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[HealthLiteracy 2335] Re: Photo Novellas related to health

Janet Sorensen

Jsorensen at
Thu Sep 25 23:14:15 EDT 2008

We recently received word that we've received a grant to increase health literacy among Head Start parents, with a primary goal of reducing nonurgent ER visits. We proposed to target one county that has a rather high nonurgent ER utilization rate. Many of the parents are Hispanic and a few are Marshall Islanders. One of the tools we proposed is a photonovella, primarily for the Hispanic parents. We'll be offering it in print, as well as on DVD as a slide show with an audio track, to reach any parents who may have literacy issues in their own language. I have never worked on a fotonovella before, and I'm thrilled to be working on this project.
I cannot access my notes from here at home or remember the location or details, but I recall a photonovella was used to encourage folic acid supplements for pregnant women in one project. I believe we cited it in the proposal.
I'm obviously interested in this string and any other advice, and will eventually post links to our fotonovella and other materials, as well as the results of the project.
Janet Sorensen, tech and educational writer
Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care


From: healthliteracy-bounces at on behalf of Laura Bair
Sent: Thu 9/25/2008 11:13 AM
To: The Health and Literacy Discussion List
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2330] Photo Novellas related to health

Hi all,
Our community has been working on a marketing plan to get the word out about improved patient-doctor communication and various chronic diseases. We are leaning toward using a photo novella approach in our marketing materials and of course making them health literacy friendly.

My questions to the group are:
-Does any one know of some good examples of photo novellas related to health and/or health care?
-Is anyone using these types of resources now? If so, what has the response been?

Thank you in advance!
Laura Bair
Grants Writer & Workplace Coordinator/
Health Literacy Task Force Chair
York County Literacy Council (YCLC)
800 E. King St.
York, PA 17403
717-845-8719 <>
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