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[HealthLiteracy 1857] Wednesday Question: How does health literacy help promote all-around literacy?

Julie McKinney

julie_mcKinney at
Wed Mar 19 15:15:34 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone,

As we all know, there has been a growing amount of enthusiasm for health literacy in recent years in a wide variety of disciplines. It has caught the attention of researchers, health promotion organizations, libraries, hospitals, and student leadership organizations, among many others.

It seems to create a buzz that has alerted the country about the need for literacy improvement in such a large portion of our population. The adult literacy field has been working tremendously hard for many years to address inadequate literacy, and I have heard some suggest that health literacy has been able to galvanize more awareness and support for general literacy needs in a way that the field has been hoping to achieve. Perhaps this is because more people can relate to health literacy than general inadequate literacy?

What do you all think about this? Is this true? In what ways? Why? How can we keep it happening?


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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