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American Made Technology: Intellectual Property Rights

Select Committee Hearing on International Intellectual Property Rights for Global Climate Solutions

The key to solving climate change and developing clean energy is technology, and at the center of technology are intellectual property rights.  In the Space Race, America had a singular competitor. In the Clean Energy Race to stop global warming, America is competing with the Chinese, Germans, Koreans, and countless others. How these countries and the world deal with intellectual property rights will have a huge impact on whether technology is available and deployed to solve our global problems.  

On Wednesday July 29th, 2009 the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing entitled, "Climate for Innovation: Technology and Intellectual Property in Global Climate Solutions."

This hearing examined the impact of intellectual property rights on global warming solutions and how to encourage American innovation while spreading climate related technologies globally. Technology transfer and cooperation are part of the international climate regime and have become an important issue regarding negotiations on the future international climate agreement, and in the debate heading into the UN Climate Change Conference this December in Copenhagen.  

WHAT: Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Hearing, "Climate for Innovation: Technology and Intellectual Property in Global Climate Solutions"

WHEN: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 9:30 AM

WHERE: 210 Cannon House Office Building, Washington DC, and Online

OPENING STATEMENT: Chairman Edward J. Markey

Mr. Govi Rao, Chairman, Lighting Science Group Corporation
Mr. Robert T. Nelsen, Co-founder and Managing Director, ARCH Venture Partners
Ms. Jennifer Haverkamp, Managing Director for International Policy & Negotiations, Environmental Defense Fund
Dr. Mark Esper, Executive Vice President Global Intellectual Property Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Chairman Markey's question and answer period.

Representative Inslee's question and answer period.



Witnesses testify before the Select Committee


Chairman Markey and Ranking Member Sensenbrenner listen to witnesses' testimonies


Mr. Rao testifies before the Select Committee 


Mr. Nelsen listens to a Member's question


Ms. Haverkamp describes intellectual property rules


Mr. Esper before the Select Committee



Mr. Rao answers a Member's question


Chairman Markey and the Panel