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[Assessment 1653] Re: Reply to Questions 1 and 2

Susan Kidd

SKidd at
Wed Feb 4 10:47:48 EST 2009

Carol highlights a common perception among people who are less familiar with math, that algebra is working with unknown variables. It's true that much of the process of algebra deals with variables (known and unknown), but its underlying principles have to do with recognizing and finding patterns and making predictions based upon the patterns.

Knowing how to describe a pattern as an algebraic expression can be a very useful and sometimes enjoyable tool. But recognizing patterns and learning to make predictions based upon patterns have many applications beyond passing the GED and Accuplacer and other school situations.


Susan Kidd
ABE Professional Development Coordinator
State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
office phone: 509-682-6968
cell phone: 509-630-4520
skidd at

From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bower, Carol
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 3:37 PM
To: assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 1632] Re: Reply to Questions 1 and 2

We, at SABES, have been working diligently to improve the teaching of math to adult learners and while I am far from an expert on math, I have learned a great deal from our math leaders regarding the usefulness of learning algebra. While on the surface it may appear that learning algebra is unnecessary in order to succeed in post-secondary education and in life, I have learned from our Math Leaders that in learning how to do algebra, we actually are learning algebraic thinking, which is a critical thinking and problem solving skill needed to succeed, not only in college, but in life. My non-expert take on this is that algebraic thinking will enable you work with a few unknown variables to figure out what might happen if x or y occurs. So beyond getting a GED and passing the Accuplacer, algebra serves a very important function.

On algebraic thinking:


Carol Bower

Director, Northeast SABES

Northern Essex Community College

45 Franklin Street

Lawrence, MA 01840


"SABES: Training Leaders in Adult Basic Education"

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"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." ~ Barack Obama

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