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[Assessment 1799] More questions on GED classes

Stephanie Moran

stephanie at
Sat Feb 21 13:14:27 EST 2009

Ranee, have gone through about 100 emails this am and got back to yours.

--we don't have a minimum number of Ss required for a class-whoever shows
up-sometimes one, often 4 or 5, sometimes 10 or 12 depending on weather,
cycle, whether the moon is full J We top out at 12.

--Re classes, we offer separate classes for Lindamood-Bell reading, a Word
Power class (designed for weak spellers/lack of understanding of how
language works/grammar/structure-but mostly for weak spellers-this is taught
by our LMB/reading specialist), and ABE Reading class, a GED level reading
class, and ABE Math and a GED Math. All separate classes. Charlie offers a
general Science and Social Studies class-he alternates units (so 2
GED-level-specific courses are offered-my Writing course is open to

All told, from 9-noon slot, students can choose from among 8 course
selections (based on their TABE scores, teacher and student monitoring) OR
they can go into Guided Instruction as well-a 1:1 study-hall type class.
Here, Ss work on practice tests, registration for a class, wait to enter a
class (say that my writing Ss are thick into an essay process-then I don't
take new Ss until we are finished with the essay-too disruptive), or attend
GI when they have taken and passed a GED subject test and no longer need my
GED Reading or Sue's GED Math or the Sci/SS class.

All classes are 50 minutes long.

Afternoons are open for 1:1 tutoring and general small groups as well as
reading-specific help.

Year-round classes including summer although summer classes are all general,
not course-specific, and summers are shorter hours/days-we just started them
last summer so we are in flux with summer offerings especially with current
budget crunch.

Hope this is specific enough, Ranee.

We enjoyed our talk with Kendra and Ellen of OVAE on Friday. It's exciting
to think that we might be able to continue the SUN in some form even though
the pace is pretty crazy-making!


Thanks for your response, Stephanie.

I have a few more questions, though.

(1) How small is 'small'? What is your minimum number of Ss? Maximum
number of Ss?

(2) Since there are 5 GED subjects, does that mean you offer 5 separate GED
classes for each subject area?

(3) If so, how long is a GED class?

(4) Are these classes offered the year round?




From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Stephanie Moran
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 5:16 PM
To: 'The Assessment Discussion List'
Subject: [Assessment 1716] Re: GED-- classroom format or lab?

We offer small classes M-R in all 5 GED subjects and also have ABE-level rdg
and math classes as well as our LMB reading program.

Afternoons are 1:1 tutoring as are our evenings classes.

We also have Guided Instruction in all 3 morning slots where a student
basically works 1:1, take practice tests, registers for the test, gets
whatever brief counseling for the GED/college/etc. s/he might need. Works
great for fast trackers, some older Ss who don't want to be with a youthful
crowd, and those with LDs who need a quieter space.

From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Cervania, Ranee
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 4:09 PM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 1710] Re: GED-- classroom format or lab?

I have the impression (based on inquiry and what I've seen at CCD) that GED
sites are generally a lab format -- one-on-one tutoring.

I'm doing a survey. Please let me know which format you follow at your GED
sites--classroom, i.e., regular classes are held or LAB, i.e., one-on-one

Thank you for your participation.

Ranee Cervania
Curriculum Specialist
Ready for College - Colorado Success UNlimited (SUN)
Colorado Community College System
9101 E. Lowry Boulevard
Denver, Colorado 80230
720-858-2801 (office)
303-620-4094 (fax)

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