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[HealthLiteracy 2217] Fwd: Re: Web Access

Elizabeth Horvath

Mhrsemh at
Thu Jul 31 11:29:33 EDT 2008

You will find that Marcia is not the only librarian lurking about. Consumer health and public librarians can make a subtle but important difference in how consumers of health information receive services, and at the same time influence providers of health services with support to communicate better.

Beti Horvath, MLS
Library Services
Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center
New Hampton NY 10958
mhrsemh at
Fax 845-374-8853

>>> <RKenyon721 at> 7/30/2008 6:24 pm >>>

Hello all,

I am Moderator for the Learning Disabilities Discussion List and am covering
for Julie McKinney during her absence.

I was so impressed with the recent message posted by Marcia Zorn. Such an
abundance of good information! How wonderful for this List to have a
reference librarian as a subscriber.

Rochelle Kenyon

Rochelle Kenyon, Ed.D.
Moderator, NIFL/LINCS Learning Disabilities Discussion List
Center for Literacy Studies at the University of Tennessee
_RKenyon721 at aol.com_ (mailto:RKenyon721 at

To post a message:
_Learningdisabilities at nifl.gov_ (mailto:Learningdisabilities at

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To read archived messages:

The following do not exactly address the question about resources/location
for information demonstrating how many persons with low health literacy and/or
low literacy skills have Internet access; but some of these reports update
the good resources Doug sent.

Nielsen released on July 8, 2008 the Nielsen "Three Screen Report,
Television, Internet and Mobile Usage in the U.S." (dated May 2008) which updates the
2004 numbers
( , - It's the first comparable
U.S. figures showing video and TV usage across the 'three screens' -
Television, Internet and Mobile devices.

A press release from Nielsen about it is at
_ ( . It
states that "Two hundred twenty million Americans have Internet access at home
and/or work and 73%, or 162 million went online in May...It highlights that
"watching video on the Internet is no longer a novelty; 119 million unique
viewers viewed 7.5 billion video streams in May 2008. In addition as of Q1
2008, 91 million Americans (36% of all mobile phone subscribers in the U.S.)
owned a video-capable phone. "

Another press release with stats is at
Tiny url = _ (

Newer NTIA report stats/chart is at

Also, "New Study Shows Internet Users 50+ Are Rapidly Closing the Digital
Divide with Booming Online Activity News release: 42% of users 50+ check the
Internet for news daily or
several times a day, compared to 18% of users under 20.

The complete study from The Center for the Digital Future and AARP is
available upon request
Highlights of the report are available here:
The full report is available for purchase _http://store.digitalcenter.org_

And to compare U.S. usage to other countries: "Digital World: State Of The
Internet" Report Highlights Growth in Emerging Internet Markets (by
comScore). U.S. Currently Accounts for 21 Percent of Worldwide Internet Users, Down
from 66 Percent in 1996

For those interested in the Social Media "movement," see Power to the
people, Social Media Tracker, Wave 3.0, March 2008 - Universal McCanns Global
Research Into Impact of Social Media project to measure consumer usage, attitudes
& interests in adopting social media platforms (stated
to be the largest exploration of its kind) "to provide the facts behind the

***Specifically about Literacy and Internet access:

There's a 2005 eGov report titled Improving Access to the Internet: A report
to the Congress...which discusses literacy (though not much) at

And you might be interested in these Web Junction links: Equity of Access:
Igniting a Passion for Change
_ (

I believe that if you search for statistics on the Digital Divide and
literacy, you'll find articles and LINKS that might interest you, like from
article: Congress Needs to Address the Digital Divide - 2005 - By Mark Lloyd
(October 6, 2005)
_ (http://www.ame

Definitely check with a local librarian about searching for statistics for

Marcia Zorn, Reference Librarian
National Library of Medicine

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