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[HealthLiteracy 2050] FW: New Comic from the Healthy Aboriginal Network: Staying in School

Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan

SiobhanChamp-Blackwell at
Wed Jun 4 09:46:15 EDT 2008

I just got this email from the American Indian Library Association
listserv. The website is not complete yet, but the link does take you to
information on how to order health literacy comic books.


Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
Community Outreach Liaison
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region
Creighton University Health Sciences Library
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
800-338-7657 in CO,KS,MO,NE,UT,WY
402-280-4156 outside the region
siobhan at <mailto:siobhan at> <> (Web Log)
(Digital Divide Network Profile)

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: American Indian Library Association
[mailto:AILA at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU] On Behalf Of Lana Harman
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:28 AM
Subject: New Comic from the Healthy Aboriginal Network: Staying in

The Healthy Aboriginal Network

Non-profit promotion of health, literacy & wellness

Here is the latest update on our health literacy comic books.

Staying in School

Level Up is about Terry, a kid who is contemplating dropping out of
school. But before he gets a chance, he's asked to spend some time with
his cousin Dave, a successful game developer in the city. Dave knows
better than to lecture Terry about school. So much so, he makes the
importance of school relatable - he compares it to character strengths
and weaknesses in a video game. Having put the importance of school
into terms he can understand, Terry is better able to make a decision
for his future. Pricing can be found at
All of our comics cost the same. Please send an email if you're
interested in previewing a low res PDF.

Diabetes prevention

An Invited Threat is about a young boy and what he likes to eat more
than anything - junk food. His family exercises and they eat together
at the table, but they don't always have time to prepare a healthy meal.
So they rely on prepared foods. It's about someone who has the ability
to change the dietary habits of his people - the local store manager.
The story was focus group tested with youth and health professionals for
its ability to convey the idea of what is, and what is not, healthy
food. Please send an email if you're interested in previewing a low res

Suicide prevention

Darkness Calls is the story of a teenager who is bullied at school, is
misunderstood by his teacher and feels socially isolated from his
family. Even though our hero, Kyle, has tremendous artistic talent and
the support of a good friend he finds one day just too overwhelming and
considers taking his own life. The story was focus group tested with
youth and health professionals (like all of our comics) for authentic
characters, storyline and language. Youth find the comic
non-threatening and relatable, so it's a terrific ice breaker to get
them talking about how they feel. Darkness Calls is about to go into
its fourth print run, having sold over 65,000 copies in the past two
years. Please send an email if you're interested in previewing a low
res PDF.

Gambling addiction

On the Turn is about a young woman that quite un-expectantly gets hooked
on poker at school. But through counselling at her local friendship
centre and the support of her parents, she is able to make amends to the
people she hurt the most - her family. Please send an email if you're
interested in previewing a low res PDF.

Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone who might be
interested. We appreciate your time.

Sean Muir

Executive Director

328 East Thirty Second Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 2Y4

P 604-876-0243 F 604-876-0248 sean at

BC incorporated non-profit Society No. S-48530

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