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[HealthLiteracy 2043] Re: Wednesday Question: Writing and Texting

Mindy Domb

mdomb at
Thu May 29 08:57:51 EDT 2008

FYI MobileActive is "an all-volunteer community of people and organizations using mobile phones for social impact, committed to increasing the effectiveness of NGOs around the world who recognize that the 3.5 billion mobile phones provide unprecedented opportunities for organizing, communications, and service and information delivery."

In terms of texting and health literacy and promoting health, here are some interesting links for those interested:

See <> <>

Lots of stuff here: <> - for example: <>
and see the entire section on health in this recent report: <>

And finally, projects using mobiles for health info, patient monitoring, etc: <> from MobileActive's database....

Mindy Domb
Director, SPHERE and The Statewide Homeless/HIV Integration Project (SH/HIP) programs of Health Care of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc.
PO Box 285
Amherst, MA 01004
Phone: 1-(800)-530-2770 ext.224 or (413)256-3406
Fax: (413)256-6371
E-Mail: mdomb at


From: healthliteracy-bounces at on behalf of Jan Potter
Sent: Thu 5/22/2008 2:30 PM
To: healthliteracy at
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2032] Wednesday Question: Writing and Texting

2 interesting articles on different aspects of this topic:

Nagging texts help teens remember to take meds

USA Today, 5/13/08

>From literacy to digiracy

May 16th 2008
The Economist, 5/16/08

Jan Potter, MSTC

Communications Specialist

Partnership for Health and Accountability

770-249-4549 <>

Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.
- Faith Whittlesey

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