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Update on Emergency Preparedness from PNR

Have you noticed an increased number of announcements or other activity from NN/LM surrounding Emergency Preparedness?  I hope so!  We have been working hard to keep Emergency Preparedness on the minds of our Network Members, since this is part of a national initiative across the eight NN/LM regions.   We have 5 State Coordinators for Emergency Preparedness who, along with Gail Kouame, are promoting the NN/LM Emergency Preparedness plan and related training opportunities around the region. Read more »

PubMed Redesign Presentation - Save The Date!

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Online Users’ Meeting at the 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA) annual meeting provided a preview of the upcoming PubMed redesign. David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services, will reprise this preview for anyone who did not get to attend the users’ meeting in Honolulu. This 15 minute presentation will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view presented at MLA. David will remain on the session for questions and answers after the presentation, and it will be recorded for those unable to attend.

When: August 11, 2009 11:30 - Noon Pacific time (12:30 - 1:00 Mountain, 10:30 - 11 Alaska)


We will post a reminder to the HLIB-NW listserv on August 10th about the presentation and we look forward to seeing you there!

Congratulations to Technology Improvement Awardees

We are pleased to announce the the recipients of our latest round of  Technology Improvement Awards.

Library Website Enhancement to Improve Health Information
Providence St. Peter Hospital
Olympia, WA
Project Manager: Isaac Huffman

This award supports the creation of online tutorials and learning modules to train physicians and nurses in the use of electronic medical resources.

Health Info to Go!

Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
Missoula Public Library
Missoula, MT
Project Managers: Kim Granath and Cara Cadena

Health Info to Go! is a mobile reference system promoting access to health information resources for the Baby Boomer generation. The project uses Missoula Public Library’s classic, refurbished Bookmobile as its transportation unit.

Wired Up Waiting!

St. Patrick Hospital & Health Sciences Center
Missoula, MT
Project Manager: Dana Kopp

This award supports an upgrade for the library’s public computers as well as relocation of older computers to hospital waiting rooms for use by patients, families and visitors.

Health Literacy Project

United Indians of All Tribes Foundation - Youth & Elders Program
Seattle, WA
Project Manager: Stephanie Rainwater

This award supports the creation of a health literacy resource center to address the health information needs of youth and seniors at an urban neighborhood center.

Microfilm Scanner Replacement

Riverpoint Campus Library (EWU/WSU)
Spokane, WA
Project Manager: Bob Pringle

This award funds the replacement of a malfunctioning microfilm scanner. The new scanner will produce high-quality images and improve the efficiency of document delivery for articles from the library’s journal backfiles.

Library Scanner Purchase

Murray Memorial Library at Samaritan Health Services
Corvallis, OR
Project Manager: Stefani Sackinger

A new scanner dedicated for library use will provide greater efficiency for electronic document delivery service to hospital staff, physicians, and other libraries.

Congratulations to all!

Funding Available

Hello, Network Members! How about working with community agencies to improve health literacy of senior citizens? Training emergency responders to use NLM tools? Sharing hospital library expertise and resources with free clinics? Implementing a program to strengthen partnerships in support of school health goals? The possibilities for health information outreach are endless, and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region is happy to be able to offer once again Express Outreach Awards to help fund your efforts. Applications for the 2009-2010 Express Outreach Awards must be submitted by September 4, 2009. Maximum award is $12,000.

Read the full announcement at Any network member is eligible to apply, though project personnel must have demonstrated experience using MedlinePlus or other applicable NLM resources, or identify a project partner with this expertise. Examples of current or previously funded express outreach projects are online at If you have questions or would like to discuss potential project ideas, contact Linda Milgrom or other PNR staff.

Distance Learning: Navigating The Maze

Nikki Dettmar is the Acting Education and Assessment Coordinator. She earned a distance learning MSIS from the University of North Texas while living in Seattle and currently teaches via online distance education modalities. This is the first in a series of Technology Tuesday posts about the types of  distance continuing education available, the technology involved, usage tips for both students and instructors, and the opportunities & challenges of distance learning.

Winnipeg Maze of Lifelong Learning, photo by Stephen Downes

Have you thought about distance learning but weren’t sure where to start, or taken an online continuing education (CE) course and found that the experience wasn’t what you were expecting it to be? Join us as we explore some of the distance learning opportunities available to medical librarians and some navigation tips on how to have them be productive experiences. Read more »

HHS Seeks Comments on the Preliminary Definition of “Meaningful Use” of Electronic Health Records

HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is seeking comments on the preliminary definition of “Meaningful Use” of electronic health records (EHRs) as presented to the HIT Policy Committee on June 16. The meaningful use preamble and matrix give more details.

Comments on the draft description of “Meaningful Use” are due by Friday, June 26, 2 p.m. Pacific Time (1 Alaska, 3 Mountain), and should be no more than 2,000 words in length. Please click the link to access instructions for submitting comments.