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Patient Information
     Patients are the most important part of any illness. Their level of understanding, coping with and treating an illness can be strengthened with credible information provided by a variety of resources. Among those resources are doctors, medical journals, and quality references on the Internet.
     Although there is currently no known cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia, patients may find relief in treating their individual symptoms.
  • Where can I learn more about my symptoms and whether they may actually be related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia? —
  1. try the National Institutes of Health information on this site
  2. visit the NIH Web site and try keyword searches for "pain," "fatigue," "headaches," and other symptoms
  3. "Chronic Pain" publication from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)

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  1. "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and School Success" NCFSFA brochure text
  2. "A Guide for Physicians When Considering a Diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Children" NCFSFA brochure text
  3. "A School's Guide for Students with CFS" NCFSFA brochure text

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  • How can I find out about the effectiveness and validity of nutrition- and health-related products?
  1. Quackwatch, operated by a retired psychiatrist, is a non-profit organization which combats health-related frauds, myths and fads. It includes a worldwide network of expert advisors.
  2. NutriWatch, operated by a retired psychiatrist and professor of food science, analyzes health claims made by nutrition-related products.
  3. MLM Watch, a project of Quackwatch, analyzes the health claims made by multi-level marketing products.
  4. Chirobase, another joint project of Quackwatch, helps people seek appropriate chiropractic care and identify unscientific practices used by some chiropractors.
  5. The National Council Against Health Fraud focuses on health misinformation, fraud and quackery by promoting adequate labeling and warranties, proof of safety and effectiveness and accountability for those who violate the law regarding health-related products.





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  • What information is available to help me cope with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in relation to my career?
  1. Our "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In the Workplace" brochure discusses common employer sick time policies, the option of disability benefits, and making the decision to terminate the employee.
  2. Social Security disability benefits are briefly discussed in another NCFSFA brochure.
  3. Learn about the Americans With Disabilities Act and how it may affect you. (also in brochure format)


  • What advice is available to help me understand the range of emotions involved with having CFS?
  1. The brochure "Understanding the Emotions Surrounding CFS" discusses everything from fear to anger to hopelessness.
  2. Reaffirm the importance of your life by reading 25 reasons to avoid suicide, another brochure.
  3. Learn about coping skills to help maintain your equilibrium in the CFS balancing act (from a brochure).



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  • Where can I turn for answers to my questions about being diagnosed with CFS?
  1. Twenty-three common questions about CFS are discussed in the brochure "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Thief of Vitality."
  • How do I find reliable health information on the Web? — read this list in PDF format (Adobe Reader is needed to view this page. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download it here.)
  • What information does the Centers for Disease Control have relating to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? — The National Center for Infectious Diseases provides a range of information on CFS including demographics of patients, treatment and support groups.
  • What should I consider when trying to find and choose a support group? — visit the National Center for Infectious Diseases support group Web page

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NCFSFA, PO Box 18426, Kansas City MO 64133
Copyright 2008 — National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Association