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Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee ScheduleWhat's NewAbout the CommitteeNewsLegislationHearing ArchivesPublicationsSubcommitteesLinksContact

Special Features

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Special Features
Special Features
President Signs SCHIP Bill Into Law
President Barack H. Obama signs H. R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act on February 4, 2009
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Your Money at Work
Health Care Reform
Reforming Health Care is a Necessary Step in Rebuilding Our Economy
Internship Opportunities
Committee on Ways and Means Internship Opportunities

America`s Affordable Health Choices Act: Complete Bill Text (H.R. 3200)

Ways and Means Markup of H.R. 3200 (7/16/09)


Health Care Surcharge and Households
Health Care Surcharge and Small Businesses

Health Bill Would Raise Less Revenue Than Reagan and Bush Tax Increases
Health Care Surcharge and Sole Proprietors, Partnerships and S Corporations

How the Health Care Surcharge Works

Summary of Revenue Provisions


America`s Affordable Health Choices Act: Summary 

Section-by-Section Analysis
Changes from Discussion Draft

Timeline for Reform

Frequently Asked Questions




American Medical Association


Consumers Union

The Main Street Alliance

Federation of American Hospitals


Click here for additional groups supporting H.R. 3200


Benefits for Small Businesses

Controlling Health Care Costs

Paying for Reform

What’s in the Health Care Reform Bill for You?

Talking Points

A Dose of Reality: Myths vs. Facts


Health Care by the Numbers 

Health Care Q&A

Cost of Inaction



Health Insurance Exchange

Public Health Insurance Plan

Consumer Protections and Insurance Market Reforms

Guaranteed Benefits

Making Coverage Affordable

Strengthening Medicare
Maintaining and Improving Medicaid

Delivery System Reforms

Protecting Program Integrity by Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Shared Responsibility

Preventing Disease/Improving the Public’s Health

Strengthening the Nation’s Health Workforce

Improving the Medicare Part D Drug Program

Employers and Health Reform

Rural America



Stark Affirms CBO Claims on Cost-Cutting Measures in H.R. 3200 (7/25/09)

CBO Scores Confirm Deficit Neutrality of Health Reform Bill (7/18/09)

Ways and Means Passes Historic Health Reform Legislation (7/17/09)

House Democrats Introduce Bill to Provide Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans (7/14/09)

Click here
to read additional health care press releases


Health Reform in the 21st Century: Proposals to Reform the Health System (6/24/09)

Health Reform in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius  (5/6/09)  

Health Reform in the 21st Century: Employer Sponsored Insurance (4/29/09)

Click here for additional information on hearings held in the 111th Congress

Committee ScheduleWhat's NewAbout the CommitteeNewsLegislationHearing ArchivesPublicationsSubcommitteesLinksContact
Committee on Ways & Means
U.S. House of Representatives | 1102 Longworth House Office Building | Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3625 | Fax: (202) 225-2610
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