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[HealthLiteracy 2460] Re: Health Literacy evaluation tool

David Pole

poledc at
Mon Nov 17 09:45:41 EST 2008

Re: Newest Vital Sign

I have used it both as a training tool to help educators and health
professionals understand that health literacy includes math, reading, and
listening skills required to complete the 6 questions. Additionally, when
they answer the questions correctly, I correlate the NAAL results in terms
of approximately how many patients/clients will only be able to answer 2 or
3 of the questions correctly.

I have found the tool to be effective in terms of easily integrating in to
DM patient education. "We are going to be discussing a number of aspects of
food choices and your eating plan. I want to make sure that I am providing
information that is useful to you, so I would like to ask you a few
questions before we start about this food label."

Barry Weiss, MD has done a good deal of work to correlate the NVS to the
REALM and tested in both English and Spanish. If you do a lit search under
his name, you will find the back up.

David Pole, MPH
Deputy Director, Division of Community Health Promotion
Deputy Director, AHEC Program Office
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
(P) 314-977-8484 (F) 314-977-5268
poledc at

SLU Family and Community Medicine ~ Innovations in Education, Research, and
Primary Care
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Bonnie Anton <bba at> wrote:

> Hello all


> Has anyone on the list used the Newest Vital Sign as a testing tool? I am

> interested in knowing the experiences of others with this tool or other

> tools you would suggest for evaluating health literacy. I am working with a

> nurse who has chosen this topic for her project and she will be

> interviewing

> patients who come to an out patient educational session prior to their hip

> or knee replacement surgery.




> Thanks for your help




> Bonnie B. Anton RN MN


> UPMC St. Margaret Hospital







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