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[Workplace 1699] Thursday Resources

Brian, Dr Donna J G

djgbrian at
Thu Dec 11 16:24:49 EST 2008

Donna Brian
Workplace Colleagues,

This set of Thursday resources has some really loooong URLs that I'm
sure will split to at leas two and maybe three lines. If they don't
come through as a unified link, you will have to splice the various
parts of the URL together in your browser's address box in order to
access the resource.

I hope you find something you can use among these varied resources. And
as always, comments are always welcome!


Donna Brian, Moderator, LINCS Workplace Literacy Discussion List
Off-list contact djgbrian at

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workplace at

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>From the Australian Industry Group

"Skilling the Existing Workforce"
Training is now much more than readying young people to move
from school to employment. Skills shortages and technological and
demographic change mean that now, more than ever, many of the skills
needed by
Australian business must come from the existing workforce.

"World Class Skills for World Class Industries: Employers' perspectives
on skilling in Australia"
Skills matter - for individuals, for employers, and for nations.
Individuals' skills influence their chances of getting and retaining a
job that is fulfilling and financially rewarding. Employers need skilled
people if their organisations are to be productive, innovative and
profitable, surviving and prospering in an increasingly competitive
world. A country's skill base is a critical national asset, contributing
to economic achievement, standards of living and, through its impact on
individual well being, social cohesion. This project provides employers'
perspectives on skilling in Australia. It analyses the current state of
skilling in Australia, develops an understanding of future skilling
needs and provides a map of strategic policies which would positively
impact on skilling, drawing on discussions with senior business people
and a survey of over 500 employers.


>From Lumina Foundation

"Remediation redux: Colleges revisit developmental ed in a bid to boost
student success"
Increasing numbers of students are unprepared for higher
education. Each year more than a half a million students complete
developmental courses at an affordable cost of just 1 percent of the
nation's higher education budget. Now, innovative colleges and
universities are working to expand and enhance developmental
education-to boost its rate of return and its reputation. Lumina
Foundation Focus magazine examines this indispensable tool that can
boost student success and the economic vitality that comes with a highly
skilled workforce.

"A Developmental Perspective on College and Workplace Readiness"
This report provides a developmental perspective on what
competencies young people need to be ready for college, the workplace,
and the transition to adulthood.


Brought to our attention by NCVER (National Centre for Vocational
Education Research, Australia) http://www/

"Vocational education and training and people with a disability: A
review of the research"
There has been much research and discussion about how people
with a disability engage with vocational education and training (VET).
This paper summarises what we know about VET participation, education
and employment outcomes, and the costs and benefits of vocational
education and training for people with a disability. In doing so, it
also highlights further questions and where future research efforts
could be focused.

"The need for intensive reading approaches in adult literacy: Good
practice guide"
Reading is a crucial skill for adults participating in social
and work contexts. However, its importance can often be missed in the
programming of adult literacy classes. Where reading has been a focus in
adult literacy and English as a second language (ESL) classes,
activities often focus on assessment rather than the teaching of
reading. That is, the activities are more about seeing who can and
cannot read, and are generally not concerned with extending the reading
ability of the student. This guide outlines a way to apply a more
systematic approach to the teaching of reading in adult literacy and ESL


Brought to our attention by OVAE Thursday Notes for 12-11-08

"Measuring Up 2008"
The rest of the world may be bypassing the United States when it
comes to postsecondary education, according to a new report from the
National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, a non-profit California-based group.
The report, Measuring Up 2008, raises concerns about persistent U.S.
disparities in access and completion for low-income students and
underrepresented minorities. These fast-growing populations will
dominate a U.S. workforce that must compete in a global economy as
better educated workers retire. The report says data from the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, comprising the
world's most developed countries, show that between 2003 and 2006, the
U.S. slipped from fifth to seventh in the percentage of adults ages
18-24 enrolled in college, and from seventh to 10th in the percentage
of adults 25-34 holding an associate degree or higher. The report also
offers state-by-state report cards on six key measures of educational
performance: preparation for college, participation, affordability,
completion, benefits and learning. Measuring Up 2008 is the fifth in a
series of biennial report cards that provide the general public and
policymakers with information they can use to assess and improve
postsecondary education in each state.
National Print Report

State Print Report Cards
Online State Report Cards


Brought to our attention by the NZ (New Zealand) Literacy Portal

"The value of basic skills in the British labour market"
This UK report (38 pages) from NRDC looks at how literacy and
numeracy continue to be highly valued in the labour market. The findings
imply that literacy and numeracy skills are still very much valued in
the UK labour market and continued efforts to improve the skills of the
workforce are needed.
Download from

"Reading the future: Planning to meet Canada's future literacy"
This Canadian paper (83 pages) from the Canadian Council on
Learning is a synthesis and analysis of research on literacy projections
and the characteristics and needs of adults with low literacy skills and
has been developed to assist policy-makers, planners and adult

"The digital divide: Computer use, basic skills and employment: A
comparative study in Portland, USA and London, England: Research
This UK report (8 pages) from NRDC looks at the
interrelationship between literacy proficiency, take-up of computer use
and time spent in employment in Portland, USA and London, England over
four years from 2000 to 2004. The context of this comparative study is
the rising importance of the use of and access to computers as part of
contemporary employability.
Download from

"Learners' experience of work"
This UK report (40 pages) from NRDC looks at the experiences of
work reported by young people and adults on literacy, language, and
numeracy courses. It explores issues around learning language in the
workplace for non-English speakers and how work can contribute to and
impede this language development.
Download from


>From the Learning and Skills Network

"Employability skills examined. Ten key messages from LSN's quest to
understand employability skills"
This brief report summarises the Learning and Skills Network's
(LSN's) quest over the past twelve months to understand what we mean by
'employability skills'; their importance to learners and employers; and
how colleges, work-based learning and other providers are tackling the
download from


>From Workforce3 One

Workforce3 One has put together a listing of tools and resources
developed by several states that "put the knowledge and power in the
hands of the user looking for reliable and understandable workforce
information." [Note from Donna: You may have to register to access these
materials. Registration is free.]

California Regional Economies - Industry Clusters of Opportunity User
Guide. The two-part California Regional Economies - Industry Clusters of
Opportunity User Guide is designed to assist workforce and economic
development professionals with the key steps needed to develop economic
data sets that can be used to drive decision-making across many areas
including strategic planning, investment decisions and policy changes.
The guide provides a step-by-step methodology of how to identify
industry clusters of opportunity, and how to use this information for
planning, policy and program investment decision-making.

STATS Indiana. STATS Indiana provides access to thousands of data items
related to geographic areas in Indiana and across the nation, and is an
outstanding example of a creative partnership between state government
and academia.

Texas Reality Check. The Texas Reality Check Web site is an on-line
budget calculator that, with a click of a button, helps students easily
find the careers that will pay enough money to sustain their chosen

Minnesota Occupations In Demand (OID). Minnesota's Occupations In Demand
(OID) Data Tool allows users to select, view and download currently
available high-demand career opportunity (occupation) data by region.

District of Columbia Employment Guidebooks. A series of three guidebooks
focusing on the construction, health care and hospitality industries.
Each book provides an overview of the national and Washington regional
labor market in that industry, working conditions, training and
education requirements, top ten occupational projections, average
salaries, and industry forecasts.

What's in a Word - Maybe Your Next Job! (OH). Ohio's "What's in A Word,
Maybe Your Next Job" uses the importance of appropriate keyword
selection as a basis to successfully guide users through the job search
Iowa Labor Shed Studies.

Iowa's Laborshed studies provide community economic developers and
existing or prospective employers with a flexible tool to understand the
local labor market and make informed expansion and site selection
decisions. is Montana's website for
its Department of Labor and Industry Research and Analysis Bureau that
provides users with easy, fully-integrated home page access to all
facets of labor market and workforce information.

Cobb Talent Inventory (GA). The ultimate goal behind the development of
the Cobb (County) Talent Inventory in Georgia was to provide state
workforce boards and agencies with a comprehensive workplace database -
a flexible model/template - that they can make available to local
workforce investment boards (LWIBs) and local workforce development


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