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[HealthLiteracy 2568] Re: Online Library of Photo novels?

Andrew Pleasant

pleasant at
Wed Dec 10 14:40:59 EST 2008

Hi - albeit a bit delayed ...

David Rosen some time ago asked a simple and very useful question (as
always) which is below. In reply, I don't think there is currently an
online collection of fotonovellas - and no one seemed to respond to
the question - so maybe there is not .. yet.

As I happen to have server space that is currently under-utilized, I
am happy to post whatever fotonovellas (and related forms) that folks
send me. This would be posted much like the current health literacy
curricula collection at (anyone can always
add to that just by sending me the info)

Along these lines, I also receive questions about tools for
evaluation of health literacy projects - so this is a third area that
I think may be useful to collect examples of and post online. So, I
am also willing to do the same for any evaluation tools that people
are willing to share.

As (or IF ..) I receive them, it is likely that a 'best' or 'most
manageable' way to post this will emerge .. so it may take a bit of
time to sort it out especially if there is a deluge .. but then again
it is free. :)


Andrew Pleasant

>Health Literacy Colleagues,


>Perhaps this has already been asked and answered, and if so, someone

>just point me to the message. If not, however: is there a web site

>that lists and categorizes photo novels suitable for adults, so that

>a teacher or health educator who wants to integrate them into her/his

>work with adult learners can easily find and order them? I have no

>idea how many or what kinds there may be, or if there are too few to

>even bother.


>If this does not exist, and is needed, would someone be interested in

>making such a web site?


>David J. Rosen

>DJRosen at






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