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[HealthLiteracy 2200] Re: One More Resource!

Laurie Cozzolino

cozzolino at
Wed Jul 30 14:24:24 EDT 2008

As a new member to this list, it is great to see all of these resources
available. I'm an ESL teacher and curriculum developer with a backgournd in
Health Education. Our proejct, Eating Well, Living Well is wrapping up
it's 6th year. Our USDA/Californai Department of Public Health funding
targeted low-income adult immigrants and thier teachers in Calforna, but now
that the grant is ending, we are eager to share the resources with a wider

Eating Well Living Well is a nutrtion education project for Adult ESL
learners, and all of our resources and materials are on the web site. The
project includes bakcrougmd informaitn and the research base, reosurces for
educators, online teahcer trianing for ESL teachers, and 24+ classroom
lessons with matierlas (to donwland and print). We will be launching a
self-c0ntained student online lesson in Sper,mber.


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