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[HealthLiteracy 1671] Re: Wednesday Question: Health Literacy andMarketing

Joan Medlen

joan at
Thu Jan 17 14:04:12 EST 2008

At 07:49 AM 1/17/2008, you wrote:

>My apologies for looking "below the surface" for the advertising

>opportunities that can be used on consumers.

Hi Bonnie,

I wouldn't apologize for that. It's part of the whole picture.

My thing is that no one is exempt from that piece - whether for-profit or
non-profit. Offering a service brings you to that organization. It's
marketing. Period. And if you offer an incentive, well, is that different
than offering further service once they are there as a nonprofit?

the question is how it is presented once they are there. And that is going
to vary from employee to employee, and will depend on what is in the
training piece involved prior to the visit.

I think the bigger question is HOW are they making this information more
understandable to the people who come to the pharmacy? What is the process?
Are they prepared for those who cannot follow verbal instruction? Need a
different language? Use sign language? Have learning disabilities?

It'd be good to know more about the training leading up to the marketing

Joan Guthrie Medlen, RD, LD
Project Director, Creating Solutions
Clinical Advisor for Health Literacy, Special Olympics, Healthy Athletes

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