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[HealthLiteracy 2233] FW: spanish language materials on labor andchildbirth?

Rothenberg, Andrea

Andrea.Rothenberg at
Wed Aug 13 06:12:59 EDT 2008

I'm sure Lisa Bernstein, who developed Baby Basics, will respond to this. I know you are looking for a small booklet, but at least check out Baby Basics from the What to Expect Foundation. In Eng, Spanish and I believe Mandarin.... this is one of the best resources I have come across for low literacy. Accurate, simple, user friendly and colorful. What more can you ask for? Look up the "What to Expect" Foundation. I believe that is the website. Lisa, correct me if I'm wrong!

Andrea Rothenberg
Health Education
Mount Sinai Hospital


From: healthliteracy-bounces at on behalf of IFH Health Sciences Library
Sent: Tue 8/12/2008 6:29 PM
To: HealthLiteracy at
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2232] spanish language materials on labor andchildbirth?

I'm looking for some Spanish language materials on labor and childbirth. We really need something with pictures and somewhat compact--pamphlet or brochure type thing---maybe a small booklet.

Does anyone know of any source for this?


Melinda Byrns, MLS
Health Sciences Library
Inova Fairfax Hospital
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