Words of Support from the President


Click on the photograph below to read President Obama's words. The photo was taken in the White House on June 9 during a discussion with the President and Congressional leaders regarding health care reform.


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It reads: 'To Charlie -- Thanks for your leadership!' Barack Obama.

NO NO NO to Obama's healthcare "reform" package. His speech was totally unconvincing. My family and my business and those of all of my family and friends would be devastated trying to pay for this proposal. We are interested in healthcare reform but absolutely insist that Congress demands that Obama slows down. There was a loss of credibility with the first 'stimulus' package that had to happen immediately, and we now know that was untrue. And the condition that this proposal is presently in inspires nothing but fear in the heart of any right-thinking American. How this goes will absolutely impact our voting choices. Democrats have a chance to show that they are cautious and willing to stand up to Obama when they believe he is wrong. If you just go along to get along, we will definitely remember this at the polls.

We watched the President's press conference last night and are in full support of the health care reform. Thank you for your hard work on this. Someday, people will be amazed that there were some other politicians who actually tried to obstruct a policy for full access to decent health care for all Americans.
There's still a great need for justice reform as well. Please give your strong leadership to passage of your HR1529 bill. You have the support of millions of people across the country on this, too.

To Mr. Rangel,

Please work for this reform as your highest priority. Postpone the August recess if necessary, but get it done. I don't want you to come back to NY until it is done.

I have supported you and the Democratic party through the worst of our time "in the wilderness", and I didn't do that so we could walk away from the table now, when we are so close to such an important goal.

Your constituent,

Matt McClanahan

Slow down for what? Why can't we expect our congress reps to work until they get it done? The rest of us work with deadlines. If they really want to reform our healthcare system, they would give it the attention it needs and get it done. Delaying only allows "inertia" to set in, as the President said last night.

How can the House, Congress or White House tried to pass the Health Care reform in such a short period of time, it took a year in half to pass Medicare Part D, and there are still issues you are working on now. The White House and Congress NEEDS to listen to the people who work in this Industry and not the politicians. Do you realize the number of people that will be unemployed in the health industry, such as insurance agent, insurance carriers, not to mention the number of employee that would be laid off because the owners will not be able to offer paying for health care for employees. What are the number of wealthy young American that just do not want health insurance, and it not because they cannot afford it. Work on expanding Medicaid for the unemployed and poor. I am a insurance agent and see all the proposals he medical insurance carriers have presented that would save millions of dollars just from one insurance carrier.

So please take the time that has not been taken to review the Health care reform and work on the economy and finish that first, please.

I have downloaded a copy of the 1,017-page bill, and I am reading it. It is not something one can just say yes or no to, since there are 1,000s of provisions, many of which will diminish or control the freedoms of all of us. It is my understanding that the President, and the members of Congress have not yet read this bill thoroughly. Clearly, to pass the bill, it must be read!There are very troubling provisions in this bill. I am troubled by the proposal that a government committee will decide my health care choices, that treatment for seniors may be limited and even stopped if the government committee feels that is time they should just die, that treatment for special needs individuals will be limited, and that there is a potential for abortions to be funded by taxpayer money. I really believe that it is possible to reform health care to make sure those who are not getting health care, will get it, without controling, limiting or diminishing choices and downgrading the quality of healthcare. Government controlled health care. That phrase is like a contradiction in terms. Imagine the IRS telling you how much cancer treatment you can have? Why does this have to be like a Twilight Zone movie?

Don't be silly. We pay for the senators health care plan, why then is it so bad to use the money for our health care? The congress should NOT emerge without healthcare reform with a "public option" that is at least as good and the senators enjoy. Folks, we pay over 2 trillion in a year for folks who don't have insurance on top of what we pay for health insurance not to mention care. Why then, is it so bad to pay 1 trillion over ten years for better care and a choice. WE SHOULD HAVE A CHOICE! I'm sick of private companies taking advantage of our health outcomes for a profit. We need to get real and have a choice of non profit health care so the "for profits" can begin to run tighter ships and become what they started to be. If you don't want it, pay out the nose for your insurance. I pay taxes anyway, I want something for it! Don't you?

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