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[Workplace 1548] Re: Questions please.

Margot Walsh

margotwalsh at
Fri Jul 25 05:47:49 EDT 2008

Dear Pat, Barbara and others
Thanks for this so very interesting discussion, and for inviting more questions!

I am doing a study on the impact of recession on workplace/general literacy policy particular around government reaction re funding, funding criteria, programme curriculum etc. and learner reaction. I hope to compare the US or Canada with Finland.
I wonder if any of you who were involved in this area in the late 80s have any reflections on it, did anything change as a result of the recession, was funding cut, did provision change, did numbers of learners attending increase, did the focus change from basic skills to vocational skills etc?

Or perhaps there has been some work done on this already for the US or Canada that you can point me to?

Many thanks
Margot Walsh
Workplace Basic Education Coordinator
Co Clare VEC

From: psawyer49 at sbcglobal.netTo: workplace at nifl.govDate: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:26:21 -0500Subject: [Workplace 1547] Questions please.

Dear Members of the Workplace Literacy Discussion List,

Tomorrow is the last day that Barbara Tondre and I will be working with all of you on this discussion list. When I think about the fact that there are over 600 members in this group, I realize that there must still be many questions that have not been asked.
I hope that by the end of what has been an exciting week for me, you will all feel comfortable enough to ask questions, respond to other messages, and share with us any information you have about workplace literacy.

Pat Sawyer
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