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[HealthLiteracy 2395] Re: Is the web a viable way to improve health literacy?

Martha Lily Nega

mnega1 at
Wed Oct 29 09:20:57 EDT 2008


As useful as the web is a medium to communicate and pass information, for certain population groups that health educators need to reach with useful critical information it may not be feasible because of accessibility, information and computer literacy.

For example communities in lower income neighborhoods or rural areas may not have access to a computer. This calls for the push to have public libraries and other community centers. Once that is solved, you may also run into the problem of some people not knowing where to search online to get the information and/or not having the mechanical skills to use the computer.

With that being said, I think the internet can be a great tool for learning on demand with greater immediacy, relevance and personalization by providing access to various types of health information, videos and other contents to users.


-----Original Message-----
From: joe horne <seasonalthought at>
To: healthliteracy at
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:04:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2348] Is the web a viable way to improve health literacy?


I am a student at Georgia State in the Instructional Technology program. I was curious how critical you all (as health literacy professionals) consider the web to be in your practice? Is it more important for your groups, or is some other medium more critical?



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