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[HealthLiteracy 2150] Re: Pediatric Literacy Issues

Lisa Bernstein

lisab at
Wed Jul 16 13:34:11 EDT 2008

The What To Expect Foundation is working right now on expanding our Baby
Basics Prenatal Health Literacy Program into the Baby's First Year of Life.
The program will include a lower literacy book, called "Families First Year
Basics" and training for pediatricians, nurses, clerical staff, as well as a
parenting/health literacy program for home visitors and early head start
educators. The training will provide strategies and tools for engaging
parents in their child's healthcare and empowering them to advocate for
their child's health.

>From our research for the program, we see that pediatricians, while

passionate about their young patients, have rarely been taught strategies
for partnering with parents (frequently falling back on their own parenting
experience or our book What To Expect The First Year for advice) - so when
those parents are underserved, low literacy, or do not speak English
pediatricians are on their own to develop communication skills.

Right now our materials and training will focus on pediatric health literacy
in general - eventually we hope to expand into chronic disease management.

If anyone is interested in serving on our advisory board or learning more as
this project continues please feel free to email me off line...

Read what USA TODAY says about The What To Expect Foundation by going to
this link:

Lisa Bernstein
Executive Director
The What To Expect Foundation
144 W. 80th Street
New York, NY 10024

Providing prenatal health and literacy support so that women in need know
what to expect when expecting.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:48 PM, Wendy Ayscue <wayscue at>

> As a Respiratory Therapist for 12 years I have had many pediatric patients

> with parents who were not always able to comprehend the information provided

> to them about their child or children. As an educator in an AAS degree

> Respiratory Therapy program, 21 months in length, I teach a

> Neonatal/Pediatric course. I have found that there is not a lot of room to

> add new content for things such as communication or comprehension of the

> information. I feel that it is extremely important that the students

> understand how they should approach a parent or a child who may be

> illiterate or low literate level when providing information about the care

> being provided. Does anyone have suggestions for an abbreviated course in

> communication/literacy skills that is specific to healthcare involving

> pediatric patients and family?


> Wendy Ayscue

> Respiratory Therapist/Educator


> Wendy W. Ayscue, BS, RRT, RCP

> Respiratory Therapy and Polysomnography

> Pitt Community College

> PO Drawer 7007

> Greenville, NC 27835


> Phone: 252-493-7378

> Fax: 252-321-4451

> Email: wayscue at




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