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2006 Request for Proposals
Outreach to Underserved Health Professionals Subcontract


The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) seeks to develop, implement, and evaluate targeted outreach programs to bring biomedical information resources within easy reach of health professionals who still do not have access. To accomplish this goal requires participation by Network members throughout the region. Outreach to consumers and patients is addressed in a separate but similar RFP. By funding outreach projects, the Regional Medical Library for the Pacific Northwest Region of the NN/LM, at the University of Washington, hopes to encourage partnerships and community-focused activities in support of our overall mission.

Proposals may target primary healthcare providers without adequate information services, public health workers, health professionals in inner cities or rural areas, or those serving populations that suffer disproportionately from health disparities. A thorough assessment of the needs and assets of participating agencies and professional groups shapes the design of successful outreach projects. If data on information needs is incomplete or if partners are tentative about commitment to a full-scale outreach project, a proposal for a planning award may be more appropriate.

The Pacific Northwest Regional Medical Library anticipates making one award for outreach to underserved health professionals, funded at up to $25,000 during the 2006-2007 contract year. Any Network member in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon or Washington is invited to submit a proposal. All applicants should consult the the Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects Series available through the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center .

Awardees will be expected to share and disseminate results of their projects.

We expect that the work carried out through these projects will:

  • encourage Network members to share their expertise and resources with health care workers not normally reached;
  • test solutions to identified health information needs of health professionals who are not affiliated with Network member libraries;
  • strengthen the role of health information and health librarians in the delivery of health care;
  • develop or support local or regional partnerships; and
  • promote awareness and use of the services, resources and products of NLM and the NN/LM, as well as other online health information resources by health professionals and health care consumers.

Cathy Burroughs
Associate Director

Issued by:
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
Pacific Northwest Region
University of Washington, Box 357155
Seattle WA 98195-7155


  • The bidder must be an NN/LM PNR Member.
  • The bidder or partner agency must have expertise with PubMed and other NLM resources.
  • Funding:
    • The NN/LM PNR anticipates funding one Outreach to Underserved Health Professionals Project for up to $25,000.
  • The bidder has the ability to set up an account for the project and obtain the project funds from the NN/LM PNR on a cost-reimbursement basis.
  • Period of Performance:
    • The period of performance will be for an agreed upon period of time; typically 12 to 18 months from the date of the award.
  • Submission Instructions:
    • Deadline for submission of proposals is August 18, 2006. In addition to one paper copy, an electronic version (email attachment) of the proposal must be submitted.
    • Please contact Linda Milgrom (phone: 206-221-3400 or email: by July 31, 2006 to indicate your intention to apply.

Proposals will be reviewed by NN/LM PNR staff and selected outside reviewers. Bidders will be notified of award decisions in October 2006, though actual start dates will be negotiated at the time of award.

For more information, contact:

Cathy Burroughs, Associate Director,
Linda Milgrom, Outreach Coordinator,
Telephone: 206-543-8262, 800-338-7657 (within AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)

Summaries of recent Outreach Projects are available

Proposal Instructions

1. Cover Sheet -- On a separate page (you may use the attached form) the Cover Sheet should include:

Project title

Date of submission

Name of institution submitting proposal

Primary contact person (postal and e-mail addresses, voice and fax telephone numbers)

Indication that the proposing institution is a NN/LM PNR member.

2. Statement of Work
Please address all the categories in the Statement of Work in as much detail as necessary to present the proposed project clearly and completely. Prepare the proposal according to the following outline:

A. Summary statement: Provide a one -paragraph summary statement of the proposed project.

B. Target population: Describe the general population (characteristics, demographics, health issues) and geographic area to be covered by the project. In addition, describe the specific audience with which you will work, such as the types of health care professionals or groups and provide an estimate of how many the project expects to reach.

C. Identification of needs and assets: Explain why there is a need for information outreach to the target population. Describe information resources already available, what is needed, and any barriers to access. Draw from any known needs assessments, formal or otherwise, that may be relevant and other sources of data that support the needs and assets statements. Include input from members of the audience about their information use patterns, needs and barriers, and what might improve this situation. For more information on needs assessments, see publications of the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center, in particular Getting Started with Community-Based Outreach and Stage 1: Conducting a Community Assessment from Measuring the Difference. If assessment data is weak or lacking, consider a planning award as a preliminary step.

D. Outcomes-based Project Plan and Logic Model: The outcomes-based project plan is a key section of the proposal that describes five project components: the project goal, the project's short- and long-term outcomes; project activities; project outputs; and project resources. Each of these project components is defined below, and should be addressed in a detailed narrative.

  1. Goal: Begin with a statement about the overall goal of the project. This statement expresses, in general terms, what you plan to accomplish. The goal should be related to the identified needs. Another way of looking at this: if you were planning a trip, you would begin by identifying why you wanted to take the trip (the "need" for the trip) and then deciding on your destination (your goal). For example, suppose your needs assessment identifies that a group of public health workers have problems finding the information they need. An example goal might be: "To increase satisfaction of public health workers in being able to find and access health information."
  2. Short- and Long-term Outcomes: Provide specific outcomes that you (and collaborating partners) believe the project will have. To envision outcomes, think about the types of short- and long- term benefits that you expect to occur. Short- term outcomes typically describe benefits to individual project participants. Just as an example, a short-term outcome might be increased awareness among public health workers about online health information resources. Long- term outcomes help to describe community, organizational, or system-level changes. For example, a long-term outcome might be increased options for public health workers to get information at the point of need.
  3. Activities: Describe here the kinds of products, strategies or services you will produce or carry out to achieve the stated outcomes. Be specific about what will be done (in order to achieve the stated goals and outcomes).
  4. Outputs: List the numbers of products, services, or materials that you plan to accomplish or produce if carrying out your project activities.
  5. Resources: List what the project will need, such as staff, partners, teaching labs, finances, technology, training materials, or anything else you must have.

Also, discuss the relationship of the proposed project to any work already in progress, possible problem areas, or unusual circumstances that might be encountered. Finally, it may not be realistic to reach long-term outcomes by the end of a 12-18 month project. However, suggest ways to sustain project momentum toward long-term outcomes after the project completion date.

To accompany the narrative, include a chart (sometimes called a logic model) that provides a brief summary of the five project components (goal, short- and long-term outcomes, activities, outputs and resources). Logic models help to clarify relationships between the project components, and are meant to provide an overall view of the project plan. Think of a logic model as a map that you develop to clarify and communicate what your project intends to do and the presumed outcomes.

There is no single correct way to develop a logic model; the order and/or type of categories in logic models will vary. For the purpose of this proposal, please complete a logic model according to the example and associated planning worksheet provided in:

Step One of Booklet 2, "Develop an Outcomes-based Project Plan " in Including Evaluation in Outreach Project Planning (Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects, Booklet 2), pages 2-7,

Blank logic model planning worksheet:

E. Evaluation Planning: In this section, draft a plan for ways to evaluate the outcomes and process of your project. To do this, first identify a list of possible indicators for each short-term and long-term outcome in your logic model. Using these indicators, develop 2 or 3 (maximum) outcome objectives. Describe a plan-of-action for evaluating each objective, including data sources, evaluation methods, and data collection timing. In addition, suggest ideas for ways to: 1) monitor the degree to which you implement your outreach plan; and 2) assess the quality of your activities and strategies.

For detailed guidance and worksheets for evaluation planning, see:

Step Two of Booklet 2, "Develop an Outcomes Assessment Plan" in Including Evaluation in Outreach Project Planning (Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects, Booklet 2), pages 7-10, and blank worksheet 2 at

Step Four of Booklet 2, "Develop a Process Assessment Plan" in Including Evaluation in Outreach Project Planning (Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects, Booklet 2), pages 11-12,, and blank worksheet 4 at

F. Partnerships: Identify and describe the institutions or organizations that will be partnering in the project. Describe the populations they serve, their role and level of participation in this effort, and their health information/library resources. Letters from these organizations, confirming their expectations for the collaboration should be included along with a letter assuring that the home institution supports staff involvement in the project. Describe any previous collaborative projects among these organizations.

G. Personnel and Facilities: Describe the project personnel, including a summary of their qualifications and a description of their responsibilities as they relate to this project. Current curriculum vitae for key staff should be attached and should include relevant experience and training in use of NLM resources (PubMed, MedlinePlus, etc.) as they relate to the project. Also, describe the facilities and resources that will be available.

H. Schedule: Provide a timeline and a schedule for the delivery of items specified in the statement of work. The schedule must conform to the Period of Performance.

I. Other Funding: Provide a statement of any other funding currently received from NLM and/or NN/LM PNR.

3. Attachments should include:

Curriculum vitae of key personnel

Letters of support from partnering institution(s)/organization(s)

Budget form and narrative budget justification

Other relevant information to support the Statement of Work

4. Budget:

Submit an itemized budget with costs clearly indicated and a justification for each category of expenditure. A brief narrative justification for each category is required and should accompany the budget form. Note that food may not be included. Use the attached Budget Form as a template. The following budget categories may be used:






other costs (e.g., postage, telephones, Internet access, database access, shipping, photocopying/printing, and miscellaneous exhibit or training site costs).

Total Direct Costs (TDC): the sum of the above

Modified Total Direct Costs: (MTDC): the TDC minus equipment costs

Indirect Costs (IDC): is allowable using your institutionally agreed rate; using the MTDC as the base of calculation.

Total Costs: the sum of TDC and IDC (Note: Total Costs should not exceed $25,000)

5. Reporting Requirements:

A. Within 3 months after project funding begins : A revised logic model and evaluation plan that has been finalized with input from project stakeholders.

B. Quarterly Reports : Description of activities during the reporting period and those planned for the next, including progress toward major objectives, problems encountered and steps taken to resolve them, evaluation activities and significant feedback. Outreach Activity and Exhibit Report forms are also due with the Quarterly Reports. A toolkit with links to all reporting forms will be provided.

C. Final Report : Narrative summary of accomplishments; copies of any products or materials developed in conjunction with the project; a project evaluation and recommendations for changes or modifications to future outreach projects. Include any aggregate data gathered (such as number of people trained) and any anecdotal information in appendices. The final report should be sent to the NN/LM PNR office within 15 days after the last day of the performance period. The NN/LM PNR office will supply an outline and guide for the final report.

D. Dragonfly article : Brief description of the project to be shared via the NN/LM PNR newsletter/blog.

E. Recipients of NN/LM funding are strongly encouraged to consider publishing results from NN/LM funded projects in journals that make their contents freely available on the Web. In addition, if results are accepted for publication, NIH policy Article H.13 requests that authors submit an electronic version of the final manuscript to the NIH National Library of Medicines (NLM) PubMed Central (PMC). This policy applies to projects supported in whole or in part with direct costs from NIH. The PMC archive will preserve permanently these manuscripts for use by the public, health care providers, educators, scientists, and NIH. The Policy directs electronic submissions to the NIH/NLM/PMC: Additional information is available at

Factors to be Used in Evaluation of Proposals

Proposals will be evaluated by selected outside reviewers and NN/LM PNR staff. Requests for clarification and revision may be asked of proposal writers as determined by the reviewers. Proposals will be forwarded to the NN/LM National Network Office at the National Library of Medicine for final approval.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals. These criteria are based on the contents of the Statement of Work. The relative weights assigned the criteria will be used to score proposals.

Target Population: The target population is well defined and is centered on health professionals without adequate access to health information. There is a clear understanding of population characteristics and demographics. 10 points

Statement of Needs and Assets: The information needs and preferences of the target population, barriers as well as available resources, are understood and well described. Evidence of audience involvement in determining needs and assets. 15 points

Outcomes-based Project Plan: The goals and outcomes are reasonable and at least some are sustainable. Applicant has a clear, well-designed plan described in a narrative and an accompanying logic model. Approach to accomplishing plans reflects realistic awareness of target community and is ambitious yet feasible. 20 points

Evaluation Planning: Plans are described to evaluate outcomes objectives and to monitor extent and quality of project activities, services, or products. Plans include identification of indicators, data sources, and data collection timelines. 15 points

Partnerships: Evidence of engagement of appropriate entities in planning, conducting, and/or assessing the project. Adequate description of planned partnerships and compelling letters of support. Intent and understanding of roles is clear. 15 points

Personnel and Facilities: Adequate evidence of qualified staff and organizational resources to assure likelihood of successful completion of the project. Documentation includes appropriate letters of support and resumes of key personnel. 15 points

Budget Plan and Schedule: The budget is reasonable and sufficient to accomplish the project. The budget is complete, clear, and well justified. The timeline and schedule are reasonable and well thought out. 10 points

Cover Sheet Form | Budget Form