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[Assessment 1957] Re: Assessment tools for adult literacy

Paula A. Gould

pagould at
Sat May 30 22:17:18 EDT 2009

Good evening:

I've been reading the posts this week and appreciate all the discussions.

Some items I've marked for further research.

Ultimately, these are my conclusions:

What I see primarily are two camps driven by funding sources: federal/state
money that demands standardized testing and other money that demands
outcomes not measured by standardized testing.

If adult literacy providers are ever to gain credibility (translated: money
entrusted without question), they must bring both funding entities to the
table by producing outcomes measured by standardized assessment tools and
achieved/directed by complementary informal assessments.

Good luck!


Paula A. Gould, Program Manager
Literacy Volunteers-Shenandoah County (LV-SC)
Reading, Rhyming, and Readiness (RRR) sponsor agency
A Proliteracy America Affiliate
A United Way/Northern Shenandoah Valley Member Agency
134 N. Church St., P.O. Box 303, Woodstock, VA 22664
540-459-2446 (office) 540-868-2278 (h) 540-327-6806 (c)
pagould@ <mailto:pagould at>

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