic Council
  • 43.10.11 Records of meetings of the U.S. ambassadors
  • 43.10.12 Records of discussions in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
  • 43.10.13 Records relating to meetings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • 43.10.14 Records relating to the North Atlantic Council (NAC)
  • 43.10.15 Records relating to the four power meeting, nine power meeting, and ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Council
  • 43.10.16 Records relating to meetings between President Harry S. Truman and foreign heads of state, Washington, DC
  • 43.10.17 Records relating to bilateral talks
  • 43.10.18 Records relating to tripartite conversations on Austria
  • 43.10.19 Records relating to tripartite meetings (United States- United Kingdom-France)
  • 43.10.20 Records relating to the Four Power Exploratory Talks
  • 43.10.21 Records relating to the Indo-China Talks
  • 43.10.22 Records relating to talks in Paris
  • 43.10.23 Records relating to the Four Power Conference
  • 43.10.24 Records relating to the Paris Talks
  • 43.10.25 Records relating to visits to the United States by heads of state and foreign ministers
  • 43.10.26 Miscellaneous records
  • 43.11.1 Records of the American Commissioners of the American- British Joint High Commission
  • 43.11.2 Records of the Intercontinental Railway Commission (IRC)
  • 43.11.3 Records of the International American Monetary Commission
  • 43.11.4 Records relating to the Joint High Commission
  • 43.11.5 Records relating to the Paris Peace Commission
  • 43.11.6 Records relating to the Samoan High Commission
  • 43.11.7 Records relating to the International Institute of Agriculture
  • 43.11.8 Records maintained by the U.S. Section of the International High Commission
  • 43.11.9 Records of the U.S. Commissioners of the American and Mexican Joint Commission
  • 43.11.10 Records of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to the Russian Railway Service Corps, and the Interallied Railway Committee (IARC)
  • 43.11.11 Records of the U.S. unofficial delegation to the Reparations Commission
  • 43.11.12 Records of the U.S. Electoral Mission in Nicaragua
  • 43.11.13 Records of the U.S. Representative on the Lytton Commission
  • 43.11.14 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Technical Commission of Aerial Legal Experts (Comite International Technique d'Experts Juridiques Aeriens, CITEJA)
  • 43.11.15 Records relating to the third meeting of the International Technical Consulting Committee on Radio Communications (ITCCRC)
  • 43.11.16 Records of the U.S. Committee of the Joint Economic Committees, United States and Canada
  • 43.11.17 Records of the British-American Joint Patent Interchange Committee
  • 43.11.18 Records of the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense
  • 43.11.19 Records relating to the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee (IAFEAC), and Subcommittee on Post- War Problems, 1942-45
  • 43.11.20 Records relating to the European Advisory Commission (EAC)
  • 43.11.21 Records of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (AACI) regarding Palestine
  • 43.11.22 Records relating to the Allied Control Council for Germany
  • 43.11.23 Records relating to the Far Eastern Commission (FEC)
  • 43.11.24 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the US-USSR Joint Commission on Korea
  • 43.11.25 Records relating to the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK)
  • 43.11.26 Records relating to the South Pacific Commission
  • 43.11.27 Records of the U.S. Element of the Allied Council for Japan
  • 43.11.28 Records of the Four Power Commission of Investigation (Former Italian Colonies)
  • 43.11.29 Records of the U.S. Section of the Joint Brazil-U.S. Technical Commission
  • 43.11.30 Records of the U.S. Section of the International Refugee Organization (IRO)
  • 43.11.31 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the inaugural meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
  • 43.11.32 Records of the U.S. Section of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission and its successor, the Caribbean Commission
  • 43.11.33 Records of the U.S. Section of the United States-Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship
  • 43.11.34 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Paris Conference on Vietnam
  • 43.12.1 Records relating to the Universal Agricultural Prize Exhibition (Paris, 1856-57)
  • 43.12.2 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1867)
  • 43.12.3 Records of the U.S. Commission, Vienna International Exposition (1873)
  • 43.12.4 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1878)
  • 43.12.5 Records of the U.S. Commissions, Sydney (1879-80) and Melbourne (1880-81) International Exhibitions
  • 43.12.6 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Exposition of Electricity (Paris, 1881)
  • 43.12.7 Records of the U.S. Commission, Centennial International Exposition (Melbourne, 1888-89)
  • 43.12.8 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1889)
  • 43.12.9 Records relating to U.S. participation in the Universal Exposition (Antwerp, 1894)
  • 43.12.10 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1900)
  • 43.12.11 Records relating to the Exposition of Arts and History (Rome, 1911) and the Exposition of Industry and Labor (Turin, 1911)
  • 43.12.12 Records of the U.S. Commission appointed for the proposed Grand Exhibition of Japan
  • 43.12.13 Records of the U.S. Commission, Brazilian Centennial Exposition (Rio de Janeiro, 1922-23)
  • 43.12.14 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Exposition (Seville, 1929-30)
  • 43.12.15 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Colonial and Overseas Exposition (Paris, 1931)
  • 43.12.16 Records relating to U.S. participation in the Brussels Universal and International Exhibition ("Brussels World's Fair," 1958)
  • 43.12.17 Other records
  • 43.13.1 General records
  • 43.13.2 Records relating to the Centennial International Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876)
  • 43.13.3 Records relating to the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition (New Orleans, 1884-85)
  • 43.13.4 Records relating to the World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893)
  • 43.13.5 Records relating to the Cotton States and International Exposition (Atlanta, 1895)
  • 43.13.6 Records relating to the Tennessee Centennial Exposition (Nashville, 1897)
  • 43.13.7 Records relating to the Pan American Exposition (Buffalo, 1901)
  • 43.13.8 Records relating to the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition (Charleston, 1901-2)
  • 43.13.9 Records relating to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, 1904)
  • 43.13.10 Records relating to the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition (Portland, OR, 1905)
  • 43.13.11 Records relating to the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition (Hampton Roads, VA, 1907)
  • 43.13.12 Records relating to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (Seattle, 1909)
  • 43.13.13 Records relating to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco, 1915)
  • 43.13.14 Records relating to the Sesquicentennial International Exposition (Philadelphia, 1920)
  • 43.13.15 Records relating to the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration (1933-34)
  • 43.13.16 Records relating to the Seattle World's Fair (1962)
  • 43.13.17 Records relating to the New York World's Fair (1964-65)
  • 43.17 STILL PICTURES (GENERAL) 1909-10 203 images

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Finding Aids: H. Stephen Helton, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of United States Participation in International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions, PI 76 (1955); Marion M. Johnson and Mabel D. Brock, comps., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of United States Participation in International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions; Supplementary to National Archives Preliminary Inventory No. 76," NC 95 (Feb. 1965); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.

Related Records: General Records of the Department of State, RG 59.
Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations, RG 76.
Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, RG 84.
Records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, RG 256.

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43.2.1 Records relating to the Panama Congress

History: Held in Panama, June 22-July 15, 1826, to plan for hemispheric defense.

Textual Records: General records, 1825-27.

Microfilm Publications: M662.

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43.2.2 Records relating to the "Red Cross Conferences"

History: Held in Geneva, 1863, 1864, 1868, and 1906; Brussels, 1874; and The Hague, 1904, to consider problems associated with caring for sick and wounded soldiers in wartime. United States participated in the conferences of 1864, 1904, and 1906.

Textual Records: General records, 1863-1907.

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43.2.3 Records relating to the International Sanitary Conference

History: Authorized by Joint Resolution 33 (21 Stat. 415), May 14, 1880. Held in Washington, DC, January 5-March 1, 1881, to plan an international system of notification of contagious and infectious diseases and to set up a uniform system of bills of health.

Textual Records: Memorandums, 1880. Conference proceedings, 1881.

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43.2.4 Records of the U.S. Commissioner to the International
Prime Meridian Conference

History: Conference authorized by an act of August 3, 1882 (22 Stat. 217). Held in Washington, DC, October 1-22, 1884, to set a suitable meridian of longitude to be employed as a common zero of longitude and a worldwide standard of time reckoning.

Textual Records: Letters received, 1884.

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43.2.5 Records relating to the Berlin Conference on West African

History: Held in Berlin, November 16, 1884-February 26, 1885, to regulate trade and commerce with West Africa, particularly in the Congo River Basin.

Textual Records: General records, 1884-85.

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43.2.6 Records relating to the First and Second Samoan

History: Held in Washington, DC, June 25-July 26, 1887, to adjust Samoan affairs and to determine the spheres of influence of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany; and in Berlin, April 29-June 14, 1889, to complete the work begun by the first conference.

Textual Records: Protocols of the first conference, 1887. Dispatches by and instructions to U.S. delegates to the second conference, 1889.

Related Records: Records relating to the Samoan High Commission UNDER 43.11.6. Records of the Government of American Samoa, RG 284.

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43.2.7 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the First-Tenth
International Conferences of American States

History: First conference held in Washington, DC, October 1889- April 1890; second, Mexico City, October 22, 1901-January 31, 1902; third, Rio de Janeiro, July 21-August 26, 1906; fourth, Buenos Aires, July 12-August 30, 1910; fifth, Santiago, March 25- May 3, 1923; sixth, Havana, January 16-February 20, 1928; seventh, Montevideo, December 3-26, 1933; eighth, Lima, December 9-27, 1938; ninth, Bogota, March 30-May 2, 1948; and tenth, Caracas, March 1-28, 1954. Discussed hemispheric issues and problems.

Textual Records: Records of the first conference, including minutes of meetings, November 1889-April 1890; Spanish-language stenographic notes of meetings, 1889-90; letters sent and received by William E. Curtis, conference executive officer, 1889-90; records of appointment of delegates, 1889-90; and correspondence relating to the conference agenda and recommendations, 1889-91. Records of the second conference, consisting of letters sent; letters and telegrams received; and printed copies of conference resolutions, conventions, and treaties, 1901-2. Records of the third conference, consisting of general records, administrative correspondence, copies of projects submitted to committees, and "Third International American Conference-Minutes and Documents," 1906. Records of the fourth conference, consisting of adopted conventions and resolutions, 1910. Records of the fifth conference, consisting of general files and informational material, 1923. Records of the sixth conference, including general records, 1927-28; and instructions to delegates, telegrams, statements of Latin American countries on "Conference Policy," and daily conference reports ("Diario"), 1928. Records of the seventh conference, including general records, telegrams, daily conference reports ("Diario"), recommended agenda topics, projects and proposals presented to commissions, reference files, press releases, and addresses and statements, 1933-34. Records of the eighth conference, including drafts of instructions, declarations, and resolutions; copies of conference documents; reference and clippings files; subject ("topic") files; committee records; and U.S. Delegation correspondence, 1938. Records of the ninth conference, consisting of conference files and U.S. Delegation records, 1948. Records of the tenth conference, including preparatory (preconference) records, 1952-54; subject file, 1954; numbered conference documents, 1953-54; minutes of meetings ("Diario de le Decima Conferencia Interamerica"), 1954; and a postconference subject file, 1954-55.

Photographs (2 images): U.S. Delegation returning from fourth conference, shown with Peruvian Government officials in the Peruvian Foreign Office, 1910 (M, 1 image); and an unidentified print, taken in El Salvador, 1910 (M, 1 image). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.2.8 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the First and Second
International Peace Conferences

History: Conferences held in The Hague at the initiative of the Russian Government, May 18-July 29, 1899, and June 15-October 18, 1907.

Textual Records: Records of the first conference, consisting of conference proceedings and reports of the U.S. Delegation, 1899. Records of the second conference, consisting of proceedings and printed material, 1907.

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43.2.9 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the International Opium
Commission and Conferences

History: International Opium Commission met in Shanghai at the initiative of the United States, February 1-26, 1909, to study the problems of opium traffic. Two International Opium Conferences held in The Hague at the initiative of the United States, December 1, 1911-January 23, 1912, and July 1-9, 1913, to draft an opium trade convention.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1909-20. Letters received relating to the Opium Commission, 1908-9. Correspondence regarding appropriations for controlling the opium traffic, 1908- 13, and regarding narcotics traffic control legislation, 1909-16. Memorandums, 1909. Correspondence relating to the first and second conferences, 1901-13. Memorandums and notes preparatory to the second conference, 1913. Diplomatic correspondence relating to the second and a proposed third conference, 1913-14. Reports of the first and second conferences, 1911-13. Presidential messages, 1909-14. Reference material, 1909-13. Records of Delegate Hamilton Wright, including correspondence relating to his employment in the Federated Malay States, 1893-1914.

Subject Access Terms: Denman, William; Finger, Henry J.

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43.2.10 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the Thirteenth
International Congress Against Alcohol and to the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth International Anti-Alcoholic Congresses

History: Congresses held in The Hague, September 11-16, 1911; Milan, September 22-28, 1913; and Washington, DC, September 21- 27, 1920.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1911, 1913, 1920.

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43.2.11 Records of the Preliminary International Conference on
Electrical Communications

History: Held in Washington, DC, October-December 1920, to determine the disposition of German cable lines that had been ceded to the Allies by the Treaty of Versailles (1919), and to study the problems of international communications.

Textual Records: Reports of conference proceedings, 1920, with subject index. Minutes of meetings of the International Secretariat, 1920. Correspondence of the Secretariat, 1920-21, with index. Card index to minutes and reports of committee meetings, 1920. Correspondence relating to personnel of the Secretariat, 1920-21, with index. Minutes of informal meetings of the U.S. Delegation, 1919-20, with index. Correspondence of the U.S. Delegation's secretary, 1920-21. Miscellaneous records maintained by Delegate Walter S. Rogers, 1920-21. Extracts, 1919- 21. Informational materials, 1884-1922. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding disbursements, 1920-22.

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43.2.12 Records relating to the Conference on the Limitation of

History: Held in Washington, DC, November 12, 1921-February 6, 1922, to consider the limitation of armament and certain questions relating to Pacific and Far Eastern areas.

Textual Records: Records of the Secretariat General, consisting of a classification manual, 1921; excerpts from conference documents, 1921-22; general correspondence, 1921-22, with subject index; card file for personnel of the Secretariat, 1921-22; press releases, 1921-22; proceedings, 1922; and records relating to the receipt and distribution of documents, 1921-22. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1921-22, consisting of general records, with subject index; minutes of meetings of the advisory committee to the delegation; summaries of editorial comment; news summaries; special reports prepared by the advisory committee; daily summary of foreign comment on the conference; reports on foreign press comment; statements of delegates; informational memorandums; resolutions adopted on Pacific and Far Eastern questions, with subject index; minutes of conference committee meetings, with subject index; minutes of plenary sessions; minutes of meetings of the Committee on Limitation of Armament and the Committee on Pacific and Far Eastern Questions; "Current Estimate of the Strategic Situation of the World"; newspaper clippings; and economic reports prepared for the U.S. Delegation. Miscellaneous U.S. Delegation records relating to the Far East, 1914-22. Records, 1921-22, of U.S. Delegation Secretary A.H. Miles, and of Senators Henry Cabot Lodge and Oscar W. Underwood.

Maps and Charts (199 items, in Washington Area): Organization charts, floor plans of the conference rooms and buildings, and maps of various parts of the world, 1921-22. SEE ALSO 43.14.

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43.2.13 Records relating to the U.S. Special Mission to the
Lausanne Conference

History: Conference held in Lausanne, Switzerland, at the initiation of the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, November 20, 1922-February 4, 1923, and April 23-July 24, 1923, to draw up a treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece.

Textual Records: Records relating to the first phase of the conference, 1922-23, consisting of general records; a register of communications sent; and telegrams, with register. Records relating to the second phase of the conference, consisting of general records, 1923, with subject index and register of correspondence; telegrams, 1923; and conference documents, 1922- 23.

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43.2.14 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference on
Central American Affairs

History: Conference held in Washington, DC, December 4, 1922- February 7, 1923, to exchange views and make recommendations regarding the preservation of peace and stability in Central America.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1922-23. Proceedings of the plenary sessions and the committee of the whole, 1922-23. Copies of treaty, protocol, and conventions, 1922-23. Miscellaneous conference documents and reference material, 1922-23.

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43.2.15 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International
Radiotelegraph Conference

History: Conference held in Washington, DC, October-November 1927, to amend and update the International Radiotelegraph Convention signed in London, July 5, 1912.

Textual Records: General records, 1927, with subject indexes. Proposals relating to the telecommunications convention, 1927. Committee documents, 1927. Minutes, reports, and other documents of conference committees, 1927, including bound documents and lists of documents. Copies of State Department records used by the U.S. Delegation, 1927. Records maintained by the administrative officer, 1927. Card file on persons attending the conference, 1927.

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43.2.16 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference for the
Limitation of Naval Armament

History: Conference held in Geneva, at the initiative of the United States, June 20-August 4, 1927, to discuss ways of completing work on the limitation of naval armament begun by the Washington conference of 1921-22 (SEE 43.2.12); and to conclude, if possible, additional agreements covering types of ships not included in earlier agreements.

Textual Records: General records, 1927. Memorandums of conversations with other delegations, 1927. Telegrams received, 1927. Conference documents, 1927. "Records of the Conference for the Limitation of Naval Armament," 1927.

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43.2.17 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International
Telegraph Conference

History: Conference held in Brussels, September 10-12, 1928, to consider the use of code language.

Textual Records: Conference proceedings, 1928.

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43.2.18 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Second
International Conference on Emigration and Immigration

History: Conference held in Havana, March 31-April 17, 1928, to discuss technical and nonpolitical questions regarding emigration and immigration.

Textual Records: General records, 1928.

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43.2.19 Records of the Secretariat of the International
Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration

History: Conference held in Washington, DC, December 1928-January 5, 1929, pursuant to a resolution of the Sixth International Conference of American States (SEE 43.2.7).

Textual Records: General records, 1928-29. Conference proceedings, 1929.

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43.2.20 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International
Conference on Safety of Life at Sea

History: Conference held in London, April 16-May 31, 1929, to revise the international convention of 1914 relating to safety of life at sea.

Textual Records: General records, 1929. Committee reports, 1929. Copies of newspapers, 1929.

Related Records: Records of Rear Adm. George H. Rock, a member of the U.S. Delegation, in RG 19, Records of the Bureau of Ships.

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43.2.21 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Pan American Trade-
Mark Conference

History: Conference held in Washington, DC, February 11-20, 1929.

Textual Records: General records, 1929.

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43.2.22 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the London Naval

History: Conference held in London, January 21-April 22, 1930, to continue the work of the Washington conference of 1921-22 (SEE 43.2.12).

Textual Records: General records, 1929-30, with subject index. Memorandums of press conferences, 1929-30, and of conversations, 1930. Telegrams, 1930. Records maintained by the U.S. Delegation secretary, 1930. Conference documents, 1930. Informational material, 1929-30.

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43.2.23 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference for the
Codification of International Law

History: Conference held in The Hague at the initiation of the Council of the League of Nations, March 13-April 12, 1930.

Textual Records: General records, 1930. List of conference documents, 1930.

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43.2.24 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the first phase of the
General Disarmament Conference

History: Conference held in Geneva, February 8-July 23, 1932.

Textual Records: Memorandums of U.S. Delegation meetings, 1931- 32. Telegrams exchanged between the State Department and U.S. embassies in Europe, 1931-32.

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43.2.25 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International Radio
and Telegraph Conferences

History: Conferences held in Madrid, simultaneously but separately, September 3-December 9, 1932, to revise the radio and telegraph conventions and regulations that had resulted from earlier conferences.

Textual Records: Conference documents, 1933. Proposals for the conferences, 1932. Opinions of the International Consulting Committee on Radio, 1931. Copies of conventions, 1927-32. U.S. Delegation report, 1932. Telegrams exchanged with the Secretary of State and the State Department, 1932. Minutes of conference meetings, 1932. Miscellaneous communications, 1931-33.

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43.2.26 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Monetary and
Economic Conference

History: Conference held in London, June 12-July 27, 1933, to consider the adoption of monetary measures to effect a worldwide economic recovery.

Textual Records: General records, 1933, with subject index. Telegrams exchanged with the State Department and U.S. embassies and legations, 1933. Journal and program of the conference, 1933. Reports and statements of the Economic Commission, 1933. Summaries of foreign press comment, 1933. Special memorandums prepared by the U.S. Delegation, 1933. Press releases, 1933.

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43.2.27 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Fifth Pan American
Commercial Conference

History: Conference held in Buenos Aires, May 26-June 19, 1935, pursuant to a resolution of the Seventh International Conference of American States, 1933.

Textual Records: General records, 1935. Minutes of the meetings of the conference and its commissions, 1935. Informational material, 1934-35.

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43.2.28 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the London Naval

History: Conference held in London, December 9, 1935-March 25, 1936, pursuant to provisions of the Washington and London naval treaties of 1922 and 1930.

Textual Records: Telegrams, 1934-36. Conference documents, 1935- 36.

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43.2.29 Records relating to negotiations for a new general treaty
between the Republic of Panama and the United States

History: Negotiations addressed Panama Canal protection and tolls, railroad company rights, troop maneuvers, and U.S. Government support facilities.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1934-36, with subject index.

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43.2.30 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Inter-American
Conference for the Maintenance of Peace

History: Conference held in Buenos Aires, December 1-22, 1936.

Textual Records: General records, 1936-37. Telegrams, 1936-37. Conference proceedings, 1937. Newspaper clippings and reports on press comment, 1937. State Department press releases, 1936-37.

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43.2.31 Records of the Third World Power Conference and the
Second Congress on Large Dams

History: Held in Washington, DC, September 7-12, 1936, to discuss the trends in power and energy resource development and regional planning efforts in the participating countries.

Textual Records: General records of the American National Committee, 1935-37. Card index to correspondence, 1935-36. Letters sent, 1935-37. Transactions of the Third World Power Conference and of the Second Congress on Large Dams, 1938. Newspaper clippings, 1936. Accounting records, 1936. Card record, 1935-36, of delegates and members, and of tours.

Maps (4 items, in Washington Area): Maps of the United States, showing routes covered by each of the four official conference tours, 1936. SEE ALSO 43.14.

Motion Pictures (2 reels): U.S. power resources, 1936. SEE ALSO 43.15.

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43.2.32 Records relating to international whaling

History: International Whaling Conference (IWC) held in Washington, DC, November 20-December 2, 1946, to consider problems relating to conservation of whale stocks. Signed an international convention establishing permanent International Whaling Commission.

Textual Records: General subject and reference files, 1937-48. Minutes of meetings and background information papers of the State Department's Informal Inter-agency Committee on the Regulation of Whaling, which organized the IWC, 1946. Working papers of the IWC, 1946. Working papers of the International Whaling Commission, 1948-49.

Photographs (29 images): IWC delegates signing the final convention, 1946 (IWC). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.2.33 Records relating to the Capitulations Conference

History: Held in Montreux, Switzerland, April 12, 1937, to terminate the capitulatory or extraterritorial rights that the governments and nationals of the United States and 11 other countries enjoyed in Egypt.

Textual Records: General records, 1937.

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43.2.34 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Inter-American
Radio Conference

History: Conference held in Havana, November-December 1937, to discuss North American broadcasting and to reach agreements concerning the application of radio to inter-American communications.

Textual Records: General records, 1937.

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43.2.35 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International
Telecommunications Conferences

History: Conferences held in Cairo, February 1-April 4, 1938, to revise the telegraph, telephone, and radio regulations annexed to the International Telecommunications Convention that had been signed at Madrid in 1932 (SEE 43.2.25).

Textual Records: Documents of the International Radio Conference and of the International Telegraph and Telephone Conference, 1938. Administrative records, 1938. French-language version, with some English-language translations, of regulations appended to the approved conventions ("Blue and Green Sheets"), 1938. "Proposals for the International Radio Conference of Cairo, 1938," 1937.

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43.2.36 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Fifteenth International Congress of Architects

History: Scheduled to meet in Washington, DC, September 24-30, 1939. Postponed indefinitely, September 8, 1939, because of the outbreak of World War II.

Textual Records: General records, 1939.

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43.2.37 Records of the U.S. Delegations to the first-third meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics and to the successor fourth meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American States

History: First meeting, Panama, September 21, 1939, discussed measures to preserve peace and neutrality in the Americas. Second, Havana, July 21-30, 1940, considered ways to prevent transfer of colonial possessions from defeated European nations to Germany. Third, Rio de Janeiro, January 15-28, 1942, discussed cooperative actions against the Axis Powers, including breaking of diplomatic relations. Fourth, Washington, DC, March 26-April 7, 1951, considered the threat of communism in the Western Hemisphere.

Textual Records: Records of the first meeting, consisting of general records and telegrams sent and received, 1939. Records of the second meeting, consisting of general records and telegrams sent and received, 1940. General records of the third meeting, 1942. Records of the fourth meeting, consisting of preparatory records, 1951; numbered documents, 1951; and general records, 1951-52.

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43.2.38 Records of the Secretariat of the Eighth American
Scientific Congress

History: Congress held in Washington, DC, May 10-18, 1940, to determine a medium for the exchange of scientific information and to pay tribute to the Pan American Union.

Textual Records: General records, 1939-41. Minutes of section meetings, 1940. Lists of delegates, 1940. List and abstracts of papers, 1940. Proceedings, 1940. Completed questionnaires, 1940. Correspondence with authors, 1940-41. Record of receipt, 1940. Registration cards, 1940. Miscellaneous documents, 1939-40.

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43.2.39 Records relating to the Inter-American Technical Economic

History: Scheduled to meet in Rio de Janeiro, March 15, 1945, but postponed to November 15, 1945, again to April 15, 1946, and finally indefinitely. Conference was replaced by the Inter- American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio de Janeiro, 1947 (SEE 43.2.41).

Textual Records: General records, 1945-46.

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43.2.40 Records relating to the Inter-American Conference on
Problems of War and Peace

History: Held in the castle of Chapultepec near Mexico City, February 21-March 8, 1945, to discuss the Argentina problem and the problems of collective security in the Americas.

Textual Records: Background files of the U.S. Delegation, 1944- 45. Conference records, 1945. Committee and commission files, 1945. Exhibits and appendixes, 1945.

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43.2.41 Records relating to the Inter-American Conference for the
Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security

History: Held in Petropolis, Brazil (near Rio de Janeiro), August 15-September 2, 1947, to discuss a regional defense plan.

Textual Records: General records, 1947.

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43.2.42 Records of the International Conference on Trade and
Employment (International Trade Organization)

History: Preparatory Committee established by the United Nations Economic Council, February 1946, to develop an agenda and proposals for an international conference on trade and employment; met in London, October 5-November 26, 1946, and Geneva, April 10-October 30, 1947. Drafting Committee, established to prepare a charter for the proposed International Trade Organization (ITO), met in Lake Success, NY, January 20- February 25, 1947. International Conference on Trade and Employment held in Havana, November 17, 1947-March 24, 1948, with discussions resulting in the signing of ITO charter. Preparatory Committee met in Geneva, April-October 1947, to prepare agenda for negotiations leading to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Textual Records: ITO subject file, 1933-50. Records, including subject files, relating to the first and second meetings of the Preparatory Committee, 1946-47. Records relating to the Drafting Committee, 1946-47. U.S. Delegation file, 1946-47. Records of the ITO Conference at Havana, consisting of general records, 1947-48; subject file, 1947-48; and records relating to the Interim Commission of the ITO, 1948-49. Records relating to GATT, consisting of records of GATT sessions at Havana, 1947-48; Geneva, 1948, 1950; Annecy, France, 1949; and Torquay, United Kingdom, 1950-51. Records relating to tariff negotiations with Latin American countries, 1937-52.

Sound Recordings (1 item): Statement of Winthrop G. Brown on the establishment of ITO, October 3, 1947. SEE ALSO 43.16.

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43.2.43 Records relating to the United Nations Conference on
Freedom of Information

History: Held in Geneva, April 21-24, 1948, to consider measures to facilitate the gathering and free flow of information, including the news.

Textual Records: Administrative records, 1947-48. Telegrams, 1948. Memorandums of conversation, 1948. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1948-49.

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43.2.44 Records of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference

History: Held in Washington, DC, January 26-February 8, 1949, to promote international conservation of fishery resources in the Northwest Atlantic.

Textual Records: Verbatim minutes of executive committee meetings, 1949. Administrative records, 1947-48. Outgoing telegrams, 1948. Memorandums of conversation, 1948. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1948.

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43.2.45 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Japanese Peace

Textual Records: Administrative subject files, 1951. Minutes of plenary sessions, 1951. Working papers, 1951.

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43.2.46 Records of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, relating to the Organization of American States (OAS)

History: OAS charter adopted at the Ninth International Conference of American States, held at Bogota, 1948 (SEE 43.2.7). Ratified by the United States, 1951.

Textual Records: Subject files relating to the Pan American Union, 1947; the OAS Council, 1948-49; and the OAS, 1949-61.

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43.2.47 Records of the U.S. Representatives to the meetings on
preliminary arrangements for a Korean political conference

History: Meetings of representatives of the United States, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the People's Republic of China were held October 26-December 12, 1953.

Textual Records: General records, 1953-54.

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43.2.48 Records relating to the Bermuda Conference

History: The President of the United States, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the President of France, accompanied by their foreign ministers, met in Bermuda, December 4-7, 1953. An earlier conference had been canceled due to the illness of Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Textual Records: General records, December 1953. Records relating to the canceled conference, June 1953.

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43.2.49 Records relating to the Nine Power Conference

History: Held in London, September 28-October 3, 1954.

Textual Records: General records, September-October 1954.

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43.2.50 Records of U.S. delegations to other international

Textual Records: Records of U.S. delegations to the International Conference on Status of Forces, 1955-57; the International Conference on High Frequency Broadcasting, 1948-49; and the International Conference on Marine Aids to Navigation, 1947.

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43.3.1 Records of the post-Arcadia meetings of the Combined
Chiefs of Staff

History: Conference (codenamed Arcadia) between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in Washington, DC, December 22, 1941-January 14, 1942, resulted in a decision to develop strategy for an Allied landing in North Africa, and the establishment of Allied command structures in the Pacific and Far East. Following Arcadia, U.S. and British chiefs of staff, known as Combined Chiefs of Staff, held 20 meetings in Washington, DC, January 23-May 19, 1942, to coordinate the war effort.

Textual Records: Minutes, 1942.

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43.3.2 Records of the First Quebec Conference (Quadrant)

History: Held in Quebec, August 10-25, 1943, to plan operations in the Pacific and in Europe, and to discuss operations against Italy.

Textual Records: Papers and minutes of meetings, 1943. Log of the President's visit to Canada, 1943.

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43.3.3 Records of the Third Washington Conference (Trident)

History: U.S. and British Delegations held eight meetings at the White House, May 12-25, 1943, to discuss the conduct of the war, combined planning efforts, and the invasion of the European continent.

Textual Records: Papers and minutes of meetings, 1943.

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43.3.4 Records of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers
(Tripartite Conference)

History: The foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Soviet Union met in Moscow, October 1-November 10, 1943, to discuss the war situation and wartime cooperation.

Textual Records: General records, 1943.

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43.3.5 Records of the Teheran Conference

History: President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Soviet Union leader, Marshal Joseph Stalin, met in Teheran, Iran, November 28-December 1, 1943, to discuss the projected United States-United Kingdom invasion of Western Europe and the coordination of that assault with the Soviet offensive against Germany.

Textual Records: General records, 1943. Minutes of meetings, 1943.

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43.3.6 Records of the Second Cairo Conference

History: President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Turkish President Ismet Inonu met in Cairo, December 4-6, 1943, to affirm the alliance between the United Kingdom and Turkey, and to discuss the possibility of Turkey's entry into the war.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1943.

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43.3.7 Records relating to the United Nations Monetary and
Financial Conference (Bretton Woods Conference)

History: Representatives of 44 nations met in Bretton Woods, NH, July 1-22, 1944, to establish an International Monetary Fund for the stabilization of national currencies and the fostering of world trade, and to set up an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1944-45. Correspondence concerning publication and distribution of conference documents and proceedings, 1944-50. Press releases, 1944. Press clippings and transcripts of press conferences, 1944. Certified copy of the Final Act of the Conference, 1944.

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43.3.8 Records of the Second Quebec Conference (Octagon)

History: Held in Quebec, September 11-16, 1944, to consider strategic plans for final victory over Germany and Japan.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, and papers offered for discussion, 1944. Log of the President's inspection trip to the Pacific, 1944.

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43.3.9 Records of the Malta Conference

History: Preparatory to the Yalta Conference (SEE 43.4.1), Combined Chiefs of Staff met in Malta, January 1945, to plan the final campaign against Germany and to discuss the demarcation of occupation zones in case of a German collapse or early surrender.

Textual Records: Administrative records, 1945.

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43.4.1 Records relating to the Yalta Conference

History: President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Marshal Stalin met at Yalta, USSR, February 1945, to discuss the final stage of the war in Europe, Soviet entry into the war against Japan, and probable postwar issues.

Textual Records: General records, 1945. Background and reference materials, 1944-45. Log of the President's trip, 1945. Minutes, notes, and conference documents, 1945.

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43.4.2 Records relating to the Alexandria Conference

History: President Roosevelt and King Abdul Aziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia met on board the U.S.S. Quincy in Alexandria Harbor, Egypt, February 14, 1945, to discuss Jewish-Arab relations and the situation in the Near East.

Textual Records: General records, 1945.

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43.4.3 Records relating to the Potsdam Conference

History: President Harry S. Truman, Prime Minister Churchill, and Marshal Stalin met in Potsdam, near Berlin, July-August 1945, to plan for the occupation and control of Germany and the settlement of various European problems.

Textual Records: General records, 1945. Minutes and papers of meetings, 1945. Telegrams, 1945. Messages exchanged by heads of state, 1944-45.

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43.4.4 Records relating to the Paris Conference on Reparations

History: Eighteen-power conference held in Paris, November 9- December 21, 1945, at the invitation of the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France as the powers occupying the western zones of Germany, to discuss a recommendation for the adoption of the Paris Agreement on Reparations, which established policies and procedures for the division of German assets among the 18 governments.

Textual Records: General subject file, 1944-48. Numbered documents, 1945. Background material, 1944-45. Telegrams between Delegate James W. Angell and the State Department, 1945-46. Angell's final report, 1946.

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History: Held in Paris, July 29-October 15, 1946, with 21 nations participating. Purpose was to provide Allied nations other than the "Big Five" (United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, China, and France) with the opportunity to express their views on the draft peace treaties with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland.

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43.5.1 Records of the plenary sessions

Textual Records: Numbered documents and verbatim records of the plenary sessions, 1946. Numbered peace conference documents, 1946. Numbered documents of and notes by the Secretariat, 1946. Speeches, 1946. Miscellaneous records, 1946.

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43.5.2 Records of the U.S. Delegation

Textual Records: Memorandums, 1946. Journals, 1946. Orders of the day, 1946. Press releases, 1946. Digests of U.S. newspapers, 1946. Miscellaneous administrative records, 1946.

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43.5.3 Records of the General Commission

Textual Records: Numbered documents, 1946.

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43.5.4 Records of the Commission on Procedures

Textual Records: Numbered documents, 1946. Record of decisions, 1946. Minutes of meetings, 1946.

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43.5.5 Records of Economic Commissions

Textual Records: Records of the Economic Commission for the Balkans and Finland, and the Economic Commission for Italy and its Sub-Commission on Reparations, 1946, consisting of numbered documents, records of decisions, agendas, and minutes of meetings.

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43.5.6 Records of Political and Territorial Commissions

Textual Records: Records of the Political and Territorial Commissions for Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy (including the Sub-Commission on the Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste), and Romania, consisting of numbered documents, a record of decisions, agendas, and minutes of meetings, 1946.

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43.5.7 Records of the Legal and Drafting Commission

Textual Records: Commission records, 1946, consisting of agendas, minutes of meetings, numbered documents, and a record of decisions. Records of the Draft Sub-Commission, 1946, including agendas, numbered documents, and a record of decisions.

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43.5.8 Records of the Military Commission

Textual Records: Agendas, minutes of meetings, numbered documents, and a record of decisions, 1946.

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1910-50 (bulk 1945-50)

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43.6.1 Records of the first session of the CFM

History: CFM, established during the Potsdam Conference (SEE 43.4.3), and composed of the foreign ministers of the "Big Five" (United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, China, and France), met in London, September 11-October 2, 1945, to prepare draft peace treaties with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, and to propose settlements of outstanding territorial questions.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1945. Numbered documents, 1945. Document registration book, 1945-46. Subject index to documents, 1945. Biographical sketches of delegates, 1945.

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43.6.2 Records of the second session of the CFM

History: Held in Paris, April 25-May 16 and June 15-July 12, 1946, to work on the contents of the draft treaties of peace with Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Finland, and to plan for a larger peace conference.

Textual Records: General records of the U.S. Delegation, 1946. Records of the commissions and committees, 1946. Minutes of meetings, 1946. Numbered documents, 1946. Record of decisions, 1946. Miscellaneous records, 1946.

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43.6.3 Records of the third session of the CFM

History: Held in New York, November 4-December 12, 1946, to resolve issues concerning the draft treaties of peace.

Textual Records: General and administrative records, 1946. Minutes of meetings, 1946. Numbered documents, 1946-47. Record of decisions, 1946-47. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1946, consisting of administrative records, minutes of meetings, and press releases.

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43.6.4 Records of the fourth session of the CFM

History: Held in Moscow, March-April 1947, at the urging of the United States, in an attempt to resolve differences between the major powers regarding the draft treaties for Germany and Austria.

Textual Records: Administrative records, 1947. Numbered documents, 1947, with subject index. Minutes of CFM formal and informal meetings; meetings of the Coordinating Spedial Committee; and meetings of the deputies for Trieste, 1947. British record of the meetings of the German Assets Committee, 1947. Record of decisions, 1947. Briefing papers for the U.S. Delegation, 1947. Final status reports, 1947.

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43.6.5 Records of the fifth session of the CFM

History: Held in London, November 25-December 15, 1947, to deal further with postwar problems, particularly those concerning the German peace settlement and the future status of Germany.

Textual Records: Subject files, 1946-48. Agendas, 1947. International conference file, 1947. Records of London meetings of the U.S., British, and French foreign ministers following the CFM session, 1947-48. U.S. Delegation position papers, 1947. Reports on economic matters, 1947. CFM numbered documents, 1947. CFM papers, 1946-48. Minutes and records of decisions, 1947. British record of meetings, 1947. Minutes of the U.S. Delegation, 1947. Provisional record of decisions, 1947. Country files, 1946- 48. Austrian Treaty Commission cables, 1947. Telegraphic reports, 1947. Telegrams, 1947. Working papers, 1947. Files, 1947, of Leonard Ungar, International Secretary of the Trieste Commission of Inquiry; and of Benjamin Cohen, Legal Counselor to the U.S. Delegation of the CFM. Minutes of Tripartite Conversations, 1947. Records of the Balkan Committee and the Treaty Committee, 1946- 48.

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43.6.6 Records of the sixth session of the CFM

History: Held in Paris, May 23-June 20, 1949, to deal with the continuing problem of Germany in the wake of the Berlin Blockade and the creation of a Federal Republic of Germany in the Western Zone.

Textual Records: General records, 1949. Administrative records, 1949. Subject file, 1949. Staff papers, 1949. Numbered documents, 1949. Minutes and record of decisions, 1949. Verbatim minutes, 1949. Proceedings, 1949. Record of decisions, 1949. British plenary minutes, 1949. Summary of meetings, 1949. Minutes of meetings of delegation secretaries, 1949. Proposals of the U.S., British, and French Delegations, 1949. General records, minutes of meetings, working papers, and miscellaneous records of the U.S. Delegation, 1949. Research reports, 1950. Miscellaneous records, 1949. Indexes, 1949. Records of the International Conference Division, 1949, consisting of organization files, personnel and other administrative records, and U.S. Delegation administrative records, 1949.

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43.6.7 Miscellaneous records

Textual Records: Records relating to the first three sessions of the CFM (SEE 43.6.1-46.6.3) and of the Paris Peace Conference (SEE 43.5), consisting of a country file, 1945-46; a subject file, 1945-46; telegrams, 1945; and working papers, 1945-46. Records of meetings held after the CFM sixth session, consisting of general files, 1949; country files, 1949; telegrams, 1949; and telegram registers, 1945-49.

Maps (195 items): Annexes to study materials and proposals relating to Italian boundaries and colonies, the Italo-Yugoslav boundary, the Austro-Italian frontier, the Dodecanese Islands maritime frontier, the Greek-Bulgarian frontier, the Soviet- Romanian frontier, and the Czechoslovak-Hungarian frontier, 1910- 47 (140 items). Annexes to memorandums on frontiers and territorial claims of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, 1947 (21 items). Annexes to draft treaties with Bulgaria, Finland, and Hungary, 1946-47 (11 items). Maps relating to the peace treaty with Italy, with accompanying charts and tables, 1910-46 (23 items). SEE ALSO 43.14.

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43.7.1 Records relating to the "Big Four" Foreign Ministers

History: Foreign ministers of the "Big Four" (United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and China) met in Washington, DC, April 1945, to discuss the Polish question and the forthcoming San Francisco Conference.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1945.

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43.7.2 Records relating to the Tripartite Foreign Ministers

History: At the urging of the United States, the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union met with Secretary of State James F. Byrnes in Moscow, December 1945, to try to resolve the impasse that had developed at the first session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM), September- October 1945 (SEE 43.6.1).

Textual Records: General records, 1945.

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43.7.3 Records relating to informal meetings of the CFM

History: Held by the "Big Four" during the Paris Peace Conference, August 29-October 14, 1946, to discuss relations with Germany, the Franco-Italian frontier, and procedures for the peace conference plenary session.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1946.

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43.7.4 Records relating to Deputy Foreign Ministers (DFM) meetings

History: Held in London, January-December 1946, in the intervals between formal CFM sessions, to consider the "understandings" reached by the CFM in its first plenary session in London, September 11-October 2, 1945 (SEE 43.6.1).

Textual Records: Minutes of CFM and DFM meetings, 1945-46. Summary minutes of meetings of the Subcommittee on the Balkans, 1946. Numbered documents, 1945-46. Records of decisions, 1946. Records of the Division of International Conferences relating to DFM meetings, 1945-46.

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43.7.5 Records of a special CFM meeting

History: Held in Paris, September 1948, to deal with the final disposition of the former Italian colonies.

Textual Records: General records, 1948. Record of decisions, 1948.

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43.7.6 Records of a foreign ministers' meeting on Germany and the

History: Held in Paris, November 19, 1948.

Textual Records: Minutes, 1948.

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43.7.7 Records of the foreign ministers' meetings on the future
of Germany

History: Held in Washington, DC, March 31-April 30, 1949, to establish the basis for a German federal republic.

Textual Records: General records, 1949. Numbered documents, 1949. Minutes, 1949. Position papers, 1949.

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43.7.8 Records of a meeting of the foreign ministers of France,
the United States, and the United Kingdom

History: Held in Washington, DC, September 17, 1949, to discuss reparations, security, plant dismantling in Germany, the Austrian treaty, and attitudes toward Germany.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1949. Memorandums of conversations, 1949.

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43.7.9 Records relating to the "September Talks"

History: Meetings held in Washington, DC, September 1949, with the foreign ministers of several nations friendly to the United States, to discuss various aspects of U.S. foreign policy, including the North Atlantic Treaty and the use of uranium.

Textual Records: General records, 1949.

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43.7.10 Records of CFM informal meetings on Austria

History: While in New York for the United Nations General Assembly meeting, May 26-October 6, 1949, CFM met informally to discuss the deadlock of the CFM deputies for Austria on an Austrian peace treaty.

Textual Records: Minutes of the U.S. and United Kingdom delegations, 1949.

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43.7.11 Records of meetings of the foreign ministers of the
United States, the United Kingdom, and France

History: Held in Paris, November 9-22, 1949, to discuss problems of common interest connected with the Federal Republic of Germany, the Organization of European Economic Cooperation, and the Council of Europe. Held in London, May 11-13, 1950, to discuss the German and Austrian situations, international monetary problems, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Held in New York, September 12-18, 1950, followed by a special meeting of foreign and defense ministers, also in New York, September 22-23, 1950. Held in Brussels, December 19, 1950, to discuss various aspects of the situation in Germany, including changes in the occupation statute and the charter of the Allied High Commission. Held in Washington, DC, September 10-14, 1951; and London, October 16-18, 1953.

Textual Records: Records of the Paris meeting, 1949, including administrative records; U.S. Delegation minutes of meetings; briefs on the current German situation; the official communique; working file of Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs George W. Perkins; and notes of Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Jacques J. Reinstein. General records of the London meeting, April-May 1950; the New York meeting (including also a defense ministers meeting), September 1950; the Brussels meeting, December 1950; the Washington meeting, September 1951; and the London meeting, October 1953.

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43.7.12 Records of DFM meetings

History: Held in Paris, January-June 1951, to prepare an agenda for the next CFM meeting.

Textual Records: Synopses of meetings, 1951. Telegraphic reports, 1951.

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43.7.13 Records relating to a meeting of the foreign ministers of France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Federal Republic of Germany

History: Held in Paris, November 22, 1951.

Textual Records: General records, November 1951. Records relating to the Steering Group on Possible U.S.-U.K. Talks, November 1951. Records relating to Tripartite Conversations, November 1951.

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43.7.14 Records relating to meetings of the foreign ministers of
France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Federal
Republic of Germany

History: Foreign ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France met in London, February 17-19, 1952. In addition to meeting among themselves, the three foreign ministers met, February 18-19, 1952, with the foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Textual Records: Records relating to discussions of the status of Germany at the foreign ministers' meetings in London, February 13-19, 1952, and Lisbon, February 20-26, 1952. Records of North Atlantic Treaty Council preparations, Lisbon, February 1952.

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43.7.15 Records relating to a meeting of the foreign ministers of
the United States, the United Kingdom, and France with the
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

History: Held in Bad Godesberg, Germany, May 1952.

Textual Records: General records, May 1952.

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43.7.16 Records relating to ministerial talks

History: Held in London, June 1952.

Textual Records: General records, June 1952.

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43.7.17 Records relating to conversations between Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Anthony

History: Discussions held while both parties were in New York for a session of the United Nations, March 1953.

Textual Records: Briefing papers, March 1953.

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43.8.1 Records of meetings of the deputies for Germany and

History: Four deputies for Germany and four for Austria were appointed pursuant to CFM meeting, December 1946. Deputies met jointly in London, January 1947, and separately in Moscow, March 1947.

Textual Records: Records of the deputies for Germany, consisting of numbered documents, 1946; and minutes of meetings, a record of decisions, and reports, 1947. Records of the deputies for Austria, consisting of numbered documents, 1946; and minutes of meetings and a record of decisions, 1947. U.S. Delegation minutes of joint meetings of the deputies for Germany and Austria, 1946. U.S. Delegation minutes of meetings of the deputies for Austria concerning economic matters, 1947. Minutes of the German Assets Committee, 1947.

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43.8.2 Records of meetings of the deputies for the former Italian

History: CFM deputies met in London, October 1947-July 1948, pursuant to provisions of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, February 10, 1947, to determine the final disposition of Italy's former territories in Africa. The deputies created the Four Power Commission of Investigation (Former Italian Colonies).

Textual Records: Deputies' records, 1947-48, including administrative records, numbered documents, a record of decisions, and verbatim minutes. Records of the Four Power Commission of Investigation (Former Italian Colonies), 1947-48.

Related Records: Main body of records of the Four Power Commission of Investigation (Former Italian Colonies) UNDER 43.11.28.

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43.8.3 Records of meetings of the deputies for Germany

History: Held in London, November 1947, to discuss procedures for the German treaty and the structure of a central government for the German state.

Textual Records: Administrative records, 1947. Numbered documents, 1947. Record of decisions, 1947.

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43.8.4 Records of meetings of the deputies for Austria

History: Met periodically, 1948-53, in an effort to resolve major points of dispute between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies over the future of Austria.

Textual Records: General records, 1951-54. Administrative records, 1948-50. Numbered documents, 1948-49. Record of decisions, 1947-49. Minutes of meetings, 1948-50. Copies of British records of the meetings, 1949. Telegraphic reports, 1948, 1951.

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1948-51, 1954

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43.9.1 Records of the Tripartite Military Governors Conference

History: Held in Berlin during the recess of the London Conference on Germany (SEE 43.10.3), June-July 1948, to implement the decisions of that conference.

Textual Records: General records, minutes, and memorandums, 1948. Records relating to working parties established by the conference, 1948, including working parties' papers and final reports; U.S. briefs on the reports; and general records of the political working party on the implementation of the London decisions, 1948. Numbered documents, memorandums, and minutes of meetings of the military governors and ministers president of the three western zones on the future of Germany's political organization, 1948. Records relating to the occupation statute for Germany, 1948-51.

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43.9.2 Records of the meetings of the military governors of the
three western zones

History: Held March 4-September 15, 1949, to deal with the continuing German political and economic problems referred to them by various higher level conferences, including the Berlin Blockade, the status of Berlin, and the future political organization of Germany.

Textual Records: Numbered documents; military governors' decisions; memorandums; and verbatim transcripts of the meetings of deputy military governors and of special experts, 1949.

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43.9.3 Records relating to the Quadripartite Meeting of the
Berlin Commandants

History: Held January 7-17, 1954.

Textual Records: General records, January 1954.

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43.10.1 Records of the Austrian Treaty Commission

History: Established at the CFM meeting in Moscow, April 24, 1947 (SEE 43.6.4). Met, May 12-October 11, 1947, to consider the question of German assets, Austrian frontiers, a new Austrian Government, and economic problems of the Austrian state; and to examine concrete claims cases. Austrian State Treaty signed in Vienna, May 15, 1955.

Textual Records: Subject file; numbered documents; minutes of meetings; verbatim record; record of decisions; minutes of the Committee of Experts; industrial surveys; summary of issues; studies and reports; and studies on Austrian oil, 1947. Austrian Treaty file, 1945-55.

Maps (96 items, in Washington Area): Oil fields, oil exploration sites, oil concessions, refining facilities, and existing and proposed pipelines, 1947. SEE ALSO 43.14.

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43.10.2 Records of Tripartite Talks on Germany and Bizonal
Financial Talks

History: The Tripartite Talks among the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, August 1947; and the Bizonal Financial Talks between the United States and the United Kingdom, October 1947, laid the foundations for the unification of the western zones of Germany.

Textual Records: Records of the Tripartite Talks, 1947, consisting of general records, minutes of meetings, verbatim texts of proceedings, and numbered documents. Records of the Bizonal Financial Talks, including general records, 1946-49; U.S. Delegation minutes and documents, 1947; and conference minutes, with summary record and documents, 1947.

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43.10.3 Records of the London Conference on Germany

History: After the failure to arrive at any quadripartite agreement and the adjournment of the London CFM meeting in 1947 (SEE 43.6.5), a tripartite meeting was held in London, February- May 1948, to deal with pressing problems of Germany left unresolved.

Textual Records: General records, 1948. Subject file, 1948. Administrative records, 1947-48. U.S. position papers for the resumption of Germany talks, 1948. U.S. Delegation minutes, 1948. Papers prepared for the London conference by the Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S.) [OMGUS], 1948. British records of meetings, 1948. Numbered documents, 1948. Telegraphic reports, 1948. Records relating to German western frontiers, 1948-52; and the Saarland, 1946.

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43.10.4 Records of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the
Protection of Foreign Interests in Germany

History: Met in Paris, October 25-November 11, 1948, to consider measures to safeguard the holdings, in the future German state, of the nationals of United Nations members.

Textual Records: Minutes, 1948.

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43.10.5 Records of the tripartite discussions in London

History: Held December 1948-January 1949, to deal with reparations problems and plant dismantling.

Textual Records: General records, 1948-49.

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43.10.6 Records of the International Authority of the Ruhr (IAR)

History: Established at the London Conference on the Ruhr, November 11-December 24, 1948, to assure the disarmament and demilitarization of Germany and to promote European recovery and economic association.

Textual Records: Subject files, 1945-53. Telegrams and airgrams, 1948-52. Records of the Interdepartmental Preparatory Committee on the Ruhr Coal Talks with the British, 1947. Records of the London Conference on the Ruhr, 1948-49. Records relating to the IAR meetings, 1946-52. Records of the IAR Council, 1949-53; the Permanent Financial Committee, 1949-52; the Secretary General, 1949-53; IAR working parties, 1949-52; and the Informal Working Group on International Control of the Ruhr, 1949-50. Working files of U.S. delegate Wayne Jackson, 1948-49.

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43.10.7 Records of the Jessup-Malik conversations

History: Conversations held, March-May 1949, between Phillip Jessup, Deputy Chief of the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations, and Yakov A. Malik, Soviet Ambassador to the United Nations, led to an agreement of May 4, 1949, lifting the Berlin Blockade and opening Berlin to the Western Powers.

Textual Records: Summaries of the conversations, 1949. Text of Jessup-Malik agreement, 1949.

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43.10.8 Records of discussions concerning a Swiss-Allied accord

History: Held in Washington, DC, May-June 1949, to deal with the question of German assets in Switzerland.

Textual Records: Summaries of discussions, 1949. Official report of the U.S. Delegation, 1949.

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43.10.9 Records of the United States-United Kingdom-Canadian
financial talks

History: Held in Washington, DC, September 7-12, 1949, to seek a solution to sterling dollar difficulties and other mutual economic problems.

Textual Records: Records relating to planning and preparation for the talks, 1949, including a subject file, records of the Trade and Commercial Policy (TCP) Committee, and records of the working group on Britain. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1949, including general records, minutes, and numbered documents of both the U.S. Delegation and the TCP Committee.

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43.10.10 Records of the first meeting of the North Atlantic

History: Held, September 17-October 4, 1949, to implement the North Atlantic Treaty.

Textual Records: General records, 1949.

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43.10.11 Records of meetings of the U.S. ambassadors

History: Held in Paris, October 21-22, 1949, and London, October 24-26, 1949, to discuss problems of Western European cooperation and to make recommendations on U.S. policy toward Eastern Europe. Held in Rome, March 22-24, 1950, to discuss the establishment of a permanent tripartite (United States, United Kingdom, and France) Council of Foreign Ministers. Held in Frankfurt, February 1951; and London, September 1952, June 1954. Planned for Frankfurt, July 1950, but not held.

Textual Records: General records, 1949. General records, Rome meeting, 1950. General records, Frankfurt meeting (planned), 1950. General records, Frankfurt meeting (held), February 1951. General records, London meeting, September 1952. Summary minutes of the London meeting, June 1954.

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43.10.12 Records of discussions in Bonn, Federal Republic of
Germany (FRG)

History: Secretary of State Dean Acheson met with FRG leaders, November 13, 1949, to discuss the German position and to request German cooperation with the Allied High Commissioners in forthcoming discussions.

Textual Records: General records, 1949. Summaries of the discussions, 1949.

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43.10.13 Records relating to meetings of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO)

History: NATO established by the North Atlantic Treaty (signed, April 4, 1949; entered into force, August 14, 1949) as an alliance for the collective defense of Western Europe and North America, particularly against the Soviet bloc. Consisted initially of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Expanded to include Greece and Turkey, 1952; Federal Republic of Germany, 1955; and Spain, 1982.

Textual Records: Records relating to the NATO meeting, New York, September 1950. General records relating to NATO ministerial meetings in Paris, December 1952, April 1953, and April 1954.

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43.10.14 Records relating to the North Atlantic Council (NAC)

History: NAC, with headquarters in Brussels, established by article 9 of the North Atlantic Treaty to set and coordinate NATO policies.

Textual Records: Records concerning the seventh session of NAC, Ottawa, September 1951. Records dealing with preparations for a NAC meeting, Rome, November 1951. Records relating to a ministerial meeting of NAC, Paris, December 14-16, 1953.

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43.10.15 Records relating to the four power meeting, nine power
meeting, and ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Council

History: Meetings held in Paris, October 20-23, 1954.

Textual Records: Records of the Steering Group on the Results of the London Conference, October 1954. Preparation papers for the Paris meetings, October 1954.

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43.10.16 Records relating to meetings between President Harry S.
Truman and foreign heads of state, Washington, DC

Textual Records: Records relating to meetings with British Prime Minister Clement Attlee ("Truman-Attlee Conversations"), December 1950. Records relating to meetings with French Premier Rene Pleven ("Truman-Pleven Talks"), January 1951. Records relating to meetings with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ("Truman- Churchill Talks"), January 1952.

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43.10.17 Records relating to bilateral talks

Textual Records: Minutes of U.S.-French talks, New York, October 1950. Records relating to U.S.-French political talks, Washington, March 1953; U.S. conversations with Italian Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi, Washington, September 1951; U.S.- British political talks, Washington, March 1953; discussions involving French Premier Rene Mayer and French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault ("Mayer-Bidault Talks"), Washington, March 1953; U.S.-German political talks, Washington, April 1953; and U.S.- French conversations, Paris, April 1953.

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43.10.18 Records relating to tripartite conversations on Austria

History: Conversations between State Department representatives and personnel of the British and French embassies in Washington concerning the situation in Austria, July 23-August 5, 1950.

Textual Records: General records, 1950.

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43.10.19 Records relating to tripartite meetings (United States-
United Kingdom-France)

Textual Records: Records relating to tripartite talks, Paris- Rome, November-December 1951. Records concerning talks involving British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, and Secretary of State Dean Acheson, New York, November 1952. Records dealing with tripartite talks, Paris, April 1953; Washington, July 1953; and Paris, October-December 1953.

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43.10.20 Records relating to the Four Power Exploratory Talks

History: Held in Paris, March 5-June 21, 1951, among representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union.

Textual Records: General records, 1950-51. Records relating to exploratory talks with the Soviets, March-June 1951. Records concerning tripartite conversations in Washington between the U.S. ambassador-at-large and the French and British ambassadors, February 1951. Records dealing with tripartite and quadripartite conversations, Paris, March 1951.

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43.10.21 Records relating to the Indo-China Talks

History: Held in Paris, March 9-13, 1953.

Textual Records: Miscellaneous documents of the American-French Working Group, March 1953.

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43.10.22 Records relating to talks in Paris

History: Held April 1953.

Textual Records: General records, April 1953.

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43.10.23 Records relating to the Four Power Conference

History: Held in Berlin, January 25-February 18, 1954, with representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union participating.

Textual Records: General records, January-February 1954.

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43.10.24 Records relating to the Paris Talks

History: Held July 13-14, 1954.

Textual Records: General records, July 1954.

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43.10.25 Records relating to visits to the United States by heads
of state and foreign ministers

Textual Records: Records concerning visits by French President Vincent Auriol, March 1951; Jean Monnet, president of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, June 1953; Herbert Blankenhorn, political director of the German Foreign Office, June 1953; and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, June 1954.

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43.10.26 Miscellaneous records

Textual Records: Records relating to a visit to the United States (February 1951) of six members of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-53. Records concerning the German Study Mission of a special subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, November 1951. Records pertaining to signing ceremonies in Europe, May 1952. Records concerning a visit of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Mutual Security Administrator Harold Stassen to several European capitals, February 1953. Records dealing with proposed talks with the Soviets, September 1953. Records relating to possible tripartite or bilateral discussions in Berlin, January 1954.

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43.11.1 Records of the American Commissioners of the American-
British Joint High Commission

History: American-British Joint High Commission established by an agreement reached through exchange of notes, January 26 and 30, and February 1 and 3, 1871, to consider the question of fishing rights along the coast of British possessions in North America and other questions affecting the relationship between the United States and British possessions in North America.

Textual Records: Credentials, appointment letters, and other records of the American Commissioners, 1871.

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43.11.2 Records of the Intercontinental Railway Commission (IRC)

History: Created as the result of a report of the Committee on Railway Communication adopted by the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, DC, 1889-90 (SEE 43.2.7), to survey a railroad route that would connect the existing systems of the United States and Mexico with those of Central and South America.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1890-99. Minutes of meetings, 1891-98. Telegrams and cablegrams, 1891-99. Commission reports, 1891-98. Field notes of survey corps, 1891-93. Memorandums relating to the survey, 1887-92. Newspaper clippings, 1890-98. Reference material pertaining to Central and South American countries, 1891-97. Aneroid profile computation notebooks, 1891- 92. Sketch books, 1891-92. Meteorological observations, 1892-93. Triangulation and topographical station observations, 1892.

Maps and Charts (1,259 items): Manuscript and printed maps, field sheets, elevation profiles, and a few panoramic views prepared for the Intercontinental Railway Survey, 1890-98 (1,045 items). Estimated cost charts, n.d. (8 items). Plotted sheets of railroad elevations and distances in Nicaragua, n.d. (85 items). Tabular charts, 1891-92 (6 items). "Railroad System of Argentina," n.d. (112 items, in Washington Area). Miscellaneous maps, 1891-93 (3 items). SEE ALSO 43.14.

Photographs (533 images): Guatemala (376 images), El Salvador (2 images), Nicaragua (25 images), Ecuador (76 images), Costa Rica (13 images), Peru (9 images), Colombia (29 images), and Panama (3 images), taken by IRC field parties (engineer corps), 1890-99 (IRC). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.11.3 Records of the International American Monetary Commission

History: Met in Washington, DC, January 7-April 4, 1891, at the invitation of the United States, to consider the creation of an international monetary unit.

Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1891. Records relating to meetings, 1891. Reports of committees, 1891. Papers regarding appointments to the commission, 1890-91.

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43.11.4 Records relating to the Joint High Commission

History: Established pursuant to a conference between representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States held in Washington, DC, May 25-30, 1898, to consider questions that had arisen between the United States and Canada concerning the Alaskan boundary, the boundary between the United States and Canada, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean fisheries, naval vessels on the Great Lakes, commercial reciprocity, alien labor laws, the transit of merchandise across boundaries, mining rights, and fur seals.

Textual Records: Printed materials furnished by Reciprocity Commissioner of the United States John A. Kasson, 1892-98.

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43.11.5 Records relating to the Paris Peace Commission

History: Established pursuant to an agreement signed by representatives of the United States and Spain, August 12, 1898, to negotiate and conclude a treaty of peace between the two countries.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1897-98. Dispatches, 1895-98. Miscellaneous letters and reports, 1898-99. Protocols of the commission, 1898. Instructions of the U.S. commissioners, 1898. Telegrams, 1898. Department of State circulars, 1898. Miscellaneous and German newspaper clippings relating to the war with Spain, 1898. Report on the Federated Malay States, ca. 1897. Naval reports concerning the Philippine Islands, 1879-98. Printed materials relating to Spanish possessions and the war with Spain, 1892-98.

Microfilm Publications: T954.

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43.11.6 Records relating to the Samoan High Commission

History: Established, April 1898, pursuant to an agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, to restore peace and order through a provisional government and to consider a plan for the future government of the Samoan Islands.

Textual Records: Newspaper clippings relating to Samoa and the commission, 1898-99.

Photographs (104 images): Commission members, and Samoa, 1898-99 (S). SEE ALSO 43.17.

Related Records: Records of the First and Second Samoan Conferences UNDER 43.2.6. Records of the Government of American Samoa, RG 284.

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43.11.7 Records relating to the International Institute of

History: Established at a conference held in Rome, May-June 1905. Began operations as a clearinghouse for agricultural information on a worldwide level, 1908.

Textual Records: Institute reports, 1909.

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43.11.8 Records maintained by the U.S. Section of the
International High Commission

History: International High Commission established in accordance with a resolution of the First Pan American Financial Conference, 1915, to bring about uniformity in the commercial law and administrative regulations of the American republics, as well as more stable financial relations between the United States and Latin America. First met in Buenos Aires, April 1916. U.S. Section authorized by an act of February 7, 1916 (39 Stat. 8), to study the legislation of various countries and to compile and analyze their provisions. U.S. Section ceased to function, July 1, 1933, upon expiration of final appropriation.

Textual Records: General records, 1915-26. Records relating to the commission's programs, 1915-33. Registers of letters sent, 1918-33. Minutes of meetings of the Executive Council and the U.S. Section, 1915-23. Reports prepared for the Central Executive Council, 1915-33. Speeches and articles relating to the commission, 1916-21. Administrative correspondence of the U.S. Section, 1926-33. Memorandums and letters sent by the Secretary of the Pan American Committee on Standardization, 1924-33. Card records of inter-American conventions, projects, and resolutions, 1924-28. Foreign language booklets, glossaries and catalogs, 1925-32. Statistics on trade and finance, 1900-17. Lists of members of group committees, ca. 1921.

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43.11.9 Records of the U.S. Commissioners of the American and
Mexican Joint Commission

History: American and Mexican Joint Commission established, 1916, to develop means of reducing depredations on American life and property in Mexico; and to arrange for the compensation of past losses, the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Mexico, and the pacification of the international border. First meeting held in New York, NY, September 4, 1916, with subsequent meetings in New London, CT, Atlantic City, NJ, and again in New York. Last meeting held January 15, 1917.

Textual Records: Memorandums furnished by the State Department, 1916. Dispatches, radiograms, and telegrams of Special Representatives of the State Department in Mexico, John R. Sillman, 1914-15; and James Lewis Rodgers, 1916.

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43.11.10 Records of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to
the Russian Railway Service Corps, and the Interallied Railway
Committee (IARC)

History: Advisory Commission created, June 1917, to advise and assist the Russian Government in solving its railway problems. IARC established by an interallied railway agreement, 1918, to provide general supervision of the railways in those regions where Allied troops were operating. IRC ceased to function when the last foreign military forces were withdrawn from Siberia, October 1922.

Textual Records: Records of the Chairman of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia, 1917-18. General records of the IARC, 1918-22. Registers of letters of the IARC, 1919-22. Minutes of meetings of the Interallied Technical Board, 1919-22. General and "confidential" records and correspondence of the President of the Interallied Technical Board, 1919-22. Operating financial statements for the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1921-22. Minutes of the meetings of the Interallied Military Transportation Board, 1920-22. General records and minutes of meetings of the Interallied Purchasing Commission, 1919-22. Records of and relating to the Russian Railway Service Corps (RRSC), including administrative records, 1917-20; records concerning railroad operations, 1919-20; general records of the RRSC commander and commanding officer, and of the chief inspector of the Technical Board, 1919-22; records of district inspectors, 1920-22; records of the Division of Inspectors, 1919-22; subject index to records of the Division of Inspection for the USSURI Railway, 1919-22; records of the telegraph and telephone inspector, 1919-20, and the dental surgeon, 1919-20; records of the Accounting Department Inspector, 1917-22, and the Mechanical Inspector, 1918-20, for the Chinese Eastern Railway; records of the Quartermaster Corps at Vladivostok and Harbin, 1918-23; records of the Washington office, 1917-22; and records relating to RRSC accounts, 1917-22.

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43.11.11 Records of the U.S. unofficial delegation to the
Reparations Commission

History: Reparations Commission established by the Treaty of Versailles, 1919, to determine the amount of damages for which compensation was to be made by Germany to the Allied and Associated governments; to draw up a schedule of payments to be made by Germany; and to interpret provisions of the treaty relating to the entire reparations problem. The United States did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, but maintained an unofficial delegation to the Reparations Commission.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1920-24. Minutes of meetings of the Reparations Commission, 1920-31. Annexes, 1920- 31. Press clippings, 1919-21. Minutes of meetings of the Organization Committee, 1925-26. Minutes of meetings of the Permanent Managing Committee, 1925-26, with annexes. Records of the Committee of Guarantees, 1921-24. Records of the Finance Service, 1920-30. Records of the Legal Service, 1920-27. Records of Col. James A. Logan, U.S. member of the Financial Committee of the Reparations Commission, 1919-23. Records of the Austrian Section, 1920-27; Hungarian Section, 1921-26; and Maritime Section, 1920-30. Records of the Section of Reparations and Restitutions in Kind, 1919-30. Records of the Reparations Conferences, 1920-30. Records of the Hague Conference, 1929-30. Records of the Geneva Conference on Disarmament, 1932-35. Records of the Reparations Committee for Dyestuffs, 1919-22.

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43.11.12 Records of the U.S. Electoral Mission in Nicaragua

History: Supervised elections under the Nicaraguan Constitution, 1928, 1930, and 1932, in accordance with an agreement between the Presidents of Nicaragua and the United States.

Textual Records: Records of the 1928 mission, including general records, with indexes; records of the chairman; minutes of meetings of the National Board of Elections; reports of U.S. and Nicaraguan members of local election boards; lists of persons against whom orders of arrest were outstanding; and notes, drafts, and correspondence concerning the "McCoy Law," 1928. Records of the 1930 mission, including general records; records of the chairman; minutes of National Board of Elections, with index; documents considered by the National Board of Elections; electoral mission log; correspondence regarding complaints of election irregularities; and reports of departmental chairmen, 1930. Records of the 1932 mission, including general records, records of the chairman, reports of departmental chairmen, lists of personnel for the departmental election boards, reports of election results, and records of the Intelligence and Legal Sections, 1930; newspaper clippings, 1931-32; and copies of La Gaceta, 1927-32.

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43.11.13 Records of the U.S. Representative on the Lytton

History: Commission, chaired by the 2d Earl of Lytton (V.A.G.R. Bulwer-Lytton), was established pursuant to League of Nations resolution, December 10, 1930, to investigate the dispute between member nations China and Japan resulting from the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, September 1930. Commission submitted report, September 1932, censuring both disputants. Japan subsequently withdrew from League of Nations.

Textual Records: Documents compiled by the U.S. Representative, Gen. Frank McCoy, 1930-32.

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43.11.14 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the International
Technical Commission of Aerial Legal Experts (Comite International Technique d'Experts Juridiques Aeriens, CITEJA)

History: CITEJA established by a resolution adopted at the First International Conference on Private Air Law, which met in Paris, October 27, 1925, to establish a program for the study of private aerial law, prepare texts of international conventions, and elaborate a single international code for Aerial Law.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1935-48. Documents of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Commissions, 1928-48; and a collection of published commission documents, 1919-46.

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43.11.15 Records relating to the third meeting of the International Technical Consulting Committee on Radio Communications (ITCCRC)

History: ITTCCRC established as a result of the International Radiotelegraph Conference held in Washington, 1927 (SEE 43.2.15), and reestablished by the International Radio and Telegraph Conferences held in Madrid, 1932 (SEE 43.2.25), to study and provide opinions on technical radio questions submitted to it by government regulatory bodies and radio operating companies. Third meeting held in Lisbon, September 22-October 10, 1934, to review opinions.

Textual Records: Reports on radio questions, 1934.

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43.11.16 Records of the U.S. Committee of the Joint Economic
Committees, United States and Canada

History: Joint Economic Committees established by the United States and Canada, June 17, 1941, to explore the possibilities for greater economic cooperation. Dissolved by agreement of both governments, May 14, 1944.

Textual Records: General records, 1941-44. General correspondence, 1941-44. Minutes of meetings, 1941-43. Memorandums, 1941. Records relating to an aviation project, 1943; and the North Pacific Planning Project, 1941-44.

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43.11.17 Records of the British-American Joint Patent Interchange

History: Established in accordance with the British-American Patent Interchange Agreement, August 24, 1942, providing for the interchange of patent rights, inventions, technical information, designs, and processes between the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom for war production purposes. Terminated, April 8, 1946.

Textual Records: Subject file, 1941-46. Agendas, minutes, and reports, 1941-46.

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43.11.18 Records of the Emergency Advisory Committee for
Political Defense

History: Established at the third meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Rio de Janeiro, January 1942 (SEE 43.2.37), to assist member nations in providing for defense against subversion by Axis agents.

Textual Records: Subject file, 1942-47. Country file, 1942-47. Miscellaneous records of the U.S. Representatives, 1946-57.

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43.11.19 Records relating to the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee (IAFEAC), and Subcommittee on Post- War Problems, 1942-45

History: IAFEAC was created at the first meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Panama, September 1939 (SEE 43.2.37), to promote closer commercial, financial, and economic relations among the republics of the Western Hemisphere. Subcommittee on Post-War Problems was created, 1942, to help plan the transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy in the hemisphere.

Textual Records: General records, 1942-45.

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43.11.20 Records relating to the European Advisory Commission

History: Created at the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, October 1943 (SEE 43.3.4), to study European problems connected with the termination of World War II.

Textual Records: Records of Philip E. Mosely, chief of the Division of Territorial Studies, State Department, in his capacity as adviser to John G. Winant, U.S. Representative to the EAC, 1943-45.

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43.11.21 Records of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
(AACI) regarding Palestine

History: Created at the invitation of the British Government, December 10, 1945, to examine the situation of Jewish survivors in Europe and the problem of resettlement in Palestine.

Textual Records: AACI reports, 1945-46. Reference files, 1938-46. Evidence submitted to the committee, 1945-46. Transcripts of hearings, 1946. General records of the Anglo-American Cabinet Committee, 1946-48.

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43.11.22 Records relating to the Allied Control Council for

History: Established, June 5, 1945, pursuant to agreement of the "Big Three" (United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union) at the Yalta Conference (SEE 43.4.1), to administer Germany after the war.

Textual Records: Records of the European Advisory Commission relating to the establishment of the Allied Control Council, 1944-45. Allied Control Council documents, 1945-49. Documents of the informal policy committee on Germany, 1945. Weekly intelligence reports, 1949-50.

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43.11.23 Records relating to the Far Eastern Commission (FEC)

History: Established at the Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow, December 1945 (SEE 43.7.2), to control Japan during the Allied occupation after World War II. Succeeded the Far Eastern Advisory Commission (FEAC), established early 1945 to recommend, to the United Nations, postsurrender policies and objectives with regard to Japan.

Textual Records: Records of the FEAC, consisting of numbered documents, 1945-46, with index, 1946; memorandums for information, 1945-46; confidential minutes, 1945; and records of the working committees, 1945-46. Records of the FEC, consisting of numbered policy documents, 1946-52; U.S Delegation subject file, 1945-52; subject file on the Secretariat General, 1945-52; reference subject files, 1945-51; French- , Russian- , and Chinese-language translations of minutes and documents, 1946-49; memorandums for information, 1946-52; orders and directives of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), 1945-52, with indexes; miscellaneous directives of SCAP, 1940-49; directives to SCAP from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1945-52; miscellaneous records of SCAP, 1945-49; and records of SCAP sections, 1945-48. Records of the following FEC committees: I (Reparations), 1946- 50; II (Economic and Financial Affairs), 1946-50; III (Constitutional and Legal Reform), 1946; IV (Strengthening of Democratic Tendencies), 1946; V (War Criminals), 1946-49; VI (Aliens in Japan), 1946-50; VII (Disarmament of Japan), 1946-47; and the Joint Committee on Labor, 1949. General records of the Allied Council for Japan, 1946-52; Inter-Allied Trade Board for Japan, 1946-50; and Reparations Technical Advisory Committee, 1947-50.

Related Records: Records of the U.S. Element of the Allied Council for Japan UNDER 43.11.27.

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43.11.24 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the US-USSR Joint
Commission on Korea

History: US-USSR Joint Commission established as a result of the Moscow Agreement reached at the Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting, December 27, 1945 (SEE 43.7.2), to provide for the establishment of a Joint Commission on Korea to consider long- range political and economic problems, including the making of recommendations on the formation of a provisional government for all of Korea.

Textual Records: General records, 1946-47. Minutes of the meetings of the Joint Conference, 1946; the Joint Commission, 1946-47; and the U.S. Delegation, 1947. Reports of meetings, 1946. Transcripts of meetings, 1946-47. Joint communiques and bulletins, 1946-47. Decisions of the Joint Commission, 1946-47. U.S. Delegation records, consisting of general records, 1945-47; numbered papers, 1947; telegrams, 1945-47; minutes of meetings of a joint Korean-American conference, 1946; State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC) documents, 1945-47; and report of the U.S. Delegation, 1947. Records of Subcommissions I, 1946-47; II, 1946-47; and III, 1947.

Microfilm Publications: M1243.

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43.11.25 Records relating to the United Nations Temporary
Commission on Korea (UNTCOK)

History: Established by the United Nations General Assembly, November 14, 1947, to try to break the impasse between the Soviet Union and the United States on matters concerning Korean unification. Superseded by the United Nations Commission on Korea, pursuant to a General Assembly resolution, December 12, 1948, declaring that a lawful government had been established in South Korea.

Textual Records: General records, 1947-48. Subject files, 1947- 48. Telegrams, 1947-48. Summary of the verbatim record of UNTCOK meetings, 1948. General records of Subcommittee I, 1947.

Microfilm Publications: M1243.

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43.11.26 Records relating to the South Pacific Commission

History: In September 1946, the United States was invited to participate in a conference of governments having administrative control over "non-self-governing territories" in the South Pacific region. Conference, known as the South Seas Conference, convened in Canberra, Australia, January 28, 1947. South Pacific Commission established by an agreement, February 6, 1947, and ratified by the United States, July 29, 1948.

Textual Records: Records relating to the South Seas Conference, 1946-48; the Preparatory Conference, 1947; and the establishment of the South Pacific Commission, 1947-48. Records relating to the sessions of the South Pacific Commission, consisting of subject files, 1948-60; correspondence of the U.S. Delegation, 1947-53; telegrams, 1950-53, press releases, 1949-53; progress reports, 1949-61; working committee files, 1948-50; U.S. Commissioner's files, 1948-62; records relating to the South Pacific Conferences, 1950-59, and South Pacific Commission Review Conference, 1957; records relating to budget matters, 1948-60; and technical assistance files, 1949-60. Records of the South Pacific Commission Research Council, 1948-61.

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43.11.27 Records of the U.S. Element of the Allied Council for

History: Allied Council for Japan, established at the Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow, December 1945 (SEE 43.7.2), was an international body charged with advising the Supreme Commander Allied Powers, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, on the occupation of Japan in accordance with the surrender terms.

Textual Records: General records, 1945-52.

Related Records: Records relating to the Far Eastern Commission UNDER 43.11.23.

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43.11.28 Records of the Four Power Commission of Investigation
(Former Italian Colonies)

History: Established by the Council of Foreign Ministers in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, February 10, 1947, to investigate conditions in Italy's former African colonies. Dissolved July 31, 1948.

Textual Records: Official commission documents, 1947-48. Hearings, 1947-48. Commission accounts, 1947-50. Records relating to commission field tours, political and ethnic organizations, and other matters in Eritrea, 1944-48; and in Somaliland, 1945- 48. Records of the U.S. Delegation, 1947-48.

Related Records: Additional commission records UNDER 43.8.2.

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43.11.29 Records of the U.S. Section of the Joint Brazil-U.S.
Technical Commission

History: Established as a result of 1947 conversations between President Truman and President Dutra of Brazil, to analyze factors in Brazil that tended to promote or retard economic development, and to make broad recommendations on programs that would encourage the flow of private capital to Brazil. Members of U.S. Section arrived in Rio de Janeiro, September 7, 1948; and final report was approved by the commission, February 7, 1949.

Textual Records: Subject files, 1947-48.

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43.11.30 Records of the U.S. Section of the International Refugee
Organization (IRO)

History: IRO established as a United Nations organization, 1947, succeeding the abolished United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA, established 1943). Became operational, 1948, with responsibility for registering, repatriating, and resettling refugees and displaced persons residing in Austria, Germany, and Italy. Abolished, 1952, with residual functions assumed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (established 1951).

Textual Records: General records, 1946-52.

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43.11.31 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the inaugural meeting
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank

History: IMF and World Bank established pursuant to decisions made by the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, NH, 1944 (SEE 43.3.7). Inaugural meeting of IMF and World Bank held in Savannah, GA, March 8-18, 1946.

Textual Records: Security-classified records, 1946.

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43.11.32 Records of the U.S. Section of the Anglo-American
Caribbean Commission and its successor, the Caribbean Commission

History: Anglo-American Caribbean Commission established by exchange of notes, March 9, 1942, to encourage and strengthen social and economic cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom in the Caribbean area. Expanded to include the Netherlands and France, and redesignated Caribbean Commission, October 1946.

Textual Records: Subject files, 1940-48.

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43.11.33 Records of the U.S. Section of the United States-Mexico
Commission for Border Development and Friendship

History: Commission established by an exchange of notes, November 30 and December 3, 1966, with responsibility for promoting improved relations among cities along the U.S.-Mexican border and for improving economic conditions in the border region. Terminated December 12, 1969, due to failure of appropriations.

Textual Records: General correspondence and subject files, 1966-69.

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43.11.34 Records of the U.S. Delegation to the Paris Conference
on Vietnam

History: Negotiations conducted intermittently in Paris, May 1968-January 1973. Ended with the signing of the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, commonly known as the Paris Peace Accords, January 27, 1973.

Sound Recordings (157 items): Security-classified recordings of the plenary sessions, 1969-72. SEE ALSO 43.16.

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43.12.1 Records relating to the Universal Agricultural Prize Exhibition (Paris, 1856-57)

Textual Records: Exhibition program, 1857.

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43.12.2 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1867)

Textual Records: Copy of the Joint Resolution of Congress relating to the exposition, 1867. Letters of the Commissioner General to the Secretary of State, 1866-69. Correspondence between the Commissioner General and the New York agent, 1865-68. Letters sent by the State Department, 1865-68, with register, 1865-67. Minutes of commission meetings, 1867, and meetings of the commission's advisory committee, 1866-67. Lists of commissioners and advisory committee members, 1866-67. Commission report, 1867. Applications for exhibit privileges, 1866-67, with registers of applications received, 1866-67. Record of articles exhibited, 1866-67. Receipts for awards to exhibitors, 1867. Record of catalogs sent to Paris, 1866-67. Catalog of mineral specimens sent from eastern Nevada to the exposition, 1866-67. Information pamphlets, 1865.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Paris Universal Exposition (1867) in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.3 Records of the U.S. Commission, Vienna International Exposition (1873)

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1872-73. Communications received by the Chief Commissioner, 1872-73. Correspondence of the Assistant Commissioner for the New England states, 1872-73. Report of the special commission to supervise the commission, 1873. Minutes of meetings of the commission's Artisan and Scientific Committee, 1873. Floor plans of the buildings, 1873. Register of applications for exhibit space, 1872. Report on electrical and telegraphic apparatus at the exposition, 1873. List of exhibitors and commissioners of the nations represented at the exposition, 1873. Catalogs and lists of foreign exhibits, 1873. List of the items in the Chinese customs collection, 1873. Records of exhibits transported, 1873. Registers of American visitors to the exposition, 1873. Newspaper clippings, 1872-73.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Vienna International Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.4 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1878)

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1877-79. Letters received by the Commissioner General, 1878-79, with index. Letters received regarding awards, 1878-80. Index to applications for exhibit privileges, n.d. List of exhibitors, 1878. Permits for exhibit space, 1878. Record of agents and firms, 1878. Floor plans for the Agricultural Building, 1878-79. Certificates of award, 1878. Receipts for diplomas and medals awarded, 1879-81. Register of American visitors, 1878. German-language publication on the steam engine, 1879.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Paris Universal Exposition (1878) in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.5 Records of the U.S. Commissions, Sydney (1879-80) and
Melbourne (1880-81) International Exhibitions

Textual Records: Proceedings of both commissions, 1879-80. Register of applications for exhibit hall space at Sydney, 1879, and Melbourne, 1880. Letters received and miscellaneous records of the U.S. Commission at Sydney, 1879-80. Records of the U.S. Commission at Melbourne, consisting of correspondence of the Commissioner and of the U.S. agent for the commission, 1879-81; a list of awards granted, 1880; receipts for medals and degrees of merit awarded, 1881; and a register of American visitors to the exhibition, 1880.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Melbourne International Exhibition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.6 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Exposition
of Electricity (Paris, 1881)

Textual Records: Letters sent by the Acting Commissioner General, based in the United States, 1881-82.

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43.12.7 Records of the U.S. Commission, Centennial International Exposition (Melbourne, 1888-89)

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1888-89. Minutes of commission meetings, 1888-89. Commission reports, 1888-89. Reports and speeches of the Executive Commissioner, 1882-88. Exhibitors' applications for space, 1888. List of U.S. exhibits, 1888. Certificates of award, and a record of awards to U.S. exhibitors, 1888. Official exhibit catalog, 1889. Reports of juries and circulars of exposition trustees, n.d. Miscellaneous publications, 1888-89.

Photographic Prints (10 images): U.S. exhibits and the Centennial International Exposition Building, 1888 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.12.8 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1889)

Textual Records: General records, 1889-91.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (79 items, in Washington Area): Blueprints and sketches of machinery exhibited, 1889. SEE ALSO 43.14.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Paris Universal Exposition (1889) in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.9 Records relating to U.S. participation in the Universal Exposition (Antwerp, 1894)

Textual Records: Printed material relating to the exposition, 1893.

Photographic Prints (6 images): U.S. industrial exhibits, 1894 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.12.10 Records of the U.S. Commission, Paris Universal Exposition (1900)

Textual Records: Correspondence and miscellaneous records of Assistant Commissioner General B.D. Woodward, 1898-1903. Correspondence of the Business Department, 1899-1901; Exhibit Department, 1899-1900; and Building Department, 1899-1900. Indexes to correspondence of directors, 1899-1900. Miscellaneous printed materials, 1900, including the official catalog of U.S. exhibits.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (41 items, in Washington Area): Blueprints showing spaces for industrial exhibits, n.d. SEE ALSO 43.14.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Paris Universal Exposition (1900) in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.11 Records relating to the Exposition of Arts and History (Rome, 1911) and the Exposition of Industry and Labor (Turin, 1911)

Textual Records: State Department correspondence with applicants for positions with the U.S. Commission, 1909-11.

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43.12.12 Records of the U.S. Commission appointed for the
proposed Grand Exhibition of Japan

History: U.S. participation in the proposed 1912 exhibition approved by an act of May 22, 1908 (35 Stat. 183). Exhibition postponed to 1917 by Japanese Government announcement, 1911. Project abandoned, February 1912.

Textual Records: Correspondence of the Commissioners General, 1908. Minutes of commission meetings and related reports, 1908.

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43.12.13 Records of the U.S. Commission, Brazilian Centennial Exposition (Rio de Janeiro, 1922-23)

Textual Records: General records, 1922-23. Administrative correspondence, 1922-23. Records of the director of exhibits, 1922-23. Correspondence with supply agents, 1922-23. Final report of the Commissioner General, 1922-23. Photostatic copies of laws relevant to U.S. participation in the exposition, 1921-22. Descriptive pamphlets on Brazil, 1922.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Brazilian Centennial Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.12.14 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Exposition
(Seville, 1929-30)

Textual Records: General correspondence of the Commissioner General, 1927-30. Letters sent by the commission secretary, 1927- 30. Correspondence with the Department of State and the General Accounting Office, 1926-29. Records relating to exhibit shipments, 1928-29. Ledger, 1926-29. Pamphlets, 1921-29. Congressional publications concerning U.S. participation in the exposition, 1925-29.

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43.12.15 Records of the U.S. Commission, International Colonial
and Overseas Exposition (Paris, 1931)

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1930-32. Letters sent, 1930-32. Record of disposition or shipment of exhibits, 1931-32. Miscellaneous records, including pamphlets, a catalog, and postcards, 1931-32.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (10 items, in Washington Area): Plans of U.S. buildings, and plans for exhibits of the U.S. Territories, 1930-31. SEE ALSO 43.14.

Photographic Prints (204 images): Exhibits of the U.S. Territories; and of the former European colonies in North America, including a replica of Mount Vernon, home of George Washington, 1930-32 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

Drawings (8 images): Mount Vernon, including George Washington's bedroom; and layout of the colonial exhibits, 1930 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.12.16 Records relating to U.S. participation in the Brussels Universal and International Exhibition ("Brussels World's Fair," 1958)

Textual Records: Subject file, 1957-59. Records of the Secretary of State and the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs concerning planning and funding, and the policy aspects of U.S. participation, 1957. Records of the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs relating to propaganda aspects of U.S. participation, 1954-58. Records relating to Congressional hearings on U.S. participation, 1956-59. News releases from the Office of the U.S. Commissioner General, 1958. Printed materials, 1958.

Sound Recordings (1 item): German-language interview of Gerson Lush, U.S. Committee for the Brussels World's Fair, for broadcast over the Voice of America network, 1958. SEE ALSO 43.16.

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43.12.17 Other records

Photographic Prints (10 images): Of various international expositions, 1868-1929 (MX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.13.1 General records

Textual Records: Records concerning items loaned for exhibit at various exhibitions, 1895-1906. Diplomas conferred upon the State Department at various exhibitions, 1884-1926.

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43.13.2 Records relating to the Centennial International Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876)

Textual Records: Letters received by the U.S. commissioner acting for Tunis, 1876. Printed materials relating to the exhibit, 1876.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Centennial International Exhibition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.13.3 Records relating to the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition (New Orleans, 1884-85)

Textual Records: Correspondence of the State Department representative, 1884-85. Reports on the State Department exhibit, 1884-90.

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43.13.4 Records relating to the World's Columbian Exposition
(Chicago, 1893)

Textual Records: General records, 1890-96. Letters sent by the State Department to its representative on the Board of Government, Management, and Control, 1892-93. Minutes of meetings of the Council of Administration, 1892-93. Final reports of the president and secretary of the exposition, 1896. List of awards granted, 1893, with index. Lists of exhibits, 1893. Records concerning the transfer of the State Department exhibits to the Columbian Museum of Chicago, 1893-95. Government vouchers, 1891- 94.

Photographs (181 images, in Washington Area): Copper plates (24), glass negatives (6), and photographs (151) of officials and exhibits, 1893. SEE ALSO 43.17.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the World's Columbian Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.13.5 Records relating to the Cotton States and International
Exposition (Atlanta, 1895)

Textual Records: Correspondence regarding the U.S. Government exhibit, 1894-95. Certificate of award accorded the State Department exhibit, 1895.

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43.13.6 Records relating to the Tennessee Centennial Exposition (Nashville, 1897)

Textual Records: Letters sent by the State Department representative on the Board of Management, 1897-99.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.13.7 Records relating to the Pan American Exposition (Buffalo,

Textual Records: Correspondence of the State Department with the Board of Management, 1900-1. Catalog of the State Department exhibit, 1901. Newspaper clippings, in album, 1899-1901. The Pan American Magazine, 1901.

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43.13.8 Records relating to the South Carolina Interstate and
West Indian Exposition (Charleston, 1901-2)

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to the State Department exhibit, 1901-2.

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43.13.9 Records relating to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
(St. Louis, 1904)

Textual Records: General correspondence of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, 1901-5, with an additional file of letters sent, 1901-5. Letters received by the State Department representative on the U.S. Government Board, 1903-4. Letters received regarding foreign participation in the exposition, 1901- 4. Correspondence of the New York dispatch agent relating to the exposition, 1901-5. Diaries kept by the commission secretary, 1901-5. Minutes of commission meetings, 1901-5. Report of the Board of Lady Managers to the commission, 1905. Original draft of a report from the commission to the President, 1903. Correspondence concerning final reports, 1905. Report of the commission concerning the exhibits of states and foreign countries, 1905. Original draft of the final report, 1905. Records relating to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, including the articles of agreement, 1901; a list of company officers 1891; and financial reports, with related correspondence, 1901-4. Commission cashbook, 1901-5. Vouchers, 1901-5. List of jurors to determine awards, 1904. Records concerning disputes and complaints over awards, 1904-5. Newspaper clippings, in album, 1901-4. Exposition bulletins, 1901.

Photographic Prints (196 images): Exhibits of 18 American states and 14 foreign countries; exposition buildings; and portraits of commissioners from various U.S. states, 1904 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.13.10 Records relating to the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition (Portland, OR, 1905)

Textual Records: Correspondence of the State Department representative on the U.S. Government Board of Managers, 1905.

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43.13.11 Records relating to the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition (Hampton Roads, VA, 1907)

Textual Records: Correspondence concerning the State Department exhibit, 1906-7.

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43.13.12 Records relating to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
(Seattle, 1909)

Textual Records: Correspondence concerning the State Department exhibit, 1908-9.

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43.13.13 Records relating to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco, 1915)

Textual Records: State Department correspondence with applicants for positions with the National Exposition Commission, 1911-15.

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43.13.14 Records relating to the Sesquicentennial International Exposition (Philadelphia, 1920)

Textual Records: Records of the U.S. Commission, including administrative files, 1926-27; correspondence with government agencies and with the National Advisory Committee to the Sesquicentennial Exhibition Association, 1926-27; and reports on government exhibits, 1927 and n.d. Records of the National Advisory Commission to the Sesquicentennial Exhibition Association, 1926-27. Sesquicentennial Exhibition Association pamphlets, 1926. Records maintained by State Department contact officers with the U.S. Commission, including plans of and a guide to government exhibits, 1926.

Photographic Prints (268 images): Exhibits of various component organizations of the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, the Navy, and the Treasury; and exhibits of the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, 1926 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Sesquicentennial International Exposition in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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43.13.15 Records relating to the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration (1933-34)

Textual Records: General correspondence of the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Commission, 1932-33. Correspondence and reports regarding government agencies' exhibits, 1932-34. Report on the State Department exhibit, 1933. Specifications and construction orders for the U.S. Government building, 1932-34. Invitations, with replies, 1932-34.

Photographic Prints (87 images): Government agencies' exhibits, 1933 (EX). SEE ALSO 43.17.

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43.13.16 Records relating to the Seattle World's Fair (1962)

Textual Records (in Seattle): General records, 1959-63. Exhibit files, 1959-63. Publicity material, 1960-62. Miscellaneous records, 1959-62.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (1,980 items, in Seattle): Various sections of the U.S. science exhibit, ca. 1959-62. SEE ALSO 43.14.

Motion Pictures (36 reels): U.S. exhibit, 1962-63. SEE ALSO 43.15.

Sound recordings (13 items): U.S. exhibit, 1962-63. SEE ALSO 43.16.

Photographs (3,856 images, in Seattle): Scenes of the fair, 1962. SEE ALSO 43.17.

Related Records: Additional photographs under Records of the U.S. Expositions Staff, Bureau of International Commerce, in RG 489, Records of the International Trade Administration.

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43.13.17 Records relating to the New York World's Fair (1964-65)

Motion Pictures (2 reels): Voyage to America, 1964. SEE ALSO 43.15.

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SEE Maps and Charts UNDER 43.2.12 and 43.11.2.
SEE Maps UNDER 43.2.31, 43.6.7, and 43.10.1.
SEE Architectural and Engineering Plans UNDER 43.12.8, 43.12.10, 43.12.15, and 43.13.16.

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SEE UNDER 43.2.31, 43.13.16, and 43.13.17.

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SEE UNDER 43.2.42, 43.11.34, 43.12.16, and 43.13.16.

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203 images

Photographs: Triangulation stations, Upper Niagara River, taken during a field survey for the International Waterways Commission, 1909-10 (NR).

SEE Photographs UNDER 43.2.7, 43.2.32, 43.11.2, 43.11.6, 43.13.4, and 43.13.16. 
SEE Photographic Prints UNDER 43.12.7, 43.12.9, 43.12.15, 43,12.17, 43.13.9, 43.13.14, and 43.13.15.
SEE Drawings UNDER 43.12.15.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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