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[HealthLiteracy 2163] Re: Health Literacy Curriculum

Lilian Hill

lilian.hill at
Fri Jul 18 10:25:53 EDT 2008

Priscilla, I don't think there is a lot of awareness in education that
health is an adult learning issue. I was theme editor of a special issue of
Adult Learning, the practitioner-oriented publication of the American
Association of Adult and Continuing Education, and there are some excellent
articles in that issue including one by Rima Rudd that you may have
encountered in ERIC. I will include the Table of Contents so that you can
locate the others in ERIC.

Health Literacy is a Social Justice Issue that Affects Us All

Lilian H. Hill, Theme Editor

Adult Education and Public Health Partner to Address Health Literacy Needs

Rima E. Rudd

Knowledge Is Not Enough: Advancing Health Literacy through Lessons from

B. Allan Quigley

A Community-based Approach to Health Literacy using Participatory Research

Doris E. Gillis

Receta Medica: Communicating Medication Information across the
Language/Literacy Divide

Nancy R. Faux

Using Visuals to Communicate Medicine Information to Patients with Low

Ros Dowse

Life Skills to Life Saving: Health Literacy in Adult Education

Sandy Diehl

Lilian H. Hill
Assistant Professor of Adult Education
University of Southern Mississippi
#5027, 118 College Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
FAX 601-266-5141

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

Anais Nin


From: healthliteracy-bounces at
[mailto:healthliteracy-bounces at] On Behalf Of Priscilla Witte
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 12:23 AM
To: The Health and Literacy Discussion List
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2161] Re: Health Literacy Curriculum

Why is it that only two students from the school of education have taken
your class? I would have expected more. I also wonder why there are only
small handful of articles about health literacy in the ERIC database
(contrasted by the thousands in MEDLINE).

The 26 matches in ERIC include excellent articles by Rima Rudd and Lilian
Hill, and several other articles that appeared in health education and
school health journals, but it seems as if a literacy issue that affects the
quality and length of life should generate much interest. Since low levels
of health literacy takes a toll on the health care system in terms of costs,
and also takes a toll on underserved people in terms of suffering, wouldn't
it be a win-win situation to focus more on health literacy in adult
education centers. What needs to happen...better funding?

Priscilla Grace Witte
Northern Illinois University

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, Rima Rudd <rrudd at> wrote:

From: Rima Rudd <rrudd at>
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2138] Re: Health Literacy Curriculum
To: healthliteracy at
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 12:57 PM

Hi Julie,

This course is offered at the Harvard School of Public Health. Over the

students have come from the MPH program [students with an MD returning to

school for a public health degree;

more recently students who completed their

third year of medical school, taking a year off to do an MPH and then return

medical school] and
from the ScM program. I've had only two students come

over from the school of education.

Hope this is helpful.


Rima E. Rudd, ScD, MSPH

Department of Society, Human Development & Health

Harvard School of Public Health

677 Huntington Avenue

Boston MA 02115

Phone: 617 432 1135

fax: 617 432 3123


>>> "Julie McKinney" <julie_mcKinney at>

7/15/2008 1:44 PM >>>


What kind of people take this graduate course? Are they mostly from the

health or public health field, education, or other fields? Are they

usually at the beginning of their career or coming back to learn about

health literacy to help them in their current


I'm curious how people out there are using the different kinds of health

literacy trainings.




Health Literacy List Moderator

World Education

jmckinney at

>>> "Rima Rudd" <RRUDD at> 07/15/08 9:50

AM >>>

Hello again,

As many of you know, I developed a graduate course on health literacy

here at the Harvard School of Public Health in 1992 and have been

offering versions of such a course over the years. Here is a course

syllabus brief from this year's offering:

Health Literacy

Dr. Rima E. Rudd with Dr. Alexa McCray

Format: The course is designed as a discussion seminar. Participants

share responsibility for reading analyses and for presentations.

Participants are expected to engage in a site visit, to prepare an

observation report, and to develop a course project.



participants are introduced to the multi-layered links between

literacy and health. Course readings, projects, and discussions will

participants to:

1. Become familiar with national and international statistics on

literacy and health literacy with particular attention to functional


o Examine and assess functional literacy measures from the NALS,


o Examine and assess commonly used $B!F(Bhealth literacy$B!G(B


2. Explore links between literacy and health disparities

o Define vulnerable population groups

o Evaluate health outcome studies

3. Examine literacy related demands and barriers

o Apply and assess tools used to measure print materials

o Conduct analyses of materials and environments to identify

literacy related barriers

4. Become familiar with key health reports from the Department of Health

and Human Services, the Institute of Medicine, the Agency

for Healthcare

Research and Quality, the Educational Testing Service, and the Joint

Commission as well as selected white papers on
health literacy.

o Define health literacy and its scope

o Delineate research findings and gaps

5. Examine and assess an array of health literacy programs and studies

o Define underlying pedagogies

o Identify best practices

Course participants engage in and report on analysis of readings and

structured assignments to familiarize them with the environment of

health facilities and of the demands of health materials. Course

readings are drawn from key reports and texts. The required texts are

available at the coop. Reports can be downloaded from the appropriate

link on the internet. Finally, participants are expected to become

familiar with the HSPH Health Literacy website:

Required Texts:

$B!|(B Doak, Doak, Root, Teaching

Patients with Low Literacy Skills [on

line at ]

$B!|(B Purcell-Gates, Other People$B!G(Bs Words
[available at the coop]

$B!|(B IOM, Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion

at the coop and on-line].

Required Reports

$B!|(B MassINC: New Skills for a New Economy: Adult Education$B!G(Bs

Role in Sustaining Economic Growth and Expanding Opportunity.

$B!|(B NCSALL: Building a Level Playing Field: The Need to Expand and

Improve the National and State Adult Education and Literacy Systems


$B!|(B HALL/NCSALL: Health Literacy Study Circles [available at or under the

heading: curriculum]

$B!|(B Health and Human Services Publication: Communicating Health

$B!|(B Educational Testing Services: Literacy and Health in

America [link available on

under the heading: reports]


(B Educational
Testing Services: The International Adult Literacy

Surveys: Understanding What Was Measured []

$B!|(B Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Literacy and Health

Outcomes, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 87

$B!|(B The Joint Commission, $B!F(BWhat did the doctor say?$B!G(B:

Health Literacy to Protect Patient Safety.


Rima Rudd

Rima E. Rudd, ScD, MSPH

Department of Society, Human Development & Health

Harvard School of Public Health

677 Huntington Avenue

Boston MA 02115

Phone: 617 432 1135

fax: 617 432 3123



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