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[Assessment 1597] Re: Transitions Liaison

Marie Cora

marie.cora at
Tue Feb 3 14:45:20 EST 2009

Hi Charlene,

Thanks very much for your description - it's clear that the counseling
aspect of your program is a crucial component and a successful one. It
sounds like you are an inspiration, as well as a dedicated worker. My
hat is off to you!

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Charlene Salazar
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 2:14 PM
To: assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 1561] Re: Assessment Digest, Vol 41,Issue 1--
Transitions: Resources, Obstacles, Etc.

Maria -

I went over your questions for the subscribers and I hope that the
information that I provide you with will help. I am the Transitions
Liaison for the Del Mar College Department of GED Instruction. When I
was hired for this position there were no guidelines. I was given the
opportunity to design it in any fashion that I wished just as long as
the job was successful and it got done. As a former GED graduate, I
thought to myself what were the things that helped me move into
post-secondary education. The first 2 things were motivation and

When students step into a different educational arena it can be very
intimidating for them; scary. Fear can make students turn and run in a
different direction. A direction that will often not include a college
education. So I told myself that when I met with a student, I was going
to do everything in my power to motivate, support, and encourage these
students. I try to make my students feel comfortable and confident and I
do that by informing them of my educational journey of GED student to
college graduate. I don't sugar coat anything and let them know that it
will be tough and challenging, but so very rewarding in the end.

Changing a student's "I can't" mind set to an "I can" allows them to
start peeling away the layers of fears they have developed. I tell my
students that there is no way they can move forward if they have one
foot stuck in the past. Whatever it was that led them to this GED
program doesn't matter anymore. They are here to get a GED, enter
college, and/ or workforce and they must focus on the here and now.

Another thing that works for me is making sure all our students know who
I am. I teach new student orientation, attend awards assemblies, do
classroom visits, and eat lunch with them whenever my schedule permits.
So by the time a student comes in for a transitioning appointment, they
already know me and feel comfortable talking to me.

Knowledge is my best resource. I must be knowledgeable about everything
the transtioner is going to have to deal with:

1. Knowing all the key people in every department on campus(s)
2. College Majors - does Del Mar College have associate and certificate
programs in the students field of interest
3. Admissions requirements and placement tests such as the THEA and
4. Tuition Costs
5. Financial Aid - What is it and how do I apply for it?
7. College Advising - Placement test scores and will the student have to
enroll in remedial courses, degree plans and class schedules.
8. Registration

Availability is also key. I have an open door policy and make myself
available to all our students day or night. For example: If a student is
trying to register and doesn't know where to go or who to talk to, they
can call me on their cell phones and I will walk them through the whole
process over the phone. You have to let your students know that you care
and you are there.

If you ahve any other questions, please send them my way.

Charlene Salazar
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