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[Workplace 1359] Workplace 1357] Re: COABE; national workplace conference]]

Tonya Crum

TCrum at
Fri May 9 10:16:27 EDT 2008

Actually, COABE 2009 is in Louisville, Kentucky. And lucky for us all,
Kentucky has a rich history in providing workplace education,
particularly contextualized. And for those of you who were in St. Louis
you may have been in the session "Beyond the GED: Preparing Students for
Entry Level Positions" and heard from John Greenwell who is the
workforce coordinator right there in Louisville where they are embarking
on some wonderful employment partnerships for their students.

As a member of the COABE 2009 planning board, I will bring this
suggestion forward, because we know from the "bursting at the seams"
attendance at many of the workforce sessions this year, there is a
demand for more emphasis on workforce and bigger rooms for those sessions :)

If any of you have projects to share, please be sure to submit to
present later this year. That is how we all grow - in those sessions
where we learn best practices from one another.

Tonya Crum, Director

Workforce Development & Training

KET - Kentucky Educational Television

859-258-7009 office

800-432-0951 x7009 office

859-258-7393 fax

TCrum at <mailto:TCrum at>



> -------- Original Message --------

> Subject: [Workplace 1357] Re: COABE; national workplace conference

> Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 16:10:33 -0400

> From: James Parker <jtparker at>

> Reply-To: The Workplace Literacy Discussion List <workplace at>

> To: 'The Workplace Literacy Discussion List' <workplace at>




> Where is the COABE 2009 conference? If it’s in a state where

> workplace/workforce education is well supported (like PA in 2007) the

> odds of a successful pre-conference day are greatly enhanced.


> Jim Parker




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> From: workplace-bounces at [mailto:workplace-bounces at] On

> Behalf Of Brian, Dr Donna J G

> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:17 PM

> To: The Workplace Literacy Discussion List

> Subject: [Workplace 1298] COABE; national workplace conference




> COABE Attendees,


> I’ve gone through the presentations scheduled for COABE that are up on

> the conference website and picked out the ones that I thought might have

> to do with workplace from the titles. (You can access the schedule at

> The descriptions of the

> sessions are not given, so I just had to go by the titles and presenters

> that I knew were in workplace ed. I’ll add more if more are sent to

> me. The sessions that were sent in to me have the descriptions with

> them. I’ll send another version out if more are sent to me by Friday at

> noon. There aren’t as many sessions on this list as there usually are at

> COABE that are workplace related, so I’m sure there must be others that

> just aren’t obvious from their titles. Hopefully there will be a

> workplace strand that will identify related sessions in the program.

> What I have so far is below. I listed all the times for the concurrent

> sessions, whether I knew of a workplace presentation in that session

> or not.




> For those of you who attend a work related presentation at COABE, put a

> little summary on the list afterwards, sometime next week, say, so that

> those who were unable to attend this year can have the benefit of your

> attendance.




> To respond to Mary Henderson’s query, “ Does anyone else think that

> there should be a National Conference just for workplace literacy and

> related issues?” I want to say that until this year we did have a

> conference where we shared formally and informally about our work in

> workplace/force education. It was called the “Peer Conference” and

> started with the southeastern states who, after several successful

> years, then opened it up to the entire nation. Last year, it was a

> pre-conference at COABE. It was a good time to share and learn from

> each other and was a combination of more formal presentations by experts

> in the field and less formal sharing. It takes someone or rather

> several someones to take the responsibility to plan it and make it

> happen. We used to pass it from one state to another when it was a

> southern states thing. There isn’t any reason why we can’t make this

> happen again as a preconference to COABE next year. Is there any

> interest on this list for trying to make this happen? Anyone willing to

> take the lead, if others are willing to help? Might we be able to get

> the sponsorship of OVAE or some other entity? What do you think?




> Donna




> Donna Brian


> Moderator, LINCS Workplace Literacy Discussion List


> Off-list contact djgbrian at <mailto:djgbrian at>




> To post a message:


> workplace at <mailto:workplace at>




> To subscribe/unsubscribe/change options/access archives:








> COABE 2008


> Workplace Related Sessions




> Monday, April 28, 2008




> Full day sessions: 8:30 - 3:30


> Evidence-based Practice: A Workshop for Training Adult Basic Education,

> TANF and One-Stop Practitioners and Program Administrators

> Sponsored by: LINCS Regional Resource Centers

> A one-day workshop to help practitioners and administrators in adult

> basic education, TANF (Transitional Assistance for Needy Families) and

> One Stop programs to understand evidence-based practice and develop

> strategies for continuously accessing, understanding, judging and using

> research. Through fun activities, discussions, simulations and action

> planning, participants will learn some basic concepts about research

> design and methodology, research on reading instruction for adults, and

> think about how to integrate evidence-based practices into their

> instruction.




> Tuesday, April 29, 2008




> 9:30 – 10:30, Concurrent Sessions A


> * Coordinating Adult Education and One-Stop Services: Lessons Learned

> Presenter (s): Judith A. Alamprese




> 11:00 – 12:00, Concurrent Sessions B






> 12:15 - 1:45, Networking Luncheon: Cheryl Keenan/ Q & A






> 2:15 – 3:15, Concurrent Sessions C




> * From Pilot to Placement: Guiding New Refugees Through the Language

> of Work

> Presenter (s): Mark Keitges




> 3:45 – 4:45, Concurrent Sessions D




> * Fit for CASAS

> Presenter (s): Pauline Geraci

> * The McDonald's Project: Ditching the Deficit Model, VESL

> Instruction That Builds on Student Expertise

> Presenter (s): Lynn McGee

> * From Behind Bars to Behind a Desk: Meeting the

> Psychological and Career Needs of Incarcerated Individuals

> Presenter (s): Corie Schoenberg




> Wednesday, April 30, 2008




> 9:30 -10:30, Concurrent Sessions E


> * ATLAS: Adult Transitions Longitudinal Study

> Presenter (s): Christine Smith & Peter Kinsley

> * Beyond the GED: Preparing Students for Entry Level Positions

> Presenter (s): John Greenwell & Tonya Crum

> * Accessing Contextualized Language and Literacy Through American

> Film : Aligning EFF, CASAS + Increasing Standardized Test Scores

> Presenter (s): Marilyn J Rymniak




> 11:00 – 12:00, Concurrent Sessions F


> * The Learner Web: A Learning Support System

> The Learner Web (LW) is a new learning support technology. A web

> and telephone application, the LW provides guided support to

> adults to improve basic skills, prepare for the workforce, GED,

> college transition or reach other learning goals. The LW is not a

> web portal or distance learning product. It is a learning support

> system that matches Learners’ goals to on-line resources and local

> community resources such as adult education programs, on-demand

> telephone help and tutors. (Room: St. Louis G)

> Presenters: Steve Reder and David Rosen

> * EASY at Work

> Presenter (s): John Dicker

> * A Riverside Chat with Cheryl Keenan

> Presenter (s): Cheryl Keenan & Mod. Sherrie Claiborn




> 2:15 – 3:15, Concurrent Sessions G


> * The Impact of Limited English Proficiency on Work:

> Data from the Frontlines of Manufacturing Companies

> Presenter (s): Nathalie Duval Couetil

> * Undetected and Undiagnosed vision problems- obstructions

> to literacy and successful transition to the workforce

> Presenter (s): Joan Hudson-Miller




> 3:45 – 4:45, Concurrent Sessions H


> * Preparing for Work

> The session will provide an overview and examples of interactive

> activities from Equipped for the Future’s Preparing for Work

> instructional modules, which integrate the EFF Content Standards

> and SCANS skills, identified as necessary for entry level

> workers. Presenters will share student and teacher experiences

> using the curriculum in a model program in Tennessee.

> Presenters: Aaron Kohring and Judy Rye

> * Online Resources in the NIFL Workforce Competitiveness Resource

> Collection: Success is at your Fingertips

> This interactive workshop will facilitate participants’

> exploration of online LINCS resources vetted by nationally known

> researchers in workforce education, technology, and English

> language acquisition.

> Presenters: Donna Brian and Priscilla Carman

> * Integrated Education I-BEST

> Presenter (s): Jan Tegtmeier & Isreal Mendoza

> * What does it take to change a life? A curriculum design for work

> readiness

> Presenter (s): Patricia Twaddle, M.Ed.




> Thursday, May 1, 2008




> 8:30 – 9:30, Concurrent Sessions I






> 9:45 – 10:45, Concurrent Sessions J


> * Work Stations at Work

> Presenter (s): Sara Gutting




Tonya Crum, Director
Workforce Development & Training
KET - Kentucky Educational Television
859-258-7009 office
800-432-0951 x7009 office
859-258-7393 fax
TCrum at

A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary.
-- Thomas Carruthers

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