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[HealthLiteracy 2160] NPHIC solicits brief reports of HL activities

Don Rubin

drubin at
Thu Jul 17 23:56:25 EDT 2008

The National Public Health Information Coaliation ( is
seeking brief news reports (maximum 300 words) showcasing successful
health literacy practices and programs. The reports will appear in the
October issue of the NPHIC Newsletter.

NPHIC originated as an organization serving the chief U.S. state and
territorial public health information officers. Although NPHIC now
welcomes associate members from any jurisdiction or health
agency/organization (members of this list might want to check it out),
the mission remains "to make public health public."

Deadline for submitting a write-up is September 1. To submit, or to
inquire further, please contact Barbara Beiser, Colorado Department of
Health at barbara.beiser at

Don Rubin
Center for Health & Risk Communication
107 Paul D. Coverdell Center
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7394
phone: 706.542.3247
fax: 706.683.0853
email: drubin at

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