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               Do you have a question about eating disorders, or need help?

ANAD is the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

WE WELCOME YOUR SUPPORT! Donate and Help Fight Eating Disorders!     
INTERNATIONAL NEWS                                                                                         ANAD En Espanol                                                                                                                                           

Call the ANAD hotline 847.831.3438 between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays central time,
or use our email: for more information.

                                         Candlelight Vigil Shines A Light On Eating Disorders
                                                         “Accept Yourself…Accept Others”  ________________________________________________________________________________________

Coming Soon! Great New Look, Same Web Site Address! Don't be surprised when one day soon you visit the ANAD web site and see a complete new look. It will still be us, but you will see our new upgraded and modernized web site.

                                                Conference 2009

Illinois House Representatives Fred Crespo (left) and Sid Mathias (right) presented ANAD president Vivian Hanson Meehan with an official copy the State of Illinois House Resolution 42.

The resolution declares that due to the work of ANAD and other eating disorder organizations; Illinois law now recognizes that anorexia and bulimia are serious mental illnesses that qualify for coverage under applicable health insurance plans.  

The resolution also declares February 25, 2009 as Eating Disorders Awareness Day in the State of Illinois.   The passage of this bill is a gigantic win for those who fight for insurance parity for eating disorders.  

The presentation was made at the recent ANAD co-sponsor conference held in Hoffman Estates, IL.


                              SEE NEWS OF INTEREST FOR ANAD IN ACTION!

                                  Important Facts About ANAD Support!

ANAD advocacy volunteer Nicole Boice, Temple University MSW Program, attended the announcement of the FREED Act (Federal Response to Eliminating Eating Disorders Act.) by Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D), RI. Nicole also met with other ANAD members and Congressman Kennedy. Kennedy is a strong supporter of mental health research, preventionand treatment. 

Part of the agenda was listening to sufferers speak abouttheir battles with bulimia and anorexia, as well as hearing about Kennedy’s dedication in fighting for legislation such as the FREED Act.

The experience provided Nicole and other advocates anopportunity to reflect on the magnitude of the fight against eating disordersand the emotional and physical consequences sufferers and their families face.  

                     ANAD Applauds Congressional Passage of Limited Parity Bill!

                             Law Becomes Effective Starting in January 2010

A federal mental health parity bill was enacted into law on October 3, 2008. The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 narrows the gap in eating disorders health coverage and is a giant step forward in the struggle to obtain equal coverage of eating disorders.

ANAD, along with a broad coalition of health organizations, has been working for over a decade to fight against insurance discrimination and lower the barriers to eating disorders treatment.

ANAD joins with its advocates and other health organizations in celebrating this hard-fought victory to gain better coverage of eating disorders and other mental illnesses.

(See rest of story)


ANAD was interviewed for an article published in DiversityInc., December 4, 2008, entitled, "Bulimia: Not Just a White, Overweight Woman's Disorder."  The author Zayda Rivera, also interviewed Dr. Daniela Schreier, a clinical psychologist specializing in eating disorders across ethnicities.  Dr. Schreier will be a presenter at the upcoming ANAD Regional Conference in February.  She is quoted as saying,"Now, because we are becoming a more multicultural population and we see people starving themselves, we can't ignore it anymore.  Secondly, nowadays we have more multicultural people in the field of research and psychology." 

Click to read full article

ANAD PLEDGE: Words for all of us to live by


                 Cori Magnotta, Mrs. Connecticut 2007, Speaks Out About   
                                    the Dangers of Pro-Ana Sites

I arrived at work to discover 118 new messages in my inbox.  One after another, I opened threats and accusations of betrayal. My crime had been to speak out against the pro-anorexia online community.

Click here for Cori's Story

ANAD provides parents an overview of deadly eating disorder hazards on the Internet.


Patrick Bergstrom Speaks Out About Anorexia Nervosa Athletes

"I am not just battling an eating disorder, but also the stigma of having a condition that is typically viewed as a female problem.  It is not an issue that is often discussed in competitive world of male athletics much less lacrosse."

Patrick is a 25 year old athlete, former Division III college lacrosse player recovering from a four-year battle with anorexia nervosa.  For the majority of those years, his problem was diagnosed as merely a drinking problem.  He was told, “men cannot suffer from an eating disorder.”  Patrick is a testimony that men can not only suffer the horrible effects of a eating disorder, but can successfully recover. 
                                       Click here for Patrick's Story

Miss America Raises Eating Disorder Awareness

Miss America 2008, Kirsten Haglund, was diagnosed with anorexia. Read the interview of this remarkable woman.

Tell Us Your Story:

Please tell us if you have been denied mental health coverage/treatment by your employer’s group health plan for an eating disorder and how the denial has affected you or your family. My story


The following facilities listed below are ANAD sponsors. If you or someone you know is looking for a patient treatment center, we invite you to click on our sponsors' logos and learn more about the services they provide.

Remuda Ranch Provides New Program 

 for Boys!!!

Remuda Ranch provides inpatient and residential programs for women, girls and boys suffering from Anorexia, Bulimia, other Eating Disorders, and related issues. Our Christian programs offer hope & healing to patients of all beliefs.

Remuda East- Virginia Remuda East reflects and embraces all that nature has to offer. Located one hour north of Richmond, Virginia, our inpatient treatment programs reside on 500 acres of beautifully wooded land.


                                  Rader Treatment Programs

The professionals at Rader Programs have been providing multidisciplinary eating disorder treatment for over 25 years. Our staff of caring and experienced eating disorder professionals who recognize the complexity of eating disorders and understand the emotional, physical, nutritional,exercise, family and social components.

Our treatment approach is centered on the special needs of each individual, and we provide a nurturing, supportive environment to help individuals achieve recovery.

                       Please call 800-841-1515
                       Visit our web site


      Eating Disorders Services of Rogers Memorial Hospital

As the largest behavioral health provider in Wisconsin, Rogers Memorial Hospital offers specialized eating disorder treatment, 24-hour inpatient care, residential treatment and partial hospitalization for men,women, adolescents, and children. We provide specialized care for co-occurring anxiety disorders and a male-specific residential program.

Treatment is comprised of small, age-specific groups yielding the mostindividualized treatment possible.RogersMemorial uses evidence-based treatment components, including family, nutrition,movement, fitness and cognitive-behavioral therapies, as well as offeringsubstance abuse, spiritual counseling, and one-to-one support.  Rogers Memorial is aspecialty nonprofit hospital with contracts for most major insuranceproviders to provide the best treatment options to the most people.

  Visit our web site


 Visit our website at

Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital is a freestanding JCAHO accredited multi-specialty behavioral health hospital in Chicago’s northwest suburbs.  We are Disease Specific Certified in Eating Disorders, Self-Injury, and Chemical Dependency.
Alexian Brothers specializes in Eating Disorders and treats both males and females, ages 11+ through the levels of care including Inpatient Hospitalization, Outpatient Programs, and Individualized therapy.  The treatment approach of our clinically based program uses the Self-Regulatory Model.

Patients participate in an individualized treatment plan developed to meet their unique needs.  Often times patients are suffering from co-existing issues which need specialized attention at the same time and we are able to address these issues through cross-tracking with our other programs. 

Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital has specialized programs treating self-injury, chemical dependency, OCD and related anxiety disorders including panic, PTSD, social anxiety and children with school refusal. We treat patients with depression, severe depression, survivors of trauma, violence, and other mood disorders.


Visit our website at

The Eating Disorder Program at Linden Oaks is led by an exceptional team of psychiatrists and psychologists who effectively blend evidence based treatment with empathic, individualized care.  Linden Oaks is able to safely manage complex medical and nutritional needs in the inpatient program while helping patients identify core issues behind the eating disorder behavior.  In the partial hospitalization programs, patients learn skills that teach them how to manage and cope with day to day issues that trigger eating disorder behaviors.  Experiential outings and family groups allow patients to practice skills along the way while still in a supportive environment.  For those patients who need additional support, there is Arabella House, a residential care home for up to eight women who are seriously motivated but still need a therapeutic living environment while they continue the recovery journey.   

Linden Oaks at Edward is a110 bed behavioral health facility that provides comprehensive services to adults and adolescents. We are proud to provide patient and family centered care by involving patients and families in program planning and facility design.  Linden Oaks was acknowledged by the Joint Commission as a center of excellence and is one of the only behavioral health hospitals in the country to receive disease specific certification in the treatment of eating disorders, self injury, chemical dependency, and geriatrics.    


The ANAD hotline telephone number is 847-831-3438 or send an email to

The ANAD business line 847-831-3763 should be used for all general inquiries, business and media calls.

To volunteer, send an email to

Contact ANAD for help, support, or more information about eating disorders at:

P.O. Box 7 Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: 847-831-3438
Fax: 847-831-3765

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders                                       copyright 2007