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Archive for the ‘Training & Education’ Category

In Portland? Hone Your Health Info Skills

Friday, August 14th, 2009

If you plan to be in or around Portland, Oregon on Thursday, September 10, please join us for training and discussion designed to sharpen your skill with health information. The Portland Area Library Association for Continuing Education (PALACE, formerly the PORTALS Continuing Education Committee) will sponsor two half-day workshops at Portland Community College, Cascade Campus.


Distance Learning: Tips For Successful Professional Students

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Nikki Dettmar is the Acting Education and Assessment Coordinator. She earned a distance learning MSIS from the University of North Texas while living in Seattle and currently teaches via online distance education modalities. This is the second in a series of Technology Tuesday posts about the types of  distance continuing education available, the technology involved, usage tips for both students and instructors, and the opportunities & challenges of distance learning.

Winnipeg Maze of Lifelong Learning, photo by Stephen Downes

As introduced in the first post of this series, available information about what a distance learning experience is like is often geared towards online students seeking a degree, which is not the same as those seeking continuing education (CE) classes for career goals and professional learning. What contributes to an enjoyable and successful online education experience? Here are some tips modified from the Distance Learning section of and my own experience with both teaching and taking CEs in other formats besides face-to-face. (more…)

PubMed Redesign Presentation - Save The Date!

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Online Users’ Meeting at the 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA) annual meeting provided a preview of the upcoming PubMed redesign. David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services, will reprise this preview for anyone who did not get to attend the users’ meeting in Honolulu. This 15 minute presentation will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view presented at MLA. David will remain on the session for questions and answers after the presentation, and it will be recorded for those unable to attend.

When: August 11, 2009 11:30 - Noon Pacific time (12:30 - 1:00 Mountain, 10:30 - 11 Alaska)


We will post a reminder to the HLIB-NW listserv on August 10th about the presentation and we look forward to seeing you there!

Distance Learning: Navigating The Maze

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Nikki Dettmar is the Acting Education and Assessment Coordinator. She earned a distance learning MSIS from the University of North Texas while living in Seattle and currently teaches via online distance education modalities. This is the first in a series of Technology Tuesday posts about the types of  distance continuing education available, the technology involved, usage tips for both students and instructors, and the opportunities & challenges of distance learning.

Winnipeg Maze of Lifelong Learning, photo by Stephen Downes

Have you thought about distance learning but weren’t sure where to start, or taken an online continuing education (CE) course and found that the experience wasn’t what you were expecting it to be? Join us as we explore some of the distance learning opportunities available to medical librarians and some navigation tips on how to have them be productive experiences. (more…)

Are You Prepared? Come and Find Out!

Monday, June 1st, 2009

On Tuesday, June 9th at 1pm Pacific we will be hosting the first of a series of 10 webinars on Adobe Connect covering the “10 Steps to Service Continuity” as outlined in the NN/LM Emergency Preparedness Plan.  Each month over the next 10 months we will host a session to cover one of the 10 Steps.  On June 9th, Gail Kouame, Regional Coordinator for Emergency Preparedness and Response will lead the discussion and interactive session on Step One: Risk Assessment.

Come find out what your library may be at risk for so that you can better prepare.  Take a quiz and add up your score to see where you stand in terms of area hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, and even construction cranes!


New Distance Learning Opportunity: Podcasting for Advocacy

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Maryanne Blake and Alison Aldrich are teaming up to offer a new distance learning opportunity for network members. Podcasting for Advocacy is a hands-on class is designed to provide a fun yet informative introduction to podcasting. Hear all about it!
