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[HealthLiteracy 2481] Re: Treatment refusal and verbal abilities and phot...

MarkH38514 at

MarkH38514 at
Wed Nov 19 10:55:05 EST 2008


This sounds promising. From my own experiences as a Psychologist and a

Because so much information about medical treatments and research is focused
on the patient, health care providers don't always realize that every
disease is a family disease.

Physicians are often frustrated by "non-compliant" patients (a description I
despise) who don't do what they're told--losing weight, for example. But
losing weight means you have to change what you eat and that decision alone can
create profound spousal, family, cultural and religious conflicts.

Plus, successful weight loss can be psychologically threatening to other
family members who can't or don't want to lose weight, or feel that their
spouse's weight loss will threaten the marriage because the spouse may now be more
attractive to the opposite sex. Sometimes family members can sabotage one's
best efforts to lose weight and keep it off. Obviously there's more to weight
loss than telling patients to lose weight and giving them nutritional

If you can find patients willing to talk honestly about these issues, you
may be able to identify possible barriers to healthy behavior and provide some
possible solutions in a format that's more meaningful than just another
medical handout.


Mark Hochhauser, Ph.D.
Readability Consultant
3344 Scott Avenue North
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Phone: 763-521-4672
Fax: 763-521-5069
Cell: 612-281-1517
email: _MarkH38514 at aol.com_ (mailto:MarkH38514 at

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