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[HealthLiteracy 2287] Re: Educational materials for parents and teenson mental health issues

Julie McKinney

julie_mcKinney at
Wed Sep 10 10:03:01 EDT 2008

Hi Shirley,

This website Talking With Kids, includes information on discussing
everything BUT mental health, but click on the Resources button for a
listing of other places that might lead to you to some good information.

As you have probably noticed, "mental health literacy" is a very
resource-poor topic! I'd love to hear what folks recommend!

Good luck,

Julie McKinney
Health Literacy List Moderator
World Education
jmckinney at

>>> "Shirley Berger" <sberger1 at> 09/10/08 9:33 AM >>>


I'm interested in finding good educational materials on child mental
health topics that are written for parents/caregivers and also for the
children/teens themselves. In my work in child mental health services
in NYC, I am sometimes asked to recommend materials that providers can
give to families they work with (the latest example is a request for
materials that primary care physicians can distribute to families about
adolescent depression).

I have found helpful information on the following websites: <> ;
<> ;
<> ;
<> ;
<> ; <> . Some
are easier to navigate and offer more accessible information than
others. My office has also been involved in piloting a strategy to
engage NYC teens on mental health issues using social networking sites
(including MySpace ), and we
included fact sheets in that online campaign.

I'm interested in knowing whether anyone on this list has other
suggestions of written materials or websites in the area of child mental
health... or has any ideas about "mental health literacy" in general.


Shirley Berger, MA, MPH, CHES

Research and Policy Coordinator

Bureau of Child and Adolescent Services

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

93 Worth Street, Room 1210

New York, NY 10013

Tel: 212-219-5390

Fax: 212-219-5392

E-mail: sberger1 at

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