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[HealthLiteracy 1656] Re: ESOL Health Literacy Curricula - what'salready out there? What went well and what didn't?

Sandra J.Diehl, MPH

diehl at
Fri Jan 11 10:48:23 EST 2008

You may want to check out the Expecting the Best curriculum, which is
designed for high beginner/low intermediate ESL students
( It covers health care navigation skills and

I also really like Kate Singleton's picture stories, which are
available on-line; I know many of the ESL instructors that I've worked
with also find them useful.

Sandy Diehl, MPH
Project Director
Expecting the Best
diehl at

Quoting "Johnston-Lloyd, Linda (HRSA)" <LJohnston-Lloyd at>:



> In case you are not familiar with the new Unified Health Communication

> Course.


> Linda Johnston Lloyd, HRSA Health Literacy Coordinator ~HRSA Center for

> Quality ~ Room 7-100 5600 Fishers Lane ~ Rockville, MD 20857

> p: 301-443-0831~ f: 301-443-9795 ljohnston-lloyd at ~




> -----Original Message-----

> From: healthliteracy-bounces at

> [mailto:healthliteracy-bounces at] On Behalf Of Steinbacher Mikal

> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:50 AM

> To: frostj at; The Health and Literacy Discussion List

> Subject: RE: [HealthLiteracy 1637] ESOL Health Literacy Curricula -

> what'salready out there? What went well and what didn't?


> The two colleges I teach at both use the StandOut series by Staci Lyn

> Sabbagh and Rob Jenkins, published by Thomson/Heinle. There is a unit

> in all four levels of the text that address health issues. The series

> also has a test bank that provides ESOL assessment support. I usually

> augment the class with a visit from an RN who shares how to plan for

> doctor visits and so they get the most out of the trip to the Dr., and

> articles I've gathered over the years. I often have a CPR trainer come

> and train and certify the students.


> Mikal Steinbacher

> Instructor, ABE/ESL/English

> Lake Washington Technical College


> ________________________________


> From: healthliteracy-bounces at on behalf of Jordana Frost

> Sent: Fri 1/4/2008 5:06 AM

> To: healthliteracy at

> Subject: [HealthLiteracy 1637] ESOL Health Literacy Curricula -

> what'salready out there? What went well and what didn't?




> Hello!


> Has anyone worked with specific ESOL Health Literacy Curricula available

> out there? We are looking for:


> -resources currently available


> -anecdotal feedback from teachers and/or students about the "health

> literacy for ESOL students" topic


> -examples of evaluation forms and pre-/post- knowledge assessment

> questionnaires for such curricula


> Any help will be appreciated... Thanks!



> Jordana Frost

> Health Literacy Project Coordinator

> Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc.

> Fax: (407) 246-7104

> Ph.: (407) 361-6267




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