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[HealthLiteracy 1664] Re: Medical School curriculum

Janet Sorensen

Jsorensen at
Thu Jan 17 10:27:21 EST 2008

Thanks for sharing the link!

-----Original Message-----
From: healthliteracy-bounces at
[mailto:healthliteracy-bounces at] On Behalf Of Julie McKinney
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:48 AM
To: healthliteracy at
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 1662] Re: Medical School curriculum

Thanks, Andrew!

Many of you out there wrote in to say "put me on the list", thinking
that we were making a list of people to send this curriculum list out
to. But you can just access it online at the address Andrew gave:

Please send other relevant curriculum or syllabi you have if they are
not on this list! Send them to Andrew at:

pleasant at

What a great resource!

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

>>> Andrew Pleasant <pleasant at> 01/15/08 6:28 PM >>>

Hi everyone,

First, sorry . I wrote this a while ago .. but somehow it never made it
out of my out box.

So, the message was ... in between the in betweens on my calendar and
the end of the semester, I pulled together the various submissions for
syllabus/ curricula on health literacy as per the earlier discussion.

You can find the collection I have received to date at ...

There aren't that many actually - so I suspect it may not a complete
list. I will update this as I receive more submissions .. so keep them
coming! If I missed any earlier contributions, apologies and do let me
know if that was the case and I'll correct asap.

Best wishes,

Andrew Pleasant


Andrew Pleasant
Assistant Professor
Department of Human Ecology
Extension Department of Family and Community Health Sciences Rutgers,
the State University of New Jersey Cook Office Building, 55 Dudley Road
#207 New Brunswick, NJ 08901
phone: 732-932-9153 x. 320; fax: 732-932-6667
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