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[Assessment 1839] Re: Diagnostic assessments

George Demetrion

gdemetrion at
Sun Apr 26 17:41:17 EDT 2009

Thanks Bonnie,

I haven't been in a situation where I would have drawn on that assessment, though I can see that in workplace contexts it can be helpful. So can the CASAS Reading assessment in terms of identifying some relationships between general reading ability and utilizing print-based text in specific daily life application contexts. In the program where I had worked we used both the CASAS reading assessment and the DAR; that and the tracking of personal achievements became the three modes by which we both were able to develop some basic profiles of student learning on a global programmatic basis, although it needs to be clearly stated that such "instruments" are at best indicators which can provide useful information if keenly utilized by program managers, teachers, and students. I have been a strong advocate of case study analysis and paradigm-driven ethnographic studies for a long time which provides a lot of "thick description" for the select subset of students such work may apply to.

I think all of these appraoches together shed light on the dynamics of student learning, which perhaps may lead one to conclude that even in terms of a diagnostic there may not be a single best screening tool. If one is looking for a solid informal diagnostic only to serve as a rough placement tool, the LVA READ test is pretyy tood in that it measures a variety of components and the reading passages are adult focused.

George Demetrion

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:33:20 -0700
From: bonniesophia at
Subject: Re: [Assessment 1836] Diagnostic assessments
To: gdemetrion at; assessment at

George, have you ever tried the workplace version of the CASAS? I used it for the WIA-funded programs integrating workplace training and technology I worked with, and found it quite helpful. It's been a while since I've seen it, and somewhere in my own archives might be a literacy/task analysis of the test items. Ajit can be more helpful than I on that. But while I had to do some supplemental work to target literacy levels and contextualized learning tasks for instruction that weren't clear to me from the competencies, I found it quite helpful for those interested in workplace-related skills.
Bonnie Odiorne

From: George Demetrion <gdemetrion at>
To: assessment at
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:05:02 PM
Subject: [Assessment 1836] Diagnostic assessments


This short discussion between Jean Marrapodi and me may be of interest to the list. It would be great to hear of other perspectives to the question Jean is posing, including any magic bullets that one may have.


George Demetrion

I’m putting together a diagnostic-prescriptive program for adults reading below a 6th grade equivalency, with most less than 3rd, as established by CASAS/TABE. Does anyone have a good diagnostic assessment tool they would recommended for a second step? DAR is used by NIFL ARCS, but is intended for children. I have a few individual components I could cobble together, but really was hoping to find something that existed already to target specific issues. "

Jean Marrapodi
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: George Demetrion
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 15:58:45 -0400
To: <jmarrapodi at>
Subject: RE: Diagnostic assessments


The DAR isn't bad in that it addresses word identification, word identification in context, reading comprehension, spelling, and reading comprehension for the more advanced students. However, the comprehnsion reading passages are not adult oriented and some of them are very arcane.

Perhaps as a basic reading diagnostics, the LVA-based revised Read Test is still pretty good in that it addresses many of the components of the DAR, but the reading passages are designed for adult literacy students. As a pure diagnostic the READ is alright, but is not robust enough for a pre/post measurement tool. I'm not sure if the DAR qualifies either, which leaves one with the various standardized tests; CASAS, BEST, TABE, etc, which have their own respective problems.

In short, I don't think there is a single best instrument, but the DAR, READ as well as the CASAS placement alll give some useful information, as do most any of the standardized assessments..



From: jmarrapodi at
To: gdemetrion at
Subject: Diagnostic assessments
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:08:52 -0400

Hi George.
You talk about DAR in your postings. Do you consider that the best diagnostic screening tool for adults? What others are out there? I’m putting together a diagnostic-prescriptive program for a welfare to work initiative.

Jean Marrapodi, PhD, CPLP
teacher by training, learner by design
jmarrapodi at
mobile: 401.440.6165

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